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A new concept in the design of switched-mode power conversion circuitry is presented. Because of its extreme simplicity, flexibility, and efficiency, it has the potential to replace some conventional electrical power processing methods currently in use. A thorough discussion of the background, development, and operation of the ?uk converter and several of its extensions is included. The coupled-inductor technique further improves efficiency and reduces size and weight. The basic converter and its extensions to two-quadrant and four-quadrant operation are attractive for many applications, i.e., solar (dc) to utility line (ac) power conversion, variable speed dc or ac motor drives, switching power supplies, uninterruptible power supplies, and many others.  相似文献   
This paper presents two algorithms for determining the most reliable paths of a communication network, taking into account both the reliabilities of nodes and links. A network is modeled by a linear graph. The first algorithm adapts a node labeling scheme; second is based on the shortest-path matrix algorithm. Both algorithms can be applied to oriented and nonoriented nonsymetric networks. The numerical examples confirm that both algorithms efficiently handle networks with hundreds of nodes and edges. The total amount of computation, expressed by the number of multiplications and comparisons, increases in the labeling procedure with the square of the number of nodes, and in the matrix method with the cube of the number of nodes.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of the essential oil of the needles and twigs of dwarf pine (Pinus mugo Turra) growing wild in Serbia was investigated. The oil was analysed by GC/MS and the major constituents found were δ‐3‐carene (23.9%), α‐pinene (17.9%), β‐pinene (7.8%) and β‐phellandrene (7.2%). Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Knowledge of the deformation properties of the rock mass is essential for the stress–strain analysis of structures such as dams, tunnels,...  相似文献   
Nowadays a large variety of applications are based on solid nanoparticles dispersed in liquids—so called nanofluids. The interaction between the fluid and the nanoparticles plays a decisive role in the physical properties of the nanofluid. A novel approach based on the nonradiative energy transfer between two small luminescent nanocrystals (GdVO4:Nd3+ and GdVO4:Yb3+) dispersed in water is used in this work to investigate how temperature affects both the processes of interaction between nanoparticles and the effect of the fluid on the nanoparticles. From a systematic analysis of the effect of temperature on the GdVO4:Nd3+ → GdVO4:Yb3+ interparticle energy transfer, it can be concluded that a dramatic increase in the energy transfer efficiency occurs for temperatures above 45 °C. This change is properly explained by taking into account a crossover existing in diverse water properties that occurs at about this temperature. The obtained results allow elucidation on the molecular arrangement of water molecules below and above this crossover temperature. In addition, it is observed that an energy transfer process is produced as a result of interparticle collisions that induce irreversible ion exchange between the interacting nanoparticles.  相似文献   
The recent flooding in the North–East of Scotland has highlighted issues around climate change due to significant changes in duration, severity and volume of precipitation events. The Planning (PA) and Flood Authorities (FA) often do not have the capacity or resources to review and check the accuracy and robustness of the SUD schemes nor the calculations submitted by developers. This study demonstrates the development and application of an Independent Hydrology Audit (IHA) service aimed at auditing and reviewing ‘in principle’ planning applications from the aspect of flooding risk to the wider community the development is located within. The output of this service is to establish a more accurate representation of surface water impact from developments through the use of adequate green/blue infrastructure, provide a greater assurance to the communities at risk of flooding, and help the PA and FA meet their statutory obligations at the initial stage of planning.  相似文献   
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