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Nowadays a large variety of applications are based on solid nanoparticles dispersed in liquids—so called nanofluids. The interaction between the fluid and the nanoparticles plays a decisive role in the physical properties of the nanofluid. A novel approach based on the nonradiative energy transfer between two small luminescent nanocrystals (GdVO4:Nd3+ and GdVO4:Yb3+) dispersed in water is used in this work to investigate how temperature affects both the processes of interaction between nanoparticles and the effect of the fluid on the nanoparticles. From a systematic analysis of the effect of temperature on the GdVO4:Nd3+ → GdVO4:Yb3+ interparticle energy transfer, it can be concluded that a dramatic increase in the energy transfer efficiency occurs for temperatures above 45 °C. This change is properly explained by taking into account a crossover existing in diverse water properties that occurs at about this temperature. The obtained results allow elucidation on the molecular arrangement of water molecules below and above this crossover temperature. In addition, it is observed that an energy transfer process is produced as a result of interparticle collisions that induce irreversible ion exchange between the interacting nanoparticles.  相似文献   
The recent flooding in the North–East of Scotland has highlighted issues around climate change due to significant changes in duration, severity and volume of precipitation events. The Planning (PA) and Flood Authorities (FA) often do not have the capacity or resources to review and check the accuracy and robustness of the SUD schemes nor the calculations submitted by developers. This study demonstrates the development and application of an Independent Hydrology Audit (IHA) service aimed at auditing and reviewing ‘in principle’ planning applications from the aspect of flooding risk to the wider community the development is located within. The output of this service is to establish a more accurate representation of surface water impact from developments through the use of adequate green/blue infrastructure, provide a greater assurance to the communities at risk of flooding, and help the PA and FA meet their statutory obligations at the initial stage of planning.  相似文献   
The RC4 is a stream cipher widely deployed in software applications due to its simplicity and efficiency. The paper presents a cryptanalytic attack that employs the tree representation of this cipher and introduces an abstraction in the form of general conditions for managing the information about its internal state. In order to find the initial state, the tree of general conditions is searched applying the hill-climbing strategy. The complexity of this attack is lower than that of an exhaustive search. The attack is derived from a general cryptanalytic approach for a class of table-shuffling ciphers, whose next-state function permutes the table entries. Incorporating the general conditions in the existing backtracking algorithm, the estimated complexity of the cryptanalytic attack is decreased below the best published result but the RC4 still remains a quite secure cipher in practice.  相似文献   
Planning and production optimization within multiple mines or several work sites (entities) mining systems by using fuzzy linear programming (LP) was studied.LP is the most commonly used operations research methods in mining engineering.After the introductory review of properties and limitations of applying LP,short reviews of the general settings of deterministic and fuzzy LP models are presented.With the purpose of comparative analysis,the application of both LP models is presented using the example of the Bauxite Basin Niksic with five mines.After the assessment,LP is an efficient mathematical modeling tool in production planning and solving many other single-criteria optimization problems of mining engineering.After the comparison of advantages and deficiencies of both deterministic and fuzzy LP models,the conclusion presents benefits of the fuzzy LP model but is also stating that seeking the optimal plan of production means to accomplish the overall analysis that will encompass the LP model approaches.  相似文献   
This paper describes the application of principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) to identify the reference spectra of a pharmaceutical tablet's constituent compounds from Raman spectroscopic data. The analysis shows, first with a simulated data set and then with data collected from a pharmaceutical tablet, that both PCA and ICA are able to identify most of the features present in the reference spectra of the constituent compounds. However, the results suggest that the ICA method may be more appropriate when attempting to identify unknown reference spectra from a sample. The resulting PCA and ICA models are subsequently used to estimate the relative concentrations of the constituent compounds and to produce spatial distribution images of the analyzed tablet. These images provide a visual representation of the spatial distribution of the constituent compounds throughout the tablet. Images associated with the ICA scores are found to be more informative and not as affected by measurement noise as the PCA based score images. The paper concludes with a discussion of the future work that needs to be undertaken for ICA to gain wider acceptance in the applied spectroscopy community.  相似文献   
The benefits of Raman signal enhancement and improved measurement precision are demonstrated using 180° backscattering Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman) spectroscopy from drilled cylindrical-conical holes within pharmaceutical tablet cores. Multiple scattering of the incident laser light within the holes results in an increased Raman signal due to the larger Raman sampling volume. This is important for overcoming typical sub-sampling issues encountered when employing FT-Raman backscattering of heterogeneous pharmaceutical tablets. Hole depth and diameter were found to be important experimental parameters and were optimized to yield the greatest signal enhancement. The FT-Raman spectra collected using backscattering from cylindrical-conical holes is compared to typical 180° backscattering from flat surfaces using tablet cores of Excedrin? and Vivarin?. Raman chemical images are used to establish a representative sampling area. We observe a three- to five-fold increase in the Raman intensity and a two-fold improvement in the measurement precision when sampling from cylindrical-conical holes rather than classic backscattering from flat tablet cores. Self-absorption effects on analyte band ratios are negligible in the fingerprint region but are more significant at the higher near-infrared (NIR) absorbances found in the C-H/O-H/-N-H stretching region. The sampling technique will facilitate developing quantitative FT-Raman methods for application to pharmaceutical tablets using the fingerprint spectral region.  相似文献   
正为什么过去百年间最令人兴奋的剧场盛事总是发生在正规场所之外?建筑如何才能超越自身卑微的命运,摆脱那种限制各种可能的宿命?近年来,世界各地的演艺中心数目渐增,但不知何故,这些演艺中心似乎达成一种共识,呈现出雷同的空间组合:一座约2 000席的大型演艺厅和一个1 500席的中型剧院,再加上一个黑盒子剧场。标志性的外形掩饰以典型19世纪做法为基础的  相似文献   
The objective of this investigation is to assess the influence of graphite reinforcement on tribological behavior of ZA-27 alloy. The composite with 2 wt% of graphite particles was produced by the compocasting procedure. Tribological properties of unreinforced alloy and composite were studied, using block-on-disk tribometer, under dry and lubricated sliding conditions at different specific loads and sliding speeds. The worn surfaces of the samples were examined by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The obtained results revealed that ZA-27/graphite composite specimens exhibited significantly lower wear rate and coefficient of friction than the matrix alloy specimens in all the combinations of applied loads (F n ) and sliding speeds (v) in dry and lubricated tests. The positive tribological effects of graphite reinforcement of ZA-27 in dry sliding tests were provided by the tribo-induced graphite film on the contact surface of composite. In test conditions, characterized by the small graphite content and modest sliding speeds and applied loads, nonuniform tribo-induced graphite films were formed leading to the increase of the friction coefficient and wear rate, with increase of the sliding speed and applied load. In conditions of lubricated sliding, the very fine graphite particles formed in the contact interface mix with the lubricating oil forming the emulsion with improved tribological characteristics. Smeared graphite decreased the negative influence of F n on tribological response of composites, what is manifested by the mild regime of the boundary lubrication, as well as by realization of the mixed lubrication at lower values of the v/F n ratio, with respect to the matrix alloy.  相似文献   
Application of GPS in mining and geology has proved to be of ever increasing importance since recently. GPS is used for positioning both researching and exploitation drill holes, mining facilities, equipment, machines, when monitoring slopes and falls, mining facilities dimensioning, navigation of machines, roads tracing, etc. The paper presents a pilot system for surveillance and monitoring of energetic and technological parameters at open pit mines, developed at the “Jazovnik” open pit mine for experimental purposes. __________ Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 4, pp. 90–94, July–August, 2008.  相似文献   
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