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In this work, tin ferrite nanoparticles were first synthesized by simple chemical procedures such as co precipitation, sol–gel auto combustion and hydrothermal methods. In general, all three methods were compared in the synthesis of nanoparticles. Then tin ferrite–tin oxide (50%:50%) nanocomposites were prepared using co precipitation method. Crystal structures of nanoparticles and nanocomposite were studied using X-ray diffraction pattern. The particle size was determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Vibrating sample magnetometer was used to study the magnetic property of the products. And also, by applying Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, the purity of the material was determined. Photocatalytic activity of nanoparticles and nanocomposites was investigated under ultra-violet and visible spectroscopy (UV–Vis). The results show that prepared nanocomposites are applicable for magnetic and photocatalytic performance and they were able to degrade azo dyes (organic dyes) under UV–Vis radiation.  相似文献   
A low cost supercritical CO2 foaming rig with a novel design has been used to prepare fully interconnected and highly porous biodegradable scaffolds with controllable pore size and structure that can promote cancellous bone regeneration. Porous polymer scaffolds have been produced by plasticising the polymer with high pressure CO2 and by the formation of a porous structure following the escape of CO2 from the polymer. Although, control over pore size and structure has been previously reported as difficult with this process, the current study shows that control is possible. The effects of processing parameters such as CO2 saturation pressure, time and temperature and depressurisation rate on the morphological properties, namely porosity, pore interconnectivity, pore size and wall thickness- of the scaffolds have been investigated. Poly(d,l)lactic acid was used as the biodegradable polymer. The surfaces and internal morphologies of the poly(d,l)lactic acid scaffolds were examined using optical microscope and micro computed tomography. Preosteoblast human bone cells were seeded on the porous scaffolds in vitro to assess cell attachment and viability. The scaffolds showed a good support for cell attachment, and maintained cell viability throughout 7 days in culture. This study demonstrated that the morphology of the porous structure can be controlled by varying the foaming conditions, allowing the porous scaffolds to be used in various tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   
The production of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) by amino acid is one of the most attractive and interesting subjects in nanobiotechnology. In this study, amino acids have been utilised as a reducing agent and also an agent for capping GNPs. The GNPs were prepared using a reduction solution containing gold cations with optimum concentration of gold salt (5?mM), and also functionalised by glutamic acid, phenylalanine and tryptophan with optimum concentration of amino acids (25?mM). The optimum condition of gold solution and amino acids were achieved by ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy. The size of nanoparticles was obtained 5–20, 10–20 and 20–30?nm, respectively, by transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering techniques. The results obtained from experimental and quantum calculations confirm that amino acids have strong bond while they have anion binding. Moreover, the free carboxylic groups of capped GNPs are one of the suitable and capable beads for binding biological agents. As a result, the medical applications of amino acids and proteins can be used as a practical method due to the strong interaction of peripheral amine groups with nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Volleyball premier league (VPL) simulating some phenomena of volleyball game has been presented recently. This powerful algorithm uses such racing and interplays between teams within a season. Furthermore, the algorithm imitates the coaching procedure within a game. Therefore, some volleyball metaphors, including substitution, coaching, and learning, are used to find a better solution prepared by the VPL algorithm. However, the learning phase has the largest effect on the performance of the VPL algorithm, in which this phase can lead to making the VPL stuck in optimal local solution. Therefore, this paper proposed a modified VPL using sine cosine algorithm (SCA). In which the SCA operators have been applied in the learning phase to obtain a more accurate solution. So, we have used SCA operators in VPL to grasp their advantages resulting in a more efficient approach for finding the optimal solution of the optimization problem and avoid the limitations of the traditional VPL algorithm. The propounded VPLSCA algorithm is tested on the 25 functions. The results captured by the VPLSCA have been compared with other metaheuristic algorithms such as cuckoo search, social-spider optimization algorithm, ant lion optimizer, grey wolf optimizer, salp swarm algorithm, whale optimization algorithm, moth flame optimization, artificial bee colony, SCA, and VPL. Furthermore, the three typical optimization problems in the field of designing engineering have been solved using the VPLSCA. According to the obtained results, the proposed algorithm shows very reasonable and promising results compared to others.

以氧化石墨烯(GO)、聚氨酯(PU)和亲水性聚2-丙烯酰胺-2 -甲基丙烷磺酸(PAMPS)为原料,制备出无支撑的PU基复合膜和PAMPS基复合膜.研究氧化石墨烯聚合物基膜用于含极性材料废液如水、氨水、以及含非极性二氯甲烷和氨-二氯甲烷混合废液的渗透行为.采用不同表征方法如X射线衍射仪(XRD)、接触角、场发射扫描电子...  相似文献   
Unmodified polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has low thermal stability and high hardness. Therefore, using plasticizers as well as thermal stabilizers is inevitable, while it causes serious environmental and health issues. In this work, for the first time, pure food-grade PVC with potential biomedical applications is processed and 3D printed. Samples are successfully 3D printed using different printing parameters, including velocity, raster angle, nozzle diameter, and layer thickness, and their mechanical properties are investigated in compression, bending, and tension modes. Scanning electron microscopy is also used to evaluate the bonding and microstructure of the printed layers. Among the mentioned printing parameters, raster angle and printing velocity influence the mechanical properties significantly, whereas the layer thickness and nozzle diameter has a little effect. Images from scanning electron microscopy  also reveal that printing velocity greatly affects the final part's quality regarding defective voids and rasters’ bonding. The maximum tensile strength of 88.55 MPa is achieved, which implies the superiority of 3D-printed PVC mechanical properties compared to other commercial filaments. This study opens an avenue to additively manufacture PVC that is the second most-consumed polymer with cost-effective and high-strength features.  相似文献   
Two-phase flow is a common phenomenon in the energy industry, where flow patterns significantly affect heat transfer and pressure drop in different systems. However, there is no unique or comparable flow map because of its dependency on dimensional parameters. Therefore, an analysis using dimensionless numbers makes the results comprehensive. To do so, a series of liquid–liquid flow experiments (1296 experiments) were conducted in a transparent pipe at the different velocities of the phases. The flow patterns were captured using a high-speed camera. The experiments were performed at eight different inclinations within the range of −20 to +20 degrees. Six flow patterns are observed at different inclinations; stratified flow with mixing at the interface (STMI), dispersion of water in oil (Dw/o), dispersion of oil in water (Do/w), dual continuous (DC), slug, and wavy stratified (WST), where the first five flow patterns are presented in the upward flow and the two last flow patterns disappear in some of the downward flow. The pattern of boundaries for each flow pattern in the upward flow shows dependency on inclination, while in the downward flow condition, a rather general format can be applied to most of the patterns. The analysis illustrates that gravity and buoyancy forces are the dominating forces in the system compared to other forces, such as viscous, inertia, and interfacial tension, which are due to the inclination of the pipe.  相似文献   
Calcium looping process is a promising approach for CO2 capture from the flue gas of fossil fuel power plants and the cement industry. Even though the advantages of calcium-based sorbents are low cost and high uptake capacity, they suffer from low durability during cycles. Modified sorbents were fabricated by adding alumina and zirconia and the mixture of alumina and zirconia to calcium oxide via the co-precipitation method. The performance of synthesized sorbents in terms of stability and CO2 capture capacity were evaluated using a fixed bed reactor in various CO2 sorption/desorption cycles. The sorbents were fabricated by a co-precipitation methodology using 10% binders (alumina and/or silica). X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET/BJH, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were conducted for characterization of synthesized sorbents. CaO-10% ZrO2 showed the best performance among the fabricated sorbents in terms of stability during 5 cycles and CO2 capacity (14 mmol CO2/g sorbent). The formation of CaZrO3 with a perovskite structure and high-temperature resistance could be attributed to well performance of zirconia-supported sorbent. On the other hand, no sign of aluminum zirconate formation was approved in XRD analysis for the fabricated sorbent using mixed binders of zirconia and alumina to enhance its stability during cycles.  相似文献   
岩石力学特性的估计在各种岩土工程中非常重要, 这些特征主要受岩石微细结构特征的影响. 为了将织构系数与力学性能联系起来, 测量了干容重、有效孔隙率、点荷载指数、施密特回弹硬度、单轴抗压强度和织构系数. 根据ASTM和ISRM标准从Kalidromo (希腊中部)采集了包括9块石灰岩和11块泥岩在内的20块沉积岩样品, 进行了全面的实验室测试, 对其矿物学和岩石学性质、结构特征及X射线衍射进行了研究, 并对所得结果进行了统计描述和分析. 纹理系数的最大值为0.13, 最小值为0.50. 颗粒含量较高岩石的值最高. 采用回归分析的方法研究了结构系数与工程性能之间的关系. 建立了经验方程并选取了最佳的决定系数, 结果表明, 所有工程特性与纹理系数具有良好的相关性.  相似文献   
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites are materials that have been acceptably used for the external reinforcement of structural load carrying elements such as reinforced concrete (RC) columns. When subjected to axial compression loads, columns longitudinally strengthened with CFRP sheets undergo buckling and debonding of their longitudinal CFRP strips as their failure modes. The present study investigates the efficiency of the new technique called “externally bonded reinforcement in/on grooves” (EBRIOG) on square RC columns strengthened with longitudinal FRP composites when subjected to cyclic axial compression loading, and examines whether EBRIOG delays the buckling and debonding of longitudinal CFRP sheets. Another aspect of the study involves investigation of the influence of the recently developed corner strip‐batten (CSB) technique on confining specimens. In the CSB technique, CFRP battens used for transverse strengthening tend to stretch as entirely straight sheets like what occurs with flat coupons, as they do not tolerate any curvature. In order to compare the above‐mentioned techniques and the conventional ones, 12 square column specimens (150 × 150 × 900 mm3) are subjected to cyclic axial compression. The experiment parameters consist of the method used for longitudinal strengthening and the technique utilized for confining the specimens. The results exhibit improved efficiency of square RC columns (as realized by their peak load, ductility indices, energy dissipation, equivalent damping factor, secant stiffness, and average compressive stress of longitudinal composite sheets) when the EBRIOG and CSB techniques are employed simultaneously. For instance, the column strengthened through the CSB and EBRIOG method exhibits increases of 192 and 72% in its ductility and load carrying capacity, respectively, compared to those of the unstrengthened one.  相似文献   
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