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A solid freeform fabrication (SFF) system using selective laser sintering (SLS) is currently recognized as a leading process of fabrication using variable materials, and SLS extends the application to machinery and automobiles. Due to the time delay in the sintering process, shrinkage and warping often occur. Curling also occurs due to laser and scan delays. These problems affect not only the accuracy of the fabricated product but also the total system efficiency. These deficiencies can be overcome by reducing the total processing time of the SFF system. To accomplish this, the laser scanning time, from mark (laser on) to jump (laser off), must be reduced as it contributes the major part of the total processing time. This can be done by employing area division scan path generation, which promotes digital efficiency. A simulation and an experiment was carried out in this study to evaluate the developed scan path method. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Dae-Eun Kim Kyung-Hyun Choi received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Pusan National University, Korea, in 1983 and 1990,. He then received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Ottawa in 1995. Dr. Choi is currently a professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering at Cheju National University, Korea. His research interests include micro-machining, printed Electronics. Hyung-Chan Kim received his B. S. and M. S. degrees in Electronics Engineering from Cheju National University, Korea, in 2006 and 2008, respectively. Mr. Kim is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Electronics Engineering at Cheju National University, Korea. His research interests include RP System, micro-machining, printed Electronics. Yang-Hoi Doh received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electronics Engineering from KyungBuk National University, Korea, in 1982 and 1984, respectively. He then received his Ph.D. degree from University of Kyung Buk National University, Korea, in 1988. Dr. Doh is currently a Professor at the School of Electronics Engineering at Cheju National University, Korea. His research interests include micro-machining, Digital signal processing. Dong-Soo Kim received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Yung Nam University, Korea, in 1991 and 2001, respectively. Dr. Kim is currently the general manager at Nano Mechanical System Research Division at Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials. His research interests include printed Electronics, R2R printing, RP system.  相似文献   
This paper considers the loading problem for flexible manufacturing systems with highly flexible partial machine grouping, i.e., machines are tooled differently, but each operation can be assigned to multiple machines. Loading is the problem of allocating operations and their associated cutting tools to machines for a given set of parts. As an extension of the existing studies, we consider unrelated machines, i.e., processing time of an operation depends on the speed of the machine to which it is allocated, and dedicated machines, i.e., certain part types must be processed on a specific machine. Also, we consider the constraints associated with cutting tools: (a) tool life restrictions and (b) number of available tool copies. An integer linear programming model is suggested for the objective of balancing the workloads assigned to machines and then due to the complexity of the problem, we suggest two-stage heuristics in which an initial solution is obtained using modified bin-packing algorithms and then it is improved by a simple search technique. The two-stage heuristics suggested in this study were tested on various test instances, and the results show that they can give reasonable quality solutions within a very short amount of computation time. Also, a sensitivity analysis was done on the tightness of the tooling constraints, and the results are reported.  相似文献   
A new tomographic PTV (Tomo-PTV) was proposed, and then its performance was compared with that of tomographic PIV (Tomo-PIV). To construct the new tomographic PTV for calculation of vector fields, an affine transformation was introduced. The vectors obtained by match probability method were used as the initial data for the final vectors. Four camera-based tomographic PTV and PIV systems were constructed. By introducing a new factor called degree of reality, the real particles were easily separated from the ghost particle groups. Two flow fields, a ring vortex and an impinging jet, were measured by the constructed tomographic PTV and the conventional tomographic PIV. Eight image frames (two consecutive image frames for each camera) were used for the construction of threedimensional voxel images. The construction method used for the voxel images was MLOS-MART.  相似文献   
Nanopowders of Fe, Al and Fe2O3 are fabricated by high energy ball milling. Using the pulsed current activated sintering method, the densification of nanocrystalline Fe2Al5 and Al2O3 reinforced Fe2Al5 composites were simultaneously synthesized and consolidated within two minutes from mechanically activated powders. The advantage of this process is that it allows very quick densification to near theoretical density and prohibition of grain growth in nanostuctured materials. Nanocrystalline materials have received much attention as advanced engineering materials with improved physical and mechanical properties. As nanomaterials possess high strength, high hardness, excellent ductility and toughness, undoubtedly, more attention has been paid to the application of nanomaterials. Not only the hardness but also the fracture toughness of the Fe2Al5-Al2O3 composite was higher than that of monolithic Fe2Al5 due to the addition of the hard phase of Al2O3 and the crack deflection by Al2O3.  相似文献   
Nanocrystalline materials have received much attention as advanced engineering materials with improved physical and mechanical properties. As nanomaterials possess high strength, high hardness, excellent ductility and toughness, undoubtedly, more attention has been paid for the application of nanomaterials. Nanopowders of MgO, Al2O3 and SiO2 were made by high energy ball milling. The simultaneous synthesis and consolidation of nanostuctured MgAl2O4-MgSiO3 composites from milled 2MgO, Al2O3 and SiO2 powders was investigated by the pulsed current activated sintering process. The advantage of this process is that it allows very quick densification to near theoretical density and inhibition of grain growth. Highly dense nanostructured MgAl2O4-MgSiO3 composites were produced with a simultaneous application of 80 MPa pressure and a pulsed current of 2000A within 1min. The fracture toughness of MgAl2O4-Mg2SiO4 composites sintered from 60 mol%MgO-20 mol%Al2O3-20mol%SiO2 powders milled for 4 h was 3.2MPa·m1/2. The fracture toughness of MgAl2O4-MgSiO3 composite is higher than that of monolithic MgAl2O4.  相似文献   
While various types of capital have been identified and studied as drivers of economic development, recent arguments surrounding social capital in particular have led to calls for greater attention to its role in economic development within a country. Thus, we examine social capital relative to its impact on economic development at the country level. We employ a generalized social capital index (based on measures of trust, associational activities, and civic norms) to test hypotheses suggesting a positive relationship between social capital and economic development, while also considering the impact of social capital on entrepreneurship and on human capital as intermediary effects on economic development. In general, we examine the relationship between core constructs of social capital and economic development within and across 47 selected countries. Findings reveal strong support for the hypothesized relationships, with important implications for policy direction and future research.  相似文献   
Colloidal nickel (Ni) nanocrystals were used to direct the synthesis of crystalline silicon (Si) nanowires in an organic solvent. The reaction temperatures ranged from 400 degrees C to 520 degrees C with pressures from 14.3 to 23.4 MPa, conditions that are well above the critical point of the solvent. The Ni nanocrystals play two roles in the synthesis: (1) Ni catalyzes the decomposition of the silicon precursors, i.e., arylsilanes, alkylsilanes, and trisilane, to silicon; (2) Ni nanocrystals induce silicon crystallization through the solid-phase alloying of Si in the Ni seeds. We call this nanowire growth mechanism supercritical fluid-solid-solid (SFSS) synthesis.  相似文献   
A dense nanostructured MoSi2-SiC-Si3N4 composite was sintered by the high frequency induction heating method within 2 min from mechanically activated powder of Mo2N, Mo2C and Si. Highly dense MoSi2-SiC-Si3N4 composite was produced under simultaneous application of a 80 MPa pressure and the induced current. Mechanical properties and grain size of the composite were investigated. The average hardness and fracture toughness values obtained were 1420 kg/mm2 and 4.5 MPa m1/2, respectively.  相似文献   
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