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Using a completely digital environment for the entire imaging process leads to new possibilities for optimisation of radiography since many restrictions of screen/film systems, such as the small dynamic range and the lack of possibilities for image processing, do not apply any longer. However, at the same time these new possibilities lead to a more complicated optimisation process, since more freedom is given to alter parameters. This paper focuses on describing an optimisation strategy that concentrates on taking advantage of the conceptual differences between digital systems and screen/film systems. The strategy can be summarised as: (a) always include the anatomical background during the optimisation, (b) perform all comparisons at a constant effective dose and (c) separate the image display stage from the image collection stage. A three-step process is proposed where the optimal setting of the technique parameters is determined at first, followed by an optimisation of the image processing. In the final step the optimal dose level-given the optimal settings of the image collection and image display stages-is determined.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to find the optimum tube voltage for neonatal chest imaging in computed radiography. The study was designed to take full advantage of the benefits of digital imaging, for example, by comparing the tube voltages at constant effective dose. A phantom study using a living rabbit was first conducted. Images were collected at tube voltages ranging from 40 to 90 kV(p). The reproduction of four structures (central vessels, peripheral vessels, carina and thoracic vertebrae) was rated by 10 radiologists. The reproduction of both central and peripheral vessels was relatively independent of tube voltage. The carina was better reproduced at higher tube voltages whereas the opposite was true for the thoracic vertebrae. Based on the higher importance of the reproduction of the carina it was decided that 90 kV(p) was the optimal tube voltage. To validate the result from the phantom study, a follow-up study was conducted in which images of neonates collected at the tube voltage regularly used at Sahlgrenska University Hospital (70 kV(p)) were compared with images collected at the tube voltage proposed by the phantom study. The follow-up study confirmed the results from the phantom study that the reproduction of the carina was better at 90 than at 70 kV(p). In conclusion, for neonatal chest imaging-given the same effective dose-90 kVp gives better reproduction of important structures than the regularly used 70 kV(p).  相似文献   
An all alkoxide based sol–gel route was investigated for preparation of epitaxial La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 (LSCO) films on 100 SrTiO3 (STO) substrates. Films with 20–30 to 80–100 nm thickness were prepared by spin-coating 0.2–0.6 M (metal) solutions on the STO substrates and heat treatment to 800 °C at 2 °C min− 1, 30 min, in air. The films were epitaxial with a cube-on-cube alignment and the LSCO cell was strained to match the STO substrate of 3.905 Å closely; a and b = 3.894 Å and 3.897 Å for the 20–30 and 80–100 nm films, respectively. The c-axis was compressed to 3.789 Å and 3.782 Å for the 20–30 and 80–100 nm films, respectively, which resulted in an almost unchanged cell volume as compared to polycrystalline film and nano-phase powders prepared in the same way. The SEM study showed mainly very smooth, featureless surfaces, but also some defects. A film prepared in the same way on an -Al2O3 substrate was dense and polycrystalline with crystallite sizes in the range 10–50 nm and gave cubic cell dimensions of ac = 3.825 Å. The conductivity of the ca 30–40 nm thick polycrystalline film was 1.7 mΩcm, while the epitaxial 80–100 nm film had a conductivity of around 1.9 mΩcm.  相似文献   
We propose a new formalism for computing the optical properties of small clusters of particles. It is a generalization of the coupled dipole-dipole particle-interaction model and allows one in principle to take into account all multipolar interactions in the long-wavelength limit. The method is illustrated by computations of the optical properties of N = 6 particle clusters for different multipolar approximations. We examine the effect of separation between particles and compare the optical spectra with the discrete-dipole approximation and the generalized Mie theory.  相似文献   
CSCW as a field has been concerned since its early days with healthcare, studying how healthcare work is collaboratively and practically achieved and designing systems to support that work. Reviewing literature from the CSCW Journal and related conferences where CSCW work is published, we reflect on the contributions that have emerged from this work. The analysis illustrates a rich range of concepts and findings towards understanding the work of healthcare but the work on the larger policy level is lacking. We argue that this presents a number of challenges for CSCW research moving forward: in having a greater impact on larger-scale health IT projects; broadening the scope of settings and perspectives that are studied; and reflecting on the relevance of the traditional methods in this field - namely workplace studies - to meet these challenges.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effect of moving from small offices to a landscape environment for 19 Visual Display Unit (VDU) operators at Alcatel Denmark AS. The operators reported significantly improved lighting condition and glare situation. Further, visual discomfort was also significantly reduced on a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). There was no significant correlation between lighting condition and visual discomfort neither in the small offices nor in the office landscape. However, visual discomfort correlated significantly with glare in small offices i.e. more glare is related to more visual discomfort. This correlation disappeared after the lighting system in the office landscape had been improved. There was also a significant correlation between glare and itching of the eyes as well as blurred vision in the small offices, i.e. more glare more visual symptoms. Experience of pain was found to reduce the subjective assessment of work capacity during VDU tasks. There was a significant correlation between visual discomfort and reduced work capacity in small offices and in the office landscape. When moving from the small offices to the office landscape, there was a significant reduction in headache as well as back pain. No significant changes in pain intensity in the neck, shoulder, forearm, and wrist/hand were observed.The pain levels in different body areas were significantly correlated with subjective assessment of reduced work capacity in small offices and in the office landscape.By careful design and construction of an office landscape with regard to lighting and visual conditions, transfer from small offices may be acceptable from a visual-ergonomic point of view.  相似文献   
Isocyanates, aminoisocyanates and amines were quantified from the combustion of 24 different materials or products typically found in buildings. Small‐scale combustion experiments were conducted in the cone calorimeter, where generally well‐ventilated combustion conditions are attained. Measurements were further made in two different full‐scale experiments. Isocyanates and amino‐compounds were sampled using an impinger‐filter sampling system with a reagent solution of di‐n‐butylamine in toluene. Filter and impinger solution were analysed separately using LC‐MS technique. Further the particulate distribution in the smoke gases was determined by impactor technique, and selected gaseous compounds quantified by FTIR. It was found in the small‐scale that isocyanates were produced from the majority of the materials tested. The highest concentration was found for glass wool insulation, and further high concentrations were found for PUR products, particleboard, nitrile rubber and melamine. Lower concentrations were found for wood and cable‐products. Amino‐isocyanates and amines were generally found from PUR products only. The distribution of isocyanates between the particulate‐ and fluid phases varied for the different materials and a tendency to enrichment of particles was seen for some of the materials. Further, when comparing the potential health hazard between isocyanates and other major fire gases (based on NIOSH IDLH‐values) it was found that isocyanates in several cases represented the greatest hazard. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
As has been shown, attractive methods for numerically integrating partial differential equations (PDEs) resulting from physical problems can be obtained by simulating the actual physical passive (conservation of energy) dynamical system by means of a discrete passive dynamical system, and this in such a way that the full parallelism and the exclusively local nature of the interconnections (principle of action at proximity) are preserved. An alternative approach for developing such methods is presented which, while still using principles of the same type as those on which multidimensional wave digital filters (WDFs) are based, involves appropriate transformations of the original coordinates of the physical problem at hand. This alternative approach is not only easier to apply than the one referred to above but also more general; it is illustrated on the one hand by the same examples as those that have been used for the other approach, and on the other by showing the applicability to Maxwell's equations.  相似文献   
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