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Proton-exchanged planar waveguides have been fabricated on Z-cut and X-cut lithium niobate crystals by using a new proton source formed by a mixture of benzoic and adipic acids. Waveguide index profiles and optical characteristics have been obtained at different values of the adipic-benzoic acid concentration ratio. The samples have been structurally characterized by Raman and infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy and double-crystal X-ray diffraction. Good quality samples have been fabricated by using 30 mol% ratio dilution, showing very low scattering levels (<0.1 dB/cm), relatively high electrooptic coefficient (r33=0.88 pm/V), and low relative percentage of interstitial protons (26%). The main factor limiting the waveguide optical properties is the substitutional-interstitial proton ratio, which can be easily controlled to produce good quality waveguides. A demonstration of the repeatability of the exchange process in the acid mixture is also provided  相似文献   
The impact of crosstalk in an arrayed-waveguide N×N wavelength multiplexer is investigated precisely in relation to its application to wavelength-routing N×N all optical networks. In such systems multiple crosstalk light which has the same wavelength as the signal results in signal-crosstalk beat noise. We confirm that the noise is Gaussian and obtain the relation between crosstalk and power penalty. It is shown that the crosstalk must be less than -38 dB for a 16×16 system to keep the power penalty below 1 dB at a bit error rate of 10-9  相似文献   
We propose and evaluate a medium-access control (MAC) protocol for synchronous cellular packet direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS/CDMA). The protocol is designed for handling a variety of multimedia traffic types in an integrated wireless-access network (IWAN). For instance, the protocol is suited for carrying multiple traffic types of different priorities. An analytical model for the equilibrium state has been developed for the proposed protocol. A comparative evaluation of the protocol is done for three different radio frequency bandwidths currently under consideration for personal communication services (PCS), i.e., 1.25 MHz, 5 MHz, and 10 MHz. Our results demonstrate that the proposed protocol is both robust and flexible for the intended IWAN applications. It offers a significant multiplexing gain as the bandwidth increases  相似文献   
The Frizzled genes encode receptors for WNTs, secreted glycoproteins implicated in development as well as in carcinogenesis. In this paper, we report molecular cloning of Hfz6, the human homologue of Mfz6. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that the Hfz6 gene encodes the 706 amino-acid protein with seven transmembrane domains, a cystein-rich domain in the N-terminal extracellular region, two N-linked glycosylation sites, and two cystein residues in the second and third extracellular loops. Hfz6 mRNA 4.4-kb in size was detected in various normal adult and fetal tissues, and a larger amount of Hfz6 mRNA was detected in both fetal lung and fetal kidney. The Hfz6 gene has been mapped to human chromosome 8q22.3-q23.1. In conclusion, we have cloned Hfz6, which encodes a seven-transmembrane receptor with the cystein-rich domain in the N-terminal extracellular region, but without the Ser/Thr-X-Val motif in the C-terminus.  相似文献   
通过对相变增韧陶瓷及一种可切削玻璃-陶瓷动态疲劳(恒应力速率)试验中高应力速率区断裂应力下降现象的理论分析,发现这种现象与材料的阻力特性(R-curve)密切相关。确立的σ_f-σ理论关系能够很好地描述整个应力速率区间内的动态疲劳试验结果。高应力速率区σ_f-σ在双对数坐标下为负斜率直线,直线斜率为(m为阻力曲线KR=k(△a)~m的指数),断裂主要由材料阻力行为控制;低应力速率区,σ_f-σ在双对数坐标下为正斜率直线,直线斜率为 (n为应力腐蚀指数),断裂主要由材料应力腐蚀行为控制。建立了测定材料阻力特性的一种新方法,分别用这种方法及压痕/弯曲方法对一种可切削玻璃-陶瓷的阻力特性进行了实验测定,两种方法所得结果有很好的一致性。  相似文献   
The paper proposes a structure for quality-of-service (QoS)-centered service level agreements (SLA), and a framework for their real-time management in multiservice packet networks. The SLA is structured to be fair to both parties, the service provider and their customer. The SLA considered here are for QoS assured delivery of aggregate bandwidth from ingress to egress nodes; however, the control and signaling is for the more granular flows or calls. A SLA monitoring scheme is presented in which revenue is generated by the admission of flows into the network, and penalty incurred when flows are lost in periods when the service provider is not SLA compliant. In the SLA management scheme proposed, the results of a prior off-line design are used, in conjunction with measurements taken locally at ingress nodes, to classify the loading status of routes. The routing and resource management are based on virtual partitioning and its supporting mechanism of bandwidth protection. The effectiveness of SLA management is measured by the robustness in performance in the presence of substantial diversity in actual traffic conditions. A simulation testbed called D'ARTAGNAN has been built from which we report numerical results for a case study. The results show that the SLA management scheme is robust, fair and efficient over a broad range of traffic conditions  相似文献   
A beam propagation method (BPM) based on the finite element method (FEM) is described for longitudinally varying three-dimensional (3-D) optical waveguides. In order to avoid nonphysical reflections from the computational window edges, the transparent boundary condition is introduced. The present algorithm using the Pade approximation is, to our knowledge, the first wide-angle finite element beam propagation method for 3-D waveguide structures. To show the validity and usefulness of this approach, numerical results are shown for Gaussian-beam excitation of a straight rib waveguide and guided-mode propagation in a Y-branching rib waveguide  相似文献   
The effect of high oxide field stress is studied using capacitance-time (C-t) measurements of MOS capacitors. The stress results in parallel shifts of the C-t curve along the time axis. The flatband voltage shift ΔVFB obtained from the initial deep depletion capacitance C(t=0+) follows the same trend as that from the high-frequency C-V characteristics. However, the discrepancy between the two flatband voltages becomes larger as the stress increases due to the effect of interface charges on C-t characteristics. The flatband voltage difference is converted to interface trap density, showing a steady increase of interface trap density with stress, similar to that from low-frequency C-V measurements  相似文献   
This paper presents the design criteria, procedure, and implementation of a soft-switched power-factor-correction (PFC) circuit based on the extended-period quasi-resonant (EPQR) principles. All power electronic devices including switches and diodes in the circuit are fully soft switched. The design method is demonstrated in a prototype circuit. The operating principles are confirmed with computer simulation and experimental results. A comparison of the EP-QR operation and zero-voltage-transition (ZVT) pulse-width modulation (PWM) method  相似文献   
Two novel configurations for digitally tunable optical filters based on arrayed-waveguide grating (AWG) multiplexers are described in detail with emphasis on the connection of the AWG multiplexer and optical switches. Performance comparisons show that conventional configurations are disadvantaged by the switch size required and loss imbalance among the optical frequency-division-multiplexed (FDM) channels; the proposed configurations require only O(√(N)) switch elements to select one of N FDM channels, and the loss imbalance is lower by up to 75% in decibel  相似文献   
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