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A high efficiency nebulizer (HEN) coupled to a heated spray chamber and a membrane desolvator is used for liquid sample introduction in chemical reaction interface mass spectrometry (CRIMS). Compared to the conventional thermospray nebulizer operated at solvent flow rate of 1 mL/min, the HEN provides small droplets at lower flow rates (10-100 microL/min), improving the desolvation and analyte transport efficiency. As a result, the sensitivity for carbon detection by CRIMS is improved by a factor of 4. The new arrangement offers an easy-to-use and robust interface, facilitating the availability of a variety of liquid chromatographic techniques to the CRIMS. Separation and detection of labeled peptides in a mixture of unlabeled biopolymers is illustrated at a solvent flow rate of 45 microL/min as an example of new possibilities offered by the improved liquid introduction interface.  相似文献   
In this article size/topology optimization of trusses is performed using a genetic algorithm (GA), the force method and some concepts of graph theory. One of the main difficulties with optimization with a GA is that the parameters involved are not completely known and the number of operations needed is often quite high. Application of some concepts of the force method, together with theory of graphs, make the generation of a suitable initial population well‐matched with critical paths for the transformation of internal forces feasible. In the process of optimization generated topologically unstable trusses are identified without any matrix manipulation and highly penalized. Identifying a suitable range for the cross‐section of each member for the ground structure in the list of profiles, the length of the substrings representing the cross‐sectional design variables are reduced. Using a contraction algorithm, the length of the strings is further reduced and a GA is performed in a smaller domain of design space. The above process is accompanied by efficient methods for selection, and by using a suitable penalty function in order to reduce the number of numerical operations and to increase the speed of the optimization toward a global optimum. The efficiency of the present method is illustrated using some examples, and compared to those of previous studies. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents an algorithm for nodal numbering in order to obtain a small wavefront. Element clique graphs are employed as the mathematical models of finite element meshes. A priority function containing five vectors is used, which can be viewed as a generalization of Sloan's function. These vectors represent different connectivity properties of the graph models. Unlike Sloan's algorithm, which uses two fixed coefficients, here, five coefficients are employed, based on an evaluation by artificial neural networks. The networks weights are obtained using a simple genetic algorithm. Examples are included to illustrate the performance of the present hybrid method. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Multidimensional Impact of Cancer Risk Assessment (MICRA) is a new tool to measure the specific impact of result disclosure after genetic testing. The authors compared its performance with that of questionnaires measuring general and cancer-specific distress. Participants (158 women) responded 1 month after they received genetic test results. The women were divided into 4 standard clinical test result groups: BRCA1/2 positive, BRCA1/2 negative, panel negative, and true negative. Factor analysis supported the formation of 3 subscales: Distress (6 items, α= .86), Uncertainty (9 items, α= .77), and Positive Experiences (4 items, α= .75). All 3 MICRA subscales differentiated participants who were BRCAI/2 positive from the other 3 groups. MICRA thus helps identify subgroups of vulnerable genetic testing participants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
A large group of reactions that affect water quality in distribution networks occur on the pipe wall surface. Existing simulation models are usually based on cross-sectionally averaged variables that use mass-transfer coefficients derived for constant-concentration (Dirichlet) boundary conditions to account for cross-sectional variations. In the case of a first-order wall-demand problem, the boundary condition is however of Robin type. We derive a simple one-dimensional (1D) model for the radial concentration profile of a solute of arbitrary Schmidt number (Sc) reacting with pipe walls in a fully developed turbulent flow. A modified van Driest mixing length model was used to approximate the Reynolds-averaged velocity and eddy diffusivity. Numerical solutions of the 1D model agree well with a two-dimensional mass transport model and experimental data. An asymptotic solution for high Sc is derived, which is in excellent agreement with the 1D model for Sc>100. A comparison with the mass-transfer coefficients for constant-concentration boundary conditions shows that the differences between the two boundary conditions are small.  相似文献   
IS1245-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis has been proposed recently for molecular typing of Mycobacterium avium isolates. As there is no standardised method with respect to the optimal restriction enzyme, three restriction endonucleases were tested for analysis of 17 human isolates. The restriction endonucleases, selected on the basis of the physical maps of IS1245 and of the highly homologous IS1311, were BsaAI, that cleaves IS1245, PvuII, that cleaves IS1311, and NruI, that cleaves both IS1245 and IS1311. All the restriction endonucleases yielded polymorphic and complex RFLP patterns. However, BsaAI- and NruI-generated bands were more evenly distributed and easier to detect than PvuII-generated bands, most of which clustered in a narrow zone of the fingerprint. In some cases, DNA digestion with BsaAI or NruI yielded probe-specific restriction fragments of molecular size lower than expected. Moreover, digestion with NruI, which was expected to generate the highest numbers of bands in all the isolates, yielded fewer bands than were obtained with BsaAI or PvuII in 14 and 5 isolates, respectively. These findings might suggest the existence of unidentified IS1245-related insertion element(s) in M. avium isolates. Computer analysis of the IS1245-based RFLP patterns of M. avium isolates showed that the restriction endonucleases were capable, although with minor differences, of defining distinct banding patterns and clusters of identical or highly related isolates, thus confirming IS1245-based RFLP analysis as a useful technique for epidemiological studies.  相似文献   
Location-aware techniques has become a hot research topic with great value in commercial and military applications. Cooperative localization, which utilizes multiple sensors in portable devices to estimate locations of the mobile users in the social networks, is one of the most promising solution for the indoor geo-location. Traditional cooperative localization methods are based on ranging techniques, they are highly dependent on the distance interpreted from the received signal strength (RSS) or time of arrival from anchors. However, a precise ranging procedure demands high performance hardware which would increase the cost to the current mobile platform. In this paper, we describes four ranging-free probabilistic cooperative localization algorithms: centroid scheme, nearest neighbor scheme, kernel scheme and AP density scheme to improve the accuracy for the indoor geo-location using current mobile devices. Since the GPS sensor embedded in the smart phone is able to provide accurate location information in the outdoor area, those mobile nodes can be used as calibrated anchors. The position of the indoor mobile node can be estimated by exchanging locations and RSSs from shared wireless access points information between the target node and anchor nodes. An empirical evaluation of the system is given to demonstrate the feasibility of these cooperative localization algorithms by reporting the results in a real-world environments, e.g. suburban area and city downtown. Moreover, we compared our results with the WiFi positioning system made by Skyhook Wireless to validate the accuracy of the proposed algorithms. Meanwhile, a Monte Carlo simulation is carried out to evaluate the performance of the cooperative algorithms under different scenarios. Results show that given the same scenario setting, the AP density scheme and kernel scheme outperform than other schemes.  相似文献   
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks - The IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless local area networking (WLAN), commercially known as Wi-Fi, has become a necessity in our day-to-day...  相似文献   
Wireless Networks - In order to satisfy the delay requirements of telecommunication systems, in this paper, we present a cooperative network with the short packet transmission in the Rayleigh...  相似文献   
Service-oriented computing is the latest software paradigm brought about by the computing revolution. The different viewpoint and granularity of software components used in technologies based on the service-oriented architecture paradigm, compared to traditional object-oriented methodologies makes them better suited to many of the efforts that are being made in the pervasive and ubiquitous computing world. In the NEXUS project we are seeking ways of fusing the SOA and pervasive computing paradigms in order to build intelligent, robust and resilient networks connecting dynamic islands of service resources.  相似文献   
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