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The effects of 8-h annealing at 960 °C on the gaseous phase hydrogen storage and electrochemical properties of partial-Ni substituted Zr8Ni21 alloys were studied. The substituting elements included Mg, Al, Sc, V, Mn, Co, Sn, La, and Hf. Only the main phase of the annealed Sn-substitution remained Zr8Ni21-structured while those of other substitutions turned into Zr7Ni10 or Zr2Ni7. The observed trend in maximum gaseous phase hydrogen storage capacity followed the increasing order of B/A ratio of the main phase as orthogonal Zr7Ni10 > tetragonal Zr7Ni10 > Zr8Ni21 > Zr2Ni7. After annealing, due to the increase in abundance of the main phase, the maximum gaseous phase hydrogen storage capacities of alloys with higher capacities before annealing increased while others decreased. The full discharge capacity also improved in the same increasing order of B/A ratio in the main phase. Hf-substitution showed the highest electrochemical discharge capacity at 200 mAh g−1. After annealing, all alloys with the same main phase as the as-cast alloys showed degradation in full electrochemical capacity due to the reduction in both number and abundance of the catalytic secondary phases. All supplements assisted in improving surface exchange current from the base binary Zr8Ni21 alloy. Except for La- and Hf-substitutions, annealing reduced the surface exchange current density. The bulk hydrogen diffusion coefficient decreased with most of the supplements except for V- and Sn-substitutions. All supplements, except for Sc, showed improvement in the bulk diffusion after annealing. Furthermore, the maximum gaseous phase hydrogen storage capacity showed a strong correlation to the full electrochemical discharge capacity. Among all alloys in this study, the as-cast Hf-substituted Zr8Ni21 alloy demonstrated the best overall gaseous hydrogen storage and electrochemical properties.  相似文献   
In this study, gas–liquid two-phase flows in a horizontal rectangular microchannel have been investigated. The rectangular microchannel has a hydraulic diameter of 0.235 mm, and a width and depth of 0.24 mm and 0.23 mm, respectively. A T-junction-type gas–liquid mixer was used to introduce gas and liquid in the channel. In order to know the effects of liquid properties, distilled water, ethanol, and HFE7200 were used as the test liquids, with nitrogen gas was used as the test gas. The flow pattern, the bubble length, the liquid slug length, and the bubble velocity in two-phase flow were measured with a high-speed video camera, and the void fraction was determined from the bubble velocity data and the superficial gas velocity data. In addition, the pressure drop was also measured with a calibrated differential pressure transducer. The bubble length data were compared with the calculation by the scaling law proposed by Garstecki et al. [7]. The bubble velocity data and/or the void fraction data were well correlated with the well-known drift flux model [12] with a new distribution parameter correlation developed in this study. The frictional pressure drop data were also well correlated with the Lockhart-Martinelli method with a correlation of the two-phase friction multiplier.  相似文献   
To meet an ever‐growing demand for wideband multimedia services and electronic connectivity across the world, development of ubiquitous broadband multimedia systems is gaining a tremendous interest at both commercial and academic levels. Satellite networks will play an indispensable role in the deployment of such systems. A significant number of satellite communication constellations have been thus proposed using Geostationary (GEO), Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), or Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. These constellations, however, either require a potential number of satellites or are unable to provide data transmission with high elevation angles. This paper proposes a new satellite constellation composed of Quasi‐GeoStationary Orbit (Quasi‐GSO) satellites. The main advantage of the constellation is in its ability to provide global coverage with a significantly small number of satellites while, at the same time, maintaining high elevation angles. Based on a combination of this Quasi‐GSO satellites constellation and terrestrial networks, the paper proposes also an architecture for building a global, large‐scale, and efficient Video‐on‐Demand (VoD) system. The entire architecture is referred to as a ‘Theatre in the Sky’. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文采用SAM和XPS对实用Au-Ni-Kovar合金系统热处理样品(250—350℃,0.5—1.5h)进行了基底元素穿透Au层的表面偏聚研究,给出了这一复杂系统中Ni,Co表面偏聚机理的直观证据,即Ni,Co主要是通过晶界扩散穿透Au层而后以表面扩散覆盖镀Au表面的;表面偏聚元素化学态的研究则不仅表明,氧的吸附和氧化反应是Ni,Co表面偏聚的驱动力,而且发现,上述偏聚会引起样品表面吸水的现象。  相似文献   
The latex obtained from Hancornia speciosa is used in folk medicine for treatment of several diseases, such as acne, warts, diabetes, gastritis and inflammation. In this work, we describe the biocompatibility assessment and angiogenic properties of H. speciosa latex and its potential application in medicine. The physical–chemical characterization was carried out following different methodologies (CHN elemental analyses; thermogravimetric analyses and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy). The biocompatibility was evaluated through cytotoxicity and genotoxicity tests in fibroblast mouse cells and the angiogenic properties were evaluated using the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay model. The physical–chemical results showed that the structure of Hancornia speciosa latex biomembrane is very similar to that of Hevea brasiliensis (commercially available product). Moreover, the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assays showed that H. speciosa latex is biocompatible with life systems and can be a good biomaterial for medical applications. The CAM test showed the efficient ability of H. speciosa latex in neovascularization of tissues. The histological analysis was in accordance with the results obtained in the CAM assay. Our data indicate that the latex obtained from H. speciosa and eluted in water showed significant angiogenic activity without any cytotoxic or genotoxic effects on life systems. The same did not occur with H. speciosa latex stabilized with ammonia. Addition of ammonia does not have significant effects on the structure of biomembranes, but showed a smaller cell survival and a significant genotoxicity effect. This study contributes to the understanding of the potentialities of H. speciosa latex as a source of new phytomedicines.  相似文献   
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanopowder (P-25;Degussa AG) was treated using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) in a rotary electrode DBD (RE-DBD) reactor.Its electrical and optical characteristics were investigated during RE-DBD generation.The treated TiO2 nanopowder properties and structures were analyzed using x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).After RE-DBD treatment,XRD measurements indicated that the anatase peak theta positions shifted from 25.3° to 25.1°,which can be attributed to the substitution of new functional groups in the TiO2 lattice.The FTIR results show that hydroxyl groups (OH) at 3400 cm-1 increased considerably.The mechanism used to modify the TiO2 nanopowder surface by air DBD treatment was confirmed from optical emission spectrum measurements.Reactive species,such as OH radical,ozone and atomic oxygen can play key roles in hydroxyl formation on the TiO2 nanopowder surface.  相似文献   
The development of molecular probes to visualize cellular processes is an important challenge in chemical biology. One possibility to create such cellular indicators is based on the selective labeling of proteins with synthetic probes in living cells. Over the last years, our laboratory has developed different labeling approaches for monitoring protein activity and for localizing synthetic probes inside living cells. In this article, we review two of these labeling approaches, the SNAP-tag and CLIP-tag technologies, and their use for studying cellular processes.  相似文献   
简述电涡流传感器的工作原理,着重介绍了电涡流传感器的标定方法以及正确的安装方法,从维护的角度,指出安装使用时应该注意的问题及故障处理办法.  相似文献   
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