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Monitoring changes in a paddy-field area is important since rice is a staple food and paddy agriculture is a major cropping system in Asia. For monitoring changes in land surface, various applications using different satellites have been researched in the field of remote sensing. However, monitoring a paddy-field area with remote sensing is difficult owing to the temporal changes in the land surface, and the differences in the spatiotemporal characteristics in countries and regions. In this article, we used an artificial neural network to classify paddy-field areas using moderate resolution sensor data that includes spatiotemporal information. Our aim is to automatically generate a paddy-field classifier in order to create localized classifiers for each country and region.  相似文献   
文中介绍了西门子Profibus—DP总线和IndustrialEthemet在包钢无缝钢管厂步进炉自动控翩系统升级改造中的应用实例。S7—300可编程序控制器通过DP接口将6SE70SIMOVERT变频器和分布式I/O站联入Profibus—DP网。从而实现了对步进炉设备简单、稳定、精确的自动控制,同时通过CP343—1通讯模板将S7—300联入IndustrialEt}Iemet。直接实现步进炉区域基础级设备与二级网络以及过程级的数据交换。  相似文献   
于志刚 《包钢科技》2007,33(B03):47-49
针对包钢工业水资源的利用现状和发展趋势,进行调查与研究,提出了对策和管理控制方案。为企业的技术改造、污染治理、综合利用指出方向,为区域的环境管理、规划、科研、监测等方面提供科学依据和丰富的信息。  相似文献   
An alginate-membrane liquid-core capsule prepared using polyethylene glycol as a thickener was produced and the intracapsular mass-transfer characteristics of glucose and proteins were investigated. The apparent effective diffusivity of glucose into the capsule was 7.9x10(-10) m(2)/s, which is larger than that into alginate beads (6.5x10(-10) m(2)/s) and in water (6.7x10(-10) m(2)/s). Moreover, an encapsulation of strawberry cells did not decrease the mass transfer performance of glucose, in contrast to the case of immobilization in alginate beads or capsules prepared using xanthan gum. On the other hand, the apparent effective diffusivities of proteins from the capsule were smaller than those in alginate beads. In addition, the apparent effective diffusivities from the capsule decreased with the increasing concentration and molecular weight of polyethylene glycol used as a thickener during capsule preparation.  相似文献   
类胡萝卜素是类异戊二烯单元组成的一类萜类色素,在维持眼部健康、提高免疫力等方面具有重要作用。人体不能合成这种色素,必须从膳食中摄取。人体摄入后,类胡萝卜素会经历复杂的消化吸收与代谢过程,并受到食物本身以及人体内环境等多种因素的影响。肠道是类胡萝卜素吸收、代谢最重要的场所。本文综述化合物结构、膳食因子、加工方式、包埋、转运蛋白、生物裂解酶等因素对类胡萝卜素在肠道吸收、代谢的影响,并探讨肠道菌群在其中发挥的作用,为类胡萝卜素体内的吸收与生物转化研究提供参考。  相似文献   
论城市土地年租制的物权性质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
城市土地使用制度改革的深化客观上要求探索多元化的城市土地有偿使用的具体实现形式,其中,城市土地年租制已逐渐成为现实而有效的选择.城市土地年租制是一种以长期契约为核心的土地有偿使用模式.目前土地经济理论界尚未就土地年租制的权属问题达成共识,从而影响到其在实践中的运用与推广.笔者认为,土地承租人以年租方式取得的土地使用权是物权和债权的统一,其中物权处于决定性的地位.以长期契约为前提,按年度缴付租金的过程事实上意味着债权向物权的逐步转化.  相似文献   
In this paper, the problem of minimizing the maximum number of open stacks around a saw machine is addressed. A new heuristic and a branch-and-bound based exact method for the problem are presented. Computational tests comparing the new approach with other algorithms previously suggested in the literature were carried out.  相似文献   
从薄板坯连铸连轧生产线中过程和生产管理计算机系统的应用角度,详细地介绍了管理计算机系统从订单到生产计划的整个过程,对过程控制计算机系统的模型建立过程和计算机控制系统构成及完成的主要控制功能进行了详细说明.  相似文献   
文章主要介绍了20CrMoA抽油杆用圆钢试炼情况,采用转炉—精炼—小方坯连铸—连轧圆钢的工艺路线生产的产品,其各项性能及技术指标都达到设计要求。  相似文献   
高珅  李妍  于萍 《包钢科技》2010,36(1):85-87
文章从微观的角度,运用理论分析的方法阐述了风险产生的原因,列举了造成住房公积金贷款风险的种种可能;结合包钢住房公积金贷款风险管理的实例,针对风险产生的原因提出了具体的风险防范措施。期望能对各住房公积金管理中心在个人住房贷款风险管理方面提供有益启示和借鉴。  相似文献   
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