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Perovskite phase formation and dielectric/ferroelectric properties of the pseudo-ternary Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3-PbZrO3-PbTiO3 (PFN-PZ-PT) ferroelectric ceramics have been investigated as promising materials for multi-layer ceramic capacitors. Complete solid solution with pure perovskite phase can be formed in this system in the whole composition range studied using conventional solid-state reaction method via a B-site oxide mixing route. Crystal lattice of the ceramics obtained shrinkages with the increase of the concentration of Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 (PFN) and expands with the increase of the content of PbZrO3 (PZ). With the increase of the concentration of PbTiO3 (PT), crystal structure of PFN-PZ-PT changes from pseudo-cubic ferroelectric phase to tetragonal one while retains the fraction of PFN as constant. A morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) forms at the composition of 42 mol% PT regardless of whatever concentration of PFN, and the content of PFN affects little on the composition of MPB. The preliminary phase diagram of the PFN-PZ-PT system is determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements combining with dielectric/ferroelectric characterization. Dielectric measurements indicate that the value of dielectric maximum (ɛm) and the temperature where ɛm appears (Tm) increase with the increase of the concentration of PT. However, PFN exhibits opposite effects, i.e., ɛm increases with the increase of the concentration of PFN accompanied by the decrease of Tm.  相似文献   
梅敦  张力 《材料工程》1993,(3):9-12
本文研究表明,稀土使喷焊层组织中亮白区和树枝状晶区减薄或消失;金属化合物(游离状)的分布与形态改变;既可提高也可降低喷焊层硬度,但是提高了耐磨性。  相似文献   
高万良 《包钢科技》2007,33(B03):7-10
旋转机械中转子振动是最常见的故障之一。文章主要分析了SJ8000鼓风机在生产工艺过程发生变化时所引起的振动,特别是工艺过程中,当水份、燃剂变化出现平面拉沟、待料、铺不平等现象时对风机振动的影响。最后从理论上分析原因,用于指导生产。  相似文献   
王红岩张骞  杨君璇 《包钢科技》2007,33(B03):20-22,31
对包钢薄板厂5Cr锻钢冷轧工作辊连续发生的剥落事故进行分析,指出了裂纹是导致剥落的根本原因,而轧辊的材质、磨削工艺、检测手段是产生剥落的影响因素,同时针对所存在的问题在配辊管理、磨削制度、检测制度三方面提出了技术改进措施。  相似文献   
杨青玲 《包钢科技》2007,33(B03):53-54,68
文章通过强化激励机制,建立适应企业发展的工资分配制度,使分配与经济效益、技术指标挂钩,并与工作业绩、技术等级、劳动技能、劳动贡献等因素结合,为现代企业发展业提供有力的保障。如今,焦化厂已经成为我国第5个年生产能力达到300万t的大型炼焦企业。  相似文献   
张艳 《包钢科技》2007,33(B03):61-62,65
在科技迅速发展的当今社会,企业档案是企业重要信息资源,档案信息化建设是企业信息化的组成部分,也是企业档案管理创新的重要方面,档案人员应具备更多的信息素养和信息知识、信息道德,才能更好地为服务。  相似文献   
The ternary system of 0.56Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.10Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.34PbTiO3 (0.56PNN-0.10PZN-0.34PT) ceramics were prepared by conventional solid-state reaction method via straight mixed oxide method, columbite precursor method and B-site oxide mixing route. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement demonstrated that both the tetragonal and rhombohedral phases coexist in the B-site oxide mixing route prepared ceramics accompanied by the largest content of perovskite phase of 95.18%. The 0.56PNN-0.10PZN-0.34PT ceramics prepared by the straight mixed oxide method and the B-site oxide mixing route exhibit rather homogeneous microstructure. As a comparison, in the columbite precursor method prepared ceramics nebulous granules and octahedral or other polyhedral morphology grains are observed. All the sintered ceramics exhibit diffused ferroelectric phase transition where the dielectric response peaks are broad, diffused and strongly frequency dependent. However, the temperature of dielectric maximum (Tm) increases greatly from 398.0 K of the 0.56PNN-0.10PZN-0.34PT ceramics prepared by the B-site oxide mixing route to 423.3 K of the ones prepared by the straight mixed oxide method. Saturated and symmetric P-E hysteresis loops are observed in all the sintered ceramics, where the B-site oxide mixing route prepared ceramics exhibit large value of remanent polarization (Pr) of 17.13 μC/cm2 and the least value of coercive field (Ec) of 11.99 kV/cm. Piezoelectric constant (d33) exhibits the largest value of 449 pC/N for the ceramics prepared by the B-site oxide mixing route. Such results are related to the phase composition, density and porosity of the ceramics.  相似文献   
本文作者综述了当前我国实行年薪制的理论模式和实践模式,分析了上市公司高管人员中实行年薪制的特点,并针对当前年薪制的实施情况及其有效性提出了几点看法.  相似文献   
从薄板坯连铸连轧生产线中过程和生产管理计算机系统的应用角度,详细地介绍了管理计算机系统从订单到生产计划的整个过程,对过程控制计算机系统的模型建立过程和计算机控制系统构成及完成的主要控制功能进行了详细说明.  相似文献   
文章主要介绍了20CrMoA抽油杆用圆钢试炼情况,采用转炉—精炼—小方坯连铸—连轧圆钢的工艺路线生产的产品,其各项性能及技术指标都达到设计要求。  相似文献   
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