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The paper theoretically and numerically describes and experimentally studies transverse dispersion of a passive tracer in highly porous ceramic foams of different pore sizes. The pore Reynolds numbers range from 10 to 300. Digital images of the dispersion patterns were recorded and an approximate transverse dispersion coefficient was determined. Numerical solutions of the steady fluid flow and scalar concentrations confirm that the transverse dispersion coefficient models, based on the assumption of dominance of mechanical dispersion and on the linear dependence of the transverse dispersion model on ud, are able to predict satisfactorily the dispersion of a tracer for the range of Reynolds numbers considered. An alternative derivation of this linear dependence based on the closure of the volume averaged scalar transport equation is also presented. The influence of the length of the porous media in the stream direction on transversal and longitudinal dispersion is consistent with findings for packed beds at much lower Peclet and Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   
We have increased the frequency tunability of our CW waveguide CO2 lasers by means of an acoustooptic amplitude modulator, operating at the fixed frequency of 90 MHz. The up-shifted, or down-shifted, laser optical sideband can be generated independently by adjusting the orientation of the modulator. The efficiency is larger than 50%. The frequency tunability of the CO2 laser around each laser line is thus increased by 180 MHz. To demonstrate the possibilities of this method, a source composed of the above modulator and of a CW, 300 MHz tunable waveguide CO2 laser has been used for the search of new large offset FIR laser lines from optically pumped CH3OH and13CH3OH molecules. As a result 15 and 10 new large offset laser lines were discovered respectively. New assignments of some laser lines are also proposed. We have also measured the Stark effect, the offset, and the polarization of other already known lines. In particular a Stark effect frequency tuning of about 1 GHz is demonstrated for a laser line at 208.399 μm.  相似文献   
The approximation of a function by a sum of complex exponentials is a problem that is at least two centuries old. Fundamentally, all techniques discussed in this article proceed from using the same sequence of data samples and vary only, but importantly, in how those samples are used in achieving the parameter estimation. All of these techniques, in other words, seek the same quantitative parameters to represent the sampled data, but use different routes to get there. The techniques for estimating the parameters are either linear or nonlinear. The linear techniques are emphasized in this presentation. In particular, the matrix pencil method is described, which is more robust to noise in the sampled data. The matrix pencil approach has a lower variance of the estimates of the parameters of interest than a polynomial-type method (Prony's method belongs to this category), and is also computationally more efficient. A bandpass version of the matrix pencil can be implemented in hardware, utilizing an AT&T DSP32C chip operating in real time. A copy of the computer program implementing the matrix pencil technique is given in the appendix  相似文献   
The methanol isotopic species CH3OD has also proved to be an efficient and powerful medium to generate radiation in the far infrared (FIR) region. After the critical review of 1994, six papers have been published dealing with new FIR laser lines from this molecule. As a consequence of the use of wide tunability waveguide CO2 lasers as well as a new pulsed CO2 laser operating at hot and sequential bands, as of optical pumping sources, the total number of the FIR laser lines increased from 122 in 1994 to 227 today. In this communication we present an updated and complete catalogue of FIR laser lines generated from CH3OD. Information on wavelength, offset, relative polarization, intensity, and optimum operation pressure is generally available.  相似文献   
Seventy-eight Holsteins were fed for 112 d to evaluate performance and health responses to diets varying in source and concentration of fiber. Three diets based on different carbohydrate feeding strategies were formulated. These diets contained low concentrations of forage and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (12.6% forage NDF, 19.5% total NDF), adequate NDF and forage (20% forage NDF, 24.8% total NDF), or low forage with additional NDF from cereal byproducts (12.7% forage NDF, 33.4% total NDF). Responses to sodium bicarbonate supplementation (0 or 0.8% of diet DM) were evaluated for each carbohydrate strategy, and bicarbonate improved performance on all diets. Eight cows were used concurrently in a Latin square experiment to evaluate the linearity of milk fat concentration response to increasing concentrations of byproduct NDF in low-forage diets. Considering both trials, cereal byproduct NDF was only 27% as effective as NDF from alfalfa silage in eliciting a milk fat concentration response, which was less than predicted from previous experiments. This difference was not because of the short duration of previous experiments nor because of nonlinearity in the response to byproduct NDF. Low-forage diets fed for 112 d did not result in major health disorders for midlactation cows. However, several indicators suggested that cows fed low-forage, high-NDF diets might be less susceptible to ruminal acidosis than those fed diets containing low forage and low NDF, especially during times of dietary transition. Although the effective fiber value in various feeds is variable and difficult to quantify, the value of byproduct fiber needs to be considered when balancing the carbohydrate fraction of dairy rations.  相似文献   
One of the problems with instrumentation systems is the interconnection between the multiple devices with different communication protocols. Exacerbating this problem are two typical requirements of interconnection: minimize cabling cost and avoid degradation of the signal during transmission. Cabling cost can be reduced through several multidrop communication systems: industrial local area networks or wireless communication. Reduction of signal to noise can restrict system performance and the quality of manufactured products, even if high-accuracy devices are used. Another problem in the field of manufacturing instrumentation networks is that industry uses multiple solutions to interconnect instrumentation with different communication protocols. This article presents the development of a prototype for an instrumentation network with the goal to study and analyze the characteristics of the different communication solutions. The overall system contains a large number of instrumentation devices, which is a great advantage for educational purposes and laboratory experiments. The students can configure, calibrate, and operate a large number of instruments connected to different segments of the DCS. We also connected some current-loop devices to the FF system to evaluate their performance when connected to a fully digital network. Results from the prototype DCS show that networking between different instrumentation devices and protocols can be successful and that a hybrid solution using conventional 4-20 mA current loop and fully digital instrumentation can work to leverage existing analogue systems. Future work will include the development of a fieldbus network analyzer to trace messages in the network and study the quality of FF service parameters, such as packet loss and delay measurement, as a function of network load.  相似文献   
In this work we report laser action in 69 new FIR laser lines in CD3OH optically pumped by a regular cw CO2 laser. We have performed measurements of laser wavelength, optimum pressure of the gas, relative polarization and intensity on all lines, including some previously known.  相似文献   
The effect of pulse amplitude on the ferroelectric and switching properties of pulsed laser deposited PZT (92/8) thin films has been studied. The structural analysis revealed that the films had a well crystallized perovskite phase without secondary phases. The atomic force microscopy has been employed to estimate the grain size and surface roughness of the film. A well-saturated P–E hysteresis loop was observed with average values of remnant polarization (Pr) ≈ 16.0 μC/cm2, saturation polarization (Ps) ≈ 21.7 μC/cm2 and coercive field ≈138 kV/cm. The P–E loops were very stable with frequency, confirming that the contribution of the leakage current and/or mobile free charges to the polarization is minimum. The polarization current exhibits the exponential dependence on the pulse amplitude and the leakage current seems to be governed by the hopping mechanism which is generally associated to structural defects.  相似文献   
Cell walls polysaccharides from murta fruit (Ugni molinae Turcz), an endemic Chilean species with relevant food uses, were fractionated by water, ammonium oxalate, hot diluted HCl and cold diluted NaOH extractions. The polysaccharide fractions were analysed for monosaccharide composition and physicochemical properties. Pectic substances were found in all extracts, but mainly in the oxalate and acid soluble fractions, in which they appear as homogalacturonan polymers. Murta pectin was further extracted by hot diluted acid treatment using industrial conditions, yielding 30% by weight of dry fruit. The polymer showed similar composition and physicochemical properties to those of commercial citrus pectin, presenting a galacturonic acid content of 70.9% (w/w), a molecular weight of 597 kDa, and a methoxylation degree of 57%. The FT-IR spectrum of murta pectin suggests the presence of ferulic acid residues on its structure and the NMR analysis confirmed the structure of this polysaccharide. It is concluded that murta fruit can be considered as a valuable source of high quality pectin.  相似文献   
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