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Conventional Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems cannot obtain high-resolution and wide-swath illumination area due to the well-known minimum antenna area constraint. Single Phase Center MultiBeam (SPCMB) technique can overcome this limitation by adding spatial sampling through multiple receivers in azimuth direction. Unfortunately, this approach will lead to an increase of azimuth ambiguities (interbeam ambiguities), because each receive beam's mainlobe overlaps with the other ones' sidelobes. This paper proves that the front part of SPCMB SAR systems can be considered to be a hybrid filterbank. Therefore, the azimuth signal can be reconstructed and the interbeam ambiguities can be effectively suppressed by a well-designed hybrid filterbank.  相似文献   
王耕  谢宇 《电子质量》2009,(12):71-72,76
论文介绍了搭接及搭接的作用,阐述了搭接类型与搭接技术的一般原则,结合实例分析了发射机系统的射频搭接技术有效性及射频搭接不良对发射机稳定运行造成的不良影响。  相似文献   
It is established experimentally that the contact metal—wide-gap semiconductor (GaAs, GaP, GaN) with the Schottky barrier transforms into the ohmic contact either in the process of continuous heating or in the process of holding at an elevated temperature before the formation of any recrystallized layers. In this case, resistance of the contact reduced to the unit area increases as the temperature increases for semiconductors with a high dislocation density (GaP, GaN). It is assumed that in such contacts, the current flows along the metallic shunts, which shorten the layer of space charge and are formed by metal atoms diffused along the dislocation lines or other imperfections of the semiconductor. In semiconductors with a low dislocation density (GaAs), resistance of the ohmic contact per unit area decreases with increasing the temperature as it was expected for the thermionic mechanism of current flowing.  相似文献   
The problem of the impossibility of completely describing the quantum entanglement of a system of many particles only with the biparticle entanglement of the constituent subsystems is treated. The numerical procedure of the selection of a contrary instance and the results of the procedure are described. It is also shown that the measure of the entanglement of pure states on the basis of the minimization of the entropy of measurements is essentially a multiparticle measure; i.e., this measure of entanglement cannot be expressed in terms of the Schmidt coefficients.  相似文献   
陈剑洛  罗萍  耿煜 《微电子学》2014,(5):644-646,650
提出了一种用于DC-DC的双模控制功率管分段驱动电路。该电路通过检测负载电流的变化,优化功率管大小,从而提高转换效率;提出根据负载电流大小自动切换至PSM控制模式的解决方案,进一步提高极轻负载下的效率。电路基于标准0.13 μm CMOS工艺进行设计与仿真,仿真结果表明,与传统不分段DC-DC变换器相比,提出的双模控制分段驱动电路在15 mA负载时效率提升5.3%。  相似文献   
We simulated dispersion-managed soliton propagation in optical fiber transmission systems with lumped amplifiers and loss. The energy enhancement of dispersion-managed solitons can be more or less than in the lossless case, depending delicately on the amplifiers arrangement. In all cases, there is a maximum enhancement factor beyond which the dispersion-managed soliton no longer exists and which also depends delicately on the arrangement  相似文献   
A comparison is made of how the quantum efficiencies for photoelectric conversion in p-n-and m-s-structures based on GaAs depend on temperature. For photon energies less than or the same order as the width of the band gap, the temperature dependences of the p-n-and m-s-structures are similar. In the range of photon energies larger than the width of the band gap, the quantum efficiency of p-n-structures is temperature independent, whereas the quantum efficiency of m-s-structures exhibits a strong temperature dependence. A qualitative explanation of this phenomenon is given. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 33, 876–879 (July 1999)  相似文献   
Adhesion strength of leadframe/EMC interfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cu-based leadframe sheets were oxidized in alkaline solutions to produce brown and/or black oxide on the surfaces, and molded with epoxy molding compound (EMC). The adhesion strength of leadframe/EMC interface was measured using sandwiched double-cantilever beam (SDCB) specimens and pull-out specimens. Results showed that the adhesion strength of leadframe/EMC interface was inherently very poor but could be increased drastically with the nucleation of acicular CuO precipitates. The presence of smooth-faceted Cu2O on the surface of the leadframe gave close to zero fracture toughness (GC) and suitable pull strength (PS). A direct correlation between GC and PS showed that PS can be a measure of GC only in a limited range.  相似文献   
The influence of the orientation of silicon on the structural and luminescence properties of avalanche light-emitting diodes fabricated by the coimplantation of erbium and oxygen followed by solid-phase epitaxial (SPE) crystallization of the amorphized layer is considered. The luminescence properties are a consequence of the formation of various structural defects during the SPE crystallization: V-shaped dislocations and erbium precipitates form in (100) Si:Er:O layers, and larger structural defects, i.e, twins, are observed in (111) Si:Er:O layers along with an increase in the dislocation density by more than four orders of magnitude in comparison with the (100) orientation. The luminescence properties of avalanche and tunnel light-emitting diodes are also compared. In contrast to tunnel diodes, in avalanche diodes erbium ions are excited in the entire space-charge layer, and the effective excitation cross section of the Er3+ ions and their lifetime in the excited state are 3–4 times larger. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 33, 660–663 (June 1999)  相似文献   
The absorption and variation of the velocity of a surface acoustic wave of frequency f=30 MHz interacting with two-dimensional electrons are investigated in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with an electron density n=(1.3–2.8)×1011cm2 at T=1.5–4.2K in magnetic fields up to 7 T. Characteristic features associated with spin splitting of the Landau level are observed. The effective g factor and the width of the spin-split Landau bands are determined: g*≅5 and A=0.6 meV. The greater width of the orbital-split Landau bands (2 meV) relative to the spin-split bands is attributed to different shielding of the random fluctuation potential of charged impurities by 2D electrons. The mechanisms of the nonlinearities manifested in the dependence of the absorption and the velocity increment of the SAW on the SAW power in the presence of spin splitting of the Landau levels are investigated. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 33, 979–985 (August 1999)  相似文献   
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