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Today, the most promising technique used for the survivability of optical transport networks is p-cycle. However, it provides longer restoration path at failure state of the network. The intercycle switching (ICS) is one of the recent approaches that is based on idle p-cycles and is used for shortening the length of restoration path in single-fault model. Utilization of idle p-cycles degrades the inherent dual-failure restorability of single-failure design model of p-cycle, whereas ICS releases the maximum portion of conventional restoration path by utilizing a small segment of the idle p-cycle. Here, the authors proposed a new approach to reconfiguring the released portion of restoration path and unused segment of corresponding idle p-cycle as new cycle(s). In respect of idle p-cycles, the new reconfigured cycle(s) provides more dual-failure restorability in single-failure design of p-cycle. Therefore, the proposed approach mitigates the above-said drawback of ICS and minimizes additional spare capacity requirement for dual-failure survivability.  相似文献   
Variation in the level of the water table is closely linked with recharge. Therefore, any uncertainty associated with the recharge rate is bound to affect the nature of the water-table fluctuation. In this note, a ditch-drainage problem of a sloping aquifer is considered to investigate the effect of uncertainty in the recharge rate on water-table fluctuation. The rate of recharge is taken as an exponentially decaying function with its decay constant as a Gaussian random variable. Expressions for the first two moments of the water-table height, i.e. mean and standard deviation, are presented. By using these expressions, the effect of uncertainty in the recharge rate on the water-table fluctuation has been analyzed with the help of a numerical example.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates gate-all-around (GAA) n- and p-FETs on a silicon-on-insulator with /spl les/ 5-nm-diameter laterally formed Si nanowire channel. Alternating phase shift mask lithography and self-limiting oxidation techniques were utilized to form 140- to 1000-nm-long nanowires, followed by FET fabrication. The devices exhibit excellent electrostatic control, e.g., near ideal subthreshold slope (/spl sim/ 63 mV/dec), low drain-induced barrier lowering (/spl sim/ 10 mV/V), and with I/sub ON//I/sub OFF/ ratio of /spl sim/10/sup 6/. High drive currents of /spl sim/ 1.5 and /spl sim/1.0 mA//spl mu/m were achieved for 180-nm-long nand p-FETs, respectively. It is verified that the threshold voltage of GAA FETs is independent of substrate bias due to the complete electrostatic shielding of the channel body.  相似文献   

In present scenario of wireless sensor networks and communications, efficient sensed data transmission among nodes is being a great confrontation because of the impulsive and volatile nature of sensors in the network. For providing that and enhancing network lifetime, there are several approaches are developed, specifically using clustering techniques. Still, there are requirements for energy based efficient routing in WSN. With that note, this paper develops anEnergy Aware Efficient Data Aggregation (EAEDAR) and Data Re-Schedulingwith the incorporation of clustering techniques. Moreover, the model used energy based cluster formation and cluster head selection for increasing the network stability and data delivery rate. The model comprises four main phases, namely, Energy factor based cluster formation, Aggregator_SN (Sensor Node) Selection, Efficient Data Aggregation (EDA) and Data Re-Scheduling based on delay and processing time. Furthermore, the model is updated with respect to the status of the nodes and links, for providing consistent network with improved reliable data transmissions. The simulation results portrays the effectiveness of the proposed model over other compared works in terms of the performance factors such as, throughput, packet delivery ratio, network lifetime, transmission delay and packet drop.


In Internet of Things (IoT), the massive connectivity of devices and enormous data on the air have made information susceptible to different type of attacks. Cryptographic algorithms are used to provide confidentiality and maintain the integrity of the information. But small size, limited computational capability, limited memory, and power resources of the devices make it difficult to use the resource intensive traditional cryptographic algorithms for information security. In this scenario it becomes impertinent to develop lightweight security schemes for IoT. A thorough study on the lightweight cryptography as a solution to the security problem of resource-constrained devices in IoT has been presented in this work. This paper is a comprehensive attempt to provide an in-depth and state of the art survey of available lightweight cryptographic primitives till 2019. In this paper 21 lightweight block ciphers, 19 lightweight stream ciphers, 9 lightweight hash functions and 5 variants of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) has been discussed i.e. in total 54 LWC primitives are compared in their respective classes. The comparison of the ciphers has been carried out in terms of chip area, energy and power, hardware and software efficiency, throughput, latency and figure of merit (FoM). Based on the findings it can be observed that AES and ECC are the most suitable for used lightweight cryptographic primitives. Several open research problems in the field of lightweight cryptography have also been identified.

Mobile ad hoc networks rely on the opportunistic interaction of autonomous nodes to form networks without the use of infrastructure. Given the radically decentralized nature of such networks, their potential for autonomous communication is significantly improved when the need for a priori consensus among the nodes is kept to a minimum. This paper addresses an issue within the domain of semantic content discovery, namely, its current reliance on the preexisting agreement between the schema of content providers and consumers. We present OntoMobil, a semantic discovery model for ad hoc networks that removes the assumption of a globally known schema and allows nodes to publish information autonomously. The model relies on the randomized dissemination and replication of metadata through a gossip protocol. Given schemas with partial similarities, the randomized metadata dissemination mechanism facilitates eventual semantic agreement and provides a substrate for the scalable discovery of content. A discovery protocol can then utilize the replicated metadata to identify content within a predictable number of hops using semantic queries. A stochastic analysis of the gossip protocol presents the different trade-offs between discoverability and replication. We evaluate the proposed model by comparing OntoMobil against a broadcast-based protocol and demonstrate that semantic discovery with proactive replication provides good scalability properties, resulting in a high discovery ratio with less overhead than a reactive nonreplicated discovery approach.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a novel computationally efficient motion estimation (ME) algorithm for high-efficiency video coding (HEVC). The proposed algorithm searches in the hexagonal pattern with a fixed number of search points at each grid. It utilizes the correlation between contiguous pixels within the frame. In order to reduce the computational complexity, the proposed algorithm utilizes pixel truncation, adaptive search range, sub-sampling and avoids some of the asymmetrical prediction unit techniques. Simulation results are obtained by using the reference software HM (e n c o d e r_l o w d e l a y_P_m a i n and e n c o d e r_r a n d o m a c c e s s_m a i n profile) and shows 55.49% improvement on search points with approximately the same PSNR and around 1% increment in bit rate as compared to the Test Zonal Search (TZS) ME algorithm. By utilizing the proposed algorithm, the BD-PSNR loss for the video sequences like B a s k e t b a l l P a s s_416 × 240@50 and J o h n n y_1280 × 720@60 is 0.0804 dB and 0.0392 dB respectively as compared to the HM reference software with the e n c o d e r_l o w d e l a y_P_m a i n profile.  相似文献   
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