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In the present paper, a strategy for solving transient thermoviscoplastic problems is described. The general thermal and mechanical coupling phenomena are discussed by assuming material properties to be temperature-dependent and accounting for the mechanical terms in the non-stationary heat conduction equation. Time integration is carried out with an implicit scheme. An interesting version of the three-field approach is presented to obtain an accurate solution for the stress field. Finally, a global product coupling algorithm, in which the unknown nodal velocities and temperatures are solved with a two-step solution procedure is suggested. The proposed fractional step method partitions the initial coupled problem into an isothermal viscoplastic problem followed by a purely heat conduction problem at fixed configuration. Applications in metal forming analyses involving full thermomechanical coupling conclude the paper.  相似文献   
Metal Science and Heat Treatment -  相似文献   
A novel x-ray technology is used for studying the phase composition and the sizes of crystallites in amorphous-crystalline alloys of the Nd – Fe – B system obtained by the method of centrifugal sputtering for manufacturing permanent magnets.  相似文献   
Every car of the Volzhskii Automobile Plant consists of 1.6 (VAZ-2106) to 4.0 (VAZ-2110) kilograms of parts fabricated from powder materials. By the middle of 1996 the range of these parts (weighing from 1.5 to 600 g) consisted of 150 items. They are fabricated from powders based on iron and copper (119 and 31 items, respectively). Almost half of the iron-base powder parts are subjected to various kinds of surface treatment, namely, carburizing, cyaniding, gas nitriding, and steam oxide treatment. The present paper is devoted to the special features of chemical heat treatment (CHT) of parts produced from iron (steel) powder materials.Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 10, pp. 18–21, October, 1996.  相似文献   
Single crystals of the new phase TmAlB14 were grown using the high-temperature solution method. The crystal structure of TmAlB14 was refined from X-ray powder diffraction data using the Rietveld method. The structure is of MgAlB14-type with the space group Imma and unit cell parameters a = 5.8212(3) Å, B = 10.3837(2) Å and C = 8.1762(3) Å. The final, conventional R-valve and profile R-value are 0.031 and 0.064, respectively. The structure is characterized by a partial occupancy of both metal positions and a splitting of the thulium atomic position.  相似文献   
The specific features of low-temperature deformation-induced strengthening of Pb-In single crystals have been studied in a wide range of impurity concentrations. It was shown that a change in the strain-rate sensitivity of flow stress in the concentrated solid solution is connected with the inhomogeneous distribution of impurities. Based on the X-ray diffuse-scattering data, it was found that the short-range order of separation type was formed in these alloys; i.e., the lead atoms were randomly arranged and the indium atoms formed clusters whose characteristic size increased with concentration in a range of 1.0–1.9 nm. In the concentrated alloy, the appearance of coarse impurity clusters as strong obstacles for mobile dislocations in comparison with the impurity atoms and forest dislocations causes not only a sharp increase in the flow stress but also a change in the energy of dislocation-dislocation interaction.  相似文献   
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