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An anomalously large dielectric permittivity of ≈104 is found in the mesophase temperature range (MP phase) wherein high fluidity is observed for a liquid‐crystal compound having a 1,3‐dioxane unit in the mesogenic core (DIO). In this temperature range, no sharp X‐ray diffraction peak is observed at both small and wide Bragg angles, similar to that for a nematic phase; however, an inhomogeneous sandy texture or broken Schlieren one is observed via polarizing optical microscopy, unlike that for a conventional nematic phase. DIO exhibits polarization switching with a large polarization value, i.e., P = 4.4 µC cm?2, and a parallelogram‐shaped polarization–electric field hysteresis loop in the MP phase. The inhomogeneously aligned DIO in the absence of an electric field adopts a uniform orientation along an applied electric field when field‐induced polarization switching occurs. Furthermore, sufficiently larger second‐harmonic generation is observed for DIO in the MP phase. Second‐harmonic‐generation interferometry clearly shows that the sense of polarization is inverted when the +/? sign of the applied electric field in MP is reversed. These results suggest that a unidirectional, ferroelectric‐like parallel polar arrangement of the molecules is generated along the director in the MP phase.  相似文献   
The chemical characteristics of lignin, including the Klason lignin content, acid-soluble lignin content, proportion of the aromatic ring types [syringyl ratio = syringyl/(syringyl + guaiacyl)], and proportion of the diastereomeric forms for the β-O-4 structure [erythro ratio = erythro/(erythro + threo)], and pulpability were investigated for 28 wood samples belonging to the genera Acacia and Eucalyptus. Although the lignin characteristics of these 28 woods varied widely, the chemical characteristics of the two genera could be categorized in two clearly distinguished groups on the basis of the syringyl ratio. Clear negative correlations were observed between both the syringyl and erythro ratios and the total lignin content (sum of the Klason and acid-soluble lignin contents) within each genus. In addition, the syringyl ratio correlated positively with the erythro ratio and acid-soluble lignin content, regardless of the genus. The existence of a clear, high correlation between the syringyl and erythro ratios supports the hypothesis that the aromatic ring type (syringyl ratio) is a decisive factor for controlling the diastereomeric forms of the β-O-4 structure (erythro ratio). Each of the wood samples was also subjected to Kraft pulping, and it was demonstrated that the woods with higher syringyl ratios were easier to delignify. This tendency is reasonably attributed to the high reactivity of the erythro-rich and syringyl-rich β-O-4 structures, and the low lignin content of these syringyl-rich woods.  相似文献   
Various fermented whey-based beverages have been developed to reduce waste. However, approaches to increase the preference of whey-based beverages are required because of the low sensory acceptability of whey. Here, we identified the better starting material (whey type), between raw whey (RW) and demineralised whey (DMW), and determined the optimal initial concentration using multiple sensory evaluations to develop acceptable fermented beverages made from sole whey with pure cultured Kluyveromyces marxianus (i.e. without additional ingredients and processing methods). Acceptance tests showed that fermented beverages made from DMW were superior to RW as the starting material. The amounts of ethanol produced were 5.0%, 7.6% and 9.5% v/v from the different initial DMW concentrations of 10%, 15% and 20% w/v, respectively. We observed a significant positive correlation (rs = 0.32, P < 0.05) between the assessment attributes, strength of taste as alcohol beverage and overall acceptability, indicating that higher concentrations of DMW yielded a more desirable product.  相似文献   
In this article, we present an evaluation method for the skin color distribution in the face area. Unlike previous methods that extract a specific area, our method subdivides the entire face into small regions and analyzes detailed, per-frame textures. Our evaluation method for skin color distribution is based on facial feature points and includes segmentation that takes into account the facial skeleton and muscle orientation. The use of facial feature points enables a comparison at relatively equal positions on the face without depending on the shape or size of the individual's face. Our evaluation method is versatile, and as an application, we clarified age-specific features and seasonal variations of facial color distribution. As a result of applying this evaluation method to the facial images of women aged 20 to 78 years, we confirmed that the lightness of the face decreased as age increased. In particular, the decrease in lightness was remarkable in the region along the cheekbone, from the temple to the center of the cheek. Furthermore, we analyzed the seasonal changes of melanin distribution in the face area. This showed that the melanin index increased particularly in the cheekbone area in the summer when the influence of ultraviolet rays became large. Our novel methodology and the data presented in this article will be useful in various fields, such as dermatology, cosmetics, and computer vision.  相似文献   
Organic thin‐film transistors (OTFTs) can be fabricated via a wet process and have exceptionally high flexibility. Therefore, production using the roll‐to‐roll (RtoR) method is expected. We succeeded in developing a new OTFT wet fabrication process adaptable to the RtoR process. Utilizing the electroless plating method for wiring formation, all materials can be formed in a wet process and can be patterned using the photolithography process. In addition, we succeeded in fabricating OTFT on an A4‐type flexible substrate using RtoR direct imaging exposure system.  相似文献   
The paper analyzes the performance of asset prices implied by an aggregate macroeconomic growth model under two different consumption hypotheses: overlapping generations of agents with two period lives versus the infinitely lived agent. The production side of the economy is described by a random growth model with a competitive labor market and an exogenously given random dividend payout ratio. For an isoelastic technology with multiplicative production shocks this implies a random dynamical system for the firm’s rate of profit with a unique asymptotically stable random fixed point for a large class of productivity growth and dividend payout ratio processes. Based on an extensive numerical study of stationary solutions we show that the two consumption scenarios imply a limited number of diverse effects regarding equity and bond returns and equity premia.  相似文献   
改进了一种基于有限元技术分析三维裂纹应力强度因子的计算方法——虚拟裂纹闭合方法,称为改进的虚拟裂纹闭合方法.应用传统的虚拟裂纹闭合方法求解三维裂纹体应力强度因子时,对有限元模型具有一定的要求,即过裂纹前缘的有限单元裂纹面必须具有相同的面积且对称.而应用文中改进的虚拟裂纹闭合方法求解三维裂纹体应力强度因子时,裂纹前缘的裂纹面可以是任意形状.文中应用改进虚拟裂纹闭合方法,建立20结点等参元有限元模型,对三维表面裂纹应力强度因子进行了验证性的分析和讨论.通过与Newman解相比较,证明该方法适用性强且计算精度高.  相似文献   
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