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三维地质模型网格数据量庞大,直接应用于油藏模拟多有不便。为减轻CPU工作负荷,方便油藏数值模拟,需要对大数据量的数值模型进行粗化处理,旨在减少三维网格体数据量的同时,尽量保持储层原有的地质信息。由此引发我们对精细油藏描述中非均质算法的研究,这一研究对油藏数值模拟有着重要意义。  相似文献   
Transaction processing performance council benchmark C (TPC-C) is the de facto standard for evaluating the performance of high-end computers running on-line transaction processing applications. Differing from other standard benchmarks, the transaction processing performance council only defines specifications for the TPC-C benchmark, but does not provide any standard implementation for end-users. Due to the complexity of the TPC-C workload, it is a challenging task to obtain optimal performance for TPC-C evaluation on a large-scale high-end computer. In this paper, we designed and implemented a large-scale TPC-C evaluation system based on the latest TPC-C specification using solid-state drive (SSD) storage devices. By analyzing the characteristics of the TPC-C workload, we propose a series of system-level optimization methods to improve the TPC-C performance. First, we propose an approach based on SmallFile table space to organize the test data in a round-robin method on all of the disk array partitions; this can make full use of the underlying disk arrays. Second, we propose using a NOOP-based disk scheduling algorithm to reduce the utilization rate of processors and improve the average input/output service time. Third, to improve the system translation lookaside buffer hit rate and reduce the processor overhead, we take advantage of the huge page technique to manage a large amount of memory resources. Lastly, we propose a locality-aware interrupt mapping strategy based on the asymmetry characteristic of non-uniform memory access systems to improve the system performance. Using these optimization methods, we performed the TPC-C test on two large-scale high-end computers using SSD arrays. The experimental results show that our methods can effectively improve the TPC-C performance. For example, the performance of the TPC-C test on an Intel Westmere server reached 1.018 million transactions per minute.  相似文献   
In this paper, the resilient control under the Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is rebuilt within the framework of Joint Directors of Laboratories (JDL) data fusion model. The JDL data fusion process is characterized by the so-called Game-in-Game approach, where decisions are made at different layers. The interactions between different JDL levels are considered which take the form of Packet Delivery Rate of the communication channel. Some criterions to judge whether the cyber defense system is able to protect the underlying control system is provided. Finally, a numerical example is proposed to verify the validity of the proposed method.  相似文献   
本文设计了一套低成本无线智能家居系统的解决方案,具有安全,可靠,稳定的显著特点,以及智能家居系统市场的广大前景.本文还阐明了系统的体系结构,详细介绍了系统软件和硬件部分的设计与实现。并对关键技术(GPRS、24L01)的流程做了详细的阐述。  相似文献   
随着企业生产规模的扩大,其所掌控的资产也越来越多。信息作为企业重要的资产,其安全性正得到越来越多的企业的关注,很多企业为了保证自身信息的安全与保密性,也制订了自身的信息安全策略。然而,很多企业的信息安全策略常常形同虚设,没有发挥其应有的作用,甚至存在着严重的漏洞,为企业的健康发展埋下了不小的隐患。笔者结合自身多年的工作经验,就企业信息安全策略实施过程中存在的问题进行分析,并针对性的提出几点对策,希望对相关人士能有所帮助。  相似文献   
随着博客的兴盛,博客营销作为一种新的营销方式出现在人们面前.本文通过总结博客营销的发展现状和特点,对这种新的电子商务模式进行了探讨和展望.  相似文献   
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