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The antioxidant activity of Bene hull oil (BHO) was compared with that of sesame oil (SEO) and rice bran oil (RBO) during the frying process of sunflower oil (SFO) at 180C. The ratio between the polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids and calculated oxidizability were statistically greater for the SFO (4.26 and 6.48, respectively), followed by the SEO (3.18 and 6.27, respectively), RBO (1.53 and 4.37, respectively) and BHO (0.37 and 1.67, respectively). Peroxide and acid values of the oils studied ranged from 0.34 to 3.07 mEq/kg and from 0.19 to 5.20 mg/g, respectively. Total tocopherols and phenolics contents of the SEO (1093.28 and 1042.43 mg/kg, respectively) were significantly higher than those of the SFO (740.27 and 38.68 mg/kg, respectively), BHO (573.41 and 276.67 mg/kg, respectively), and RBO (832.98 and 67.98 mg/kg, respectively). In total, based on the conjugated diene value and carbonyl value measurements during the frying process, the BHO showed an antioxidant activity higher than those of the SEO and RBO at the level of 2%, and the levels higher than 2% of the antioxidative oils caused to decrease the oxidative stability of the SFO, indicating the pro-oxidant effect of the oils added at these levels.


This research introduces the oil obtained from the hull of Bene, a species of pistachio growing wild in Iran, as a new source of vegetable oil for human nutrition with antioxidant activity significantly higher than sesame and rice bran oils, which are considered as very stable and antioxidative vegetable oils because of the presence of very strong indigenous antioxidants, during the frying process.  相似文献   
The chemical properties of nonprotein trypsin inhibitor (NPTI) and nonprotein chymotrypsin inhibitor (NPCTI) in the soybean were studied. NPTI was extracted with 50% methanol and treated with TCA to a final concentration of 16% (W/V). Two dimensional thin-layer chromatography was used to make a peptide map of the methanol extract; 14 spots were observed. To distinguish the active peptides, the sample was mixed with trypsin or chymotrypsin; some peptides disappeared which formed complexes with the enzyme. The relative rate of inhibition indicated that inhibition was stoichiometric for trypsin and chymotrypsin. Dissociation constants of complexes (enzyme and inhibitor) showed that inhibition of chymotrypsin and trypsin were competitive and uncompetitive, respectively.  相似文献   
Endopolygalacturonase [poly (1–4-α-D galacturonide) glycanhydrolase, EC] activity was measured in samples of cv. Rutgers, Nr (never ripe) and F1 hybrids of rin (ripening inhibitor, + rin, ++), nor (nonripening, ++, + nor) and rin × nor (+ rin + nor) fruits taken at three day intervals during ripening. Day 1 of ripening was taken as the day on which the first persistent increase in ethylene production was recorded. The enzyme was first detected on day 3 in Rutgers, F1 rin and F1 nor, and on day 6 in Nr and F1 rin × nor. The Rutgers and F1 rin samples softened more rapidly than the other samples and they also contained more enzyme activity. Enzyme activity developed less rapidly in Nr than in any other samples, but the Nr and the nor hybrid, samples softened at comparable rates. In Rutgers and F1 rin, a high molecular weight form of the enzyme (PG1, Mr 100 000) predominated to day 6, and a lower molecular weight form (PG2, Mr 43 000 - 46 000) progressively increased after day 6. In all F1 nor, F1 rin × nor and Nr samples the enzyme was predominately or entirely as PG1. The interrelationship of PG1 and PG2 and their roles in ripening are discussed.  相似文献   
Green and cured (seven days at 29°C and 90% RH) ‘Centennial’ sweet potato roots were used to make and evaluate frozen and canned mashes and canned whole roots. Fried patties and pies were made from each of the processed products. The frozen mash from green roots was higher in pH while the canned mash from green and cured roots was lower in pH and higher in viscosity. The canned mash had the lowest ‘L’ and ‘a’ readings but was rated the highest in color score when made into pies. However, the fried patties were scored higher in color when made from frozen mashes or canned whole roots. Moreover, pies made from low viscous mashes were scored low in texture.  相似文献   
在热泵领域,有许多影响装置性能和效率的参数。本研究采用实验方法研究重要参数对热泵性能的影响。在不同工况下,利用实验室热泵装置研究制冷剂类型和充注量、压缩机油黏度、压缩机冷却风扇、二次流体温度和流量等参数的影响。选择不同的制冷剂作为热泵的循环流体。 本文在研究不同参数对COP的影响之外,还对其经济性进行了分析。结果表明,制冷剂充注量是影响COP的主要参数之一,添加合适的制冷剂可使系统性能提高11%以上。此外,通过选择低黏度压缩机油,系统性能提高18%。当采用冷却风扇冷却压缩机元件时,系统性能提高超过6%。  相似文献   
Digital reconstruction of a complex heterogeneous media from the limited statistical information, mostly provided by different imaging techniques, is the key to the successful computational analysis of this important class of materials. In this study, a novel approach is presented for three‐dimensional (3D) reconstruction of a three‐phase microstructure from its statistical information provided by two‐dimensional (2D) cross‐sections. In this three‐step method, first two‐point correlation functions (TPCFs) are extracted from the cross‐section(s) using a spectral method suitable for the three‐phase media. In the next step, 3D TPCFs are approximated for all vectors in a representative volume element (RVE). Finally, the 3D microstructure is realized from the full‐set TPCFs obtained in the previous step, using a modified phase‐recovery algorithm. The method is generally applicable to any complex three‐phase media, here illustrated for an SOFC anode microstructure. The capabilities and shortcomings of the method are then investigated by performing a qualitative comparison between example cross‐sections obtained computationally and their experimental equivalents. Finally, it is shown that the method almost conserves key microstructural properties of the media including tortuosity, percolation and three‐phase boundary length (TPBL).  相似文献   
Bone grinding is an essential and vital procedure in most surgical operations. Currently, the insufficient cooling capacity of dry grinding, poor visibility of drip irrigation surgery area, and large grinding force leading to high grinding temperature are the technical bottlenecks of micro-grinding. A new micro-grinding process called ultrasonic vibration-assisted nanoparticle jet mist cooling (U-NJMC) is innovatively proposed to solve the technical problem. It combines the advantages of ultrasonic vibration (UV) and nanoparticle jet mist cooling (NJMC). Notwithstanding, the combined effect of multi parameter collaborative of U-NJMC on cooling has not been investigated. The grinding force, friction coefficient, specific grinding energy, and grinding temperature under dry, drip irrigation, UV, minimum quantity lubrication (MQL), NJMC, and U-NJMC micro-grinding were compared and analyzed. Results showed that the minimum normal grinding force and tangential grinding force of U-NJMC micro-grinding were 1.39 and 0.32 N, which were 75.1% and 82.9% less than those in dry grinding, respectively. The minimum friction coefficient and specific grinding energy were achieved using U-NJMC. Compared with dry, drip, UV, MQL, and NJMC grinding, the friction coefficient of U-NJMC was decreased by 31.3%, 17.0%, 19.0%, 9.8%, and 12.5%, respectively, and the specific grinding energy was decreased by 83.0%, 72.7%, 77.8%, 52.3%, and 64.7%, respectively. Compared with UV or NJMC alone, the grinding temperature of U-NJMC was decreased by 33.5% and 10.0%, respectively. These results showed that U-NJMC provides a novel approach for clinical surgical micro-grinding of biological bone.  相似文献   
用铁尾矿陶粒替代普通混凝土天然粗骨料,根据《轻骨料混凝土技术规程》(JGJ/T 12—2019)设计配合比,制备LC30~LC40的铁尾矿陶粒混凝土.测定和计算其力学性能、耐久性、经济性,并与普通混凝土作对比.结果表明,铁尾矿陶粒混凝土能够满足《轻骨料混凝土技术规程》(JGJ/T 12—2019)中LC30配制强度,其...  相似文献   
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