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研究了浆液浓度、聚合釜撤热能力等对高密度聚乙烯装置生产能力的影响。结果表明:提高浆液浓度、延长停留时间保证乙烯转化率来提高聚合釜的负荷,同时,提高釜顶冷凝器和聚合釜夹套的热处理能力及循环气风机进釜风量,可提高装置生产能力。按目前实际生产中单釜最大负荷提高1.08倍计,生产能力可提高3.7%~7.4%。  相似文献   
The mechanical stability is, in addition to thermal and chemical stability, a primary requirement of polymer electrolyte membranes in fuel cells. In this study, the impact of grafting parameters and preparation steps on stress–strain properties of ETFE‐based proton conducting membranes, prepared by radiation‐induced grafting and subsequent sulphonation, was studied. No significant change in the mechanical properties of the ETFE base film was observed below an irradiation dose of 50 kGy. It was shown that the elongation at break decreases with increasing both the crosslinker concentration and graft level (GL). However, the tensile strength was positively affected by the crosslinker concentration. Yield strength and modulus of elasticity are almost unaffected by the introduction of crosslinker. Interestingly, yield strength and modulus of elasticity increase gradually with GL without noticeable change of the inherent crystallinity of grafted films. The most brittle membranes are obtained via the combination of high GL and crosslinker concentration. The optimised ETFE‐based membrane (GL of ∼25%, 5% DVB v/v), shows mechanical properties superior to those of Nafion® 112 membrane. The obtained results were correlated qualitatively to the other ex situ properties, including crystallinity, thermal properties and water uptake of the grafted membranes.  相似文献   
When spraying ceramic particles with a low thermal conductivity such as zirconia using Ar-H2 direct-current (d.c.) plasma jets where the heat transfer is important, heat transfer phenomena take place with the propagation of melting, evaporation and even afterwards solidification fronts. Most models neglect these heat transfer phenomena assuming the particle as a lumped media. This work is aimed at developing a model coupling the effect of heat propagation within the particle along its trajectory. It uses an adaptative grid in which the coordinates of the phase change fronts are fixed. It allows minimizing the calculation costs (approximately 10 s on PC under Windows XP against 1 h with an enthalpy model). Such calculations are illustrated in an Ar-H2 (25 vol.%) for dense and porous agglomerated zirconia (low thermal conductivity) as well as iron particles with a much higher thermal conductivity and drastic evaporation. This article was originally published in Global Coating Solutions, Proceedings of the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference, Beijing, China, May 14-16, 2007, Basil R. Marple, Margaret M. Hyland, Yuk-Chiu Lau, Chang-Jiu Li, Rogerio S. Lima, and Ghislain Montavon, Ed., ASM International, Materials Park, 2007.  相似文献   
A modified ITO electrode based on conducting polymer (MEH–PPV) matrix doped with the calix[4]arene molecules (β-ketoimine calix[4]arene) is deposited by spin coating. The carrier transport mechanism of the MEH–PPV and MEH–PPV:β-ketoiminecalix[4]arene films is investigated by using IV characteristics measurements. The conduction mechanisms in these thin films are identified to be a space-charge-limited current (SCLC). The dielectric behavior of the MEH–PPV and the composite β-ketoimine calix[4]arene/MEH–PPV thin films are investigated by impedance spectroscopy (IS). The Cole–Cole plots are studied showing single semicircles and the solid interfaces are modeled by an equivalent circuit. The characteristics of chemical sensors based on MEH–PPV and MEH–PPV doped β-ketoimine calix[4]arene thin films for the detection of Cu2+ and Na+ ions are investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The experimental impedance data of the modified electrodes are modeled by an equivalent circuit using the Z-View software. The inclusion of calixarene molecules into conducting polymer (MEH–PPV) exhibited considerable rise charge transfer resistance and improves sensing properties.  相似文献   
Inhibitory effect of some new synthesized tripyrazole compounds on corrosion of pure iron in 1 M HCl solution has been studied using weight-loss measurements and various electrochemical techniques polarization and impedance spectroscopy methods. The inhibiting action is more pronounced with N,N,N-tris[(3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)methyl] amine (P1), and its inhibition efficiency increases with its concentration and attains the maximum value of 94% at the 2.5 × 10−4 M. The effect of temperature on the corrosion behaviour of iron was studied in the range from 298 to 353 K with and without P1 at 2.5 × 10−4 M. We note a good agreement between gravimetric and electrochemical methods potentiodynamic polarization and impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Polarization measurements show also that the compound acts mixed inhibitor. The catholic curves indicate that the reduction of proton at the pure iron surface happens within a pure activating mechanism. EIS measurements show the increase of the transfer resistance with the inhibitor concentration. The presence of the N,N,N-tris[(3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)methyl] amine increases the inhibition efficiency and not caused a drastic change in its adsorption mechanism. The adsorption of P1 on the surface of iron in 1 M HCl obeys a Langmuir isotherm adsorption.  相似文献   
The objective of this work is to study the transfer of oxygen from gas to liquid phase in an electroflotation cell. The measurements were performed in a laboratory scale cell using insoluble electrodes, titanium coated with ruthenium oxide as anode and stainless steel as cathode. The volumetric mass transfer coefficient K L a, was characterized for clean tap water as liquid phase for different values of current density (J). The global coefficient of mass transfer based on the liquid film, K L , and the specific interfacial area, a, were characterized. A model which relates K L a to current density was established. Different evaluation criteria of oxygen transfer in electroflotation process were determined and compared with other aeration process.  相似文献   
In phosphoric acid solution (40% H3PO4), the corrosion behaviour of graphite and stainless steels was studied by the use of different electrochemical methods, namely polarization curve analysis, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET). The combined effect of chemical impurities and the increase of medium temperature was studied to approach the real conditions in the process of phosphoric acid manufacturing. It was found that the current density measured by polarization curves increased with the presence of chloride and sulphate ions in the acid solution whatever the tested material. Compared to stainless steels, graphite had the best corrosion resistance in polluted phosphoric acid. However, for graphite the increase of temperature from 20 to 80 °C induced an increase of the corrosion rate and potential and a decrease of the resistance confirmed by EIS results. Subsequently, local currents were detected at the surface of the sample by using the scanning vibrating electrode technique. From the data obtained, graphite surface manifested a distinctive behaviour from that of stainless steels. A generalized corrosion was occurred on graphite whereas a localized corrosion was observed for stainless steels. These results show a clear interest of graphite as component material in some of the equipments of the phosphoric acid industry.  相似文献   
C10芳烃的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C10芳芳烃资源集中,用途广泛,蕴茂着巨大经济效益。C10芳烃的开发已引起国内外的重视。本文重点概述了国内我生产技术和今后发展趋势,以及C10芳烃综合利用的经济效益,为C10芳烃的开发利用提供可参考的意见。  相似文献   
杨勇平  汉京晓  李沛文  侯宏娟  徐犇 《化工学报》2014,65(11):4285-4292
建立了间接接触式显热蓄热实验台,对不同粒径的砂砾用于太阳能显热蓄热斜温层单罐填料的蓄热特性进行了研究.实验台蓄热装置为一圆柱形罐体,内部按六边形蜂窝状布置了19根不锈钢管.选用空气作为换热流体,流经钢管内部通道传热,钢管外部用于与罐体内的砂砾相接触.选取了4种砂砾:细砂、中砂、滤砂和粗砂进行实验.结果表明,空隙率是影响砂砾蓄热性能的重要因素,而不是密度或粒径.其中,粗砂空隙率最低,蓄热效果最好.对于砂砾等基本物性变化不大的材料,不同蓄热温差下,蓄热效果相同.采用空气作为换热流体,蓄热效率较低,需要降低空气流速或者加长管段以强化换热.实验结果与二维简化数值模型进行对比,结果吻合良好,该模型可用于进行大型蓄热罐蓄热性能研究.  相似文献   
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