In the past few years, the need for accuracy and robustness against luminosity variations has drawn a considerable share of the palmprint research toward coding-based approaches. However, on the downside coding-based approaches require a high computational cost. On the contrary, while holistic-based palmprint recognition methods are easy to implement and have low computational burden, they usually do not result in a highly desirable accuracy. As a result, more recently hybridization of the holistic-based and coding-based methods has gained a boost. These hybridization schemes take advantages of both holistic and coding information to achieve a better performance. However, their computational burden due to incorporating the coding approach is still much heavier than the holistic methods. In this paper, we propose a new hybridization scheme based on Anisotropic Filter (AF) coding and the two-phase test sample representation (TPTSR) for the palmprint identification. In our scheme, the coding-based method is only applied on a super narrowed gallery in order to measure the classification confidence for a given test sample. Then, we apply our Guided Holistic (GH)-based method for classifying the test sample if the holistic-based algorithm is not sufficiently confident. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our method in enhancing both the complexity cost and the accuracy of the results. 相似文献
Microsystem Technologies - The study of multi-phase fluid flow in microfluidic devices provides an opportunity for researchers to characterize effective factors and mechanisms in microscale. The... 相似文献
Objective of this study is measuring the macroscopic cross section of a neutron absorbing layer for thermal neutrons. For this purpose a neutron source and BF3 detector have been applied. For measuring macroscopic cross section of thermal neutrons by the \( I = BI_{0} e^{{ - \sum\nolimits_{tot} t}} \) Formula, it is necessary to provide suitable geometric conditions in order to assume the production and build-up coefficient to be the unit value (=1). To fulfill required conditions for this assumption, surface of the detector is covered with a 2 mm thick layer of cadmium. Radiation window of the detector has a 3 cm diameter, situated directly in front of the source. By placing the cadmium cover over the detector, variation of \( Ln{\frac{{I_{0}^{{}} }}{I}} \) values verses thickness of absorbent layer, renders linear function behavior, making it possible to measure the macroscopic cross section. The next stage is applying the MCNP code by simulating F1 tally and cosine-cards for calculating Total Macroscopic Cross-Section. Validation of this study is achieved through comparison of simulation by the MCNP code and results rendered by experiment measurements. 相似文献
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has had a long history of use as a polar solvent and active pharmaceutical ingredient in the past decades. However, in this decade DMSO has attracted the attention of scientists as a source of oxygen, carbon or sulfur in a wide range of organic reactions. In this review, we have summarized and classified the latest findings in this area based on applications of DMSO as a single or a dual synthon.
This study was aimed to examine the antioxidant (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances [TBARS], peroxide value [PV], and as well as antimicrobial (total bacterial count, Staphylococcus aureus [S. aureus], mold and yeast counts) activities and spoilage indices (total volatile base nitrogen [TVB-N]) of quinoa peptide-loaded liposomes incorporated into burger during 12 days of refrigerated storage. Among four prepared batches, the lowest TBARS, PV, and TVB-N values (0.281 ± 0.05 mg MDA/kg, 3.25 ± 0.34 mEq/kg and 18.65 ± 0.88%, respectively) were correlated with T3 treatment (5 mg/ml peptide). A significant different in the antimicrobial activity among each treatment after 12 days of storage was noted. At the end of refrigerated storage, the highest mean of total bacterial count, S. aureus, mold and yeast (8.36 ± 0.22, 4.19 ± 0.2, and 3.28 ± 0.05 log CFU/g, respectively) were observed in control group, while the lowest corresponded values (3.95 ± 0.2, 2.52 ± 0.25, and 1.52 ± 0.02 log CFU/g, respectively) were noted in T3 treatment. The results showed that the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of the examined burgers were improved by incorporation of liposomes quinoa peptides encapsulated. 相似文献
We studied the feasibility of reusing of treated industrial wastewater from Tehran Refinery and Distribution Company in the production of concrete. Three types of concrete samples with 350, 400, and 450 kg/m3 of cement were made with two different types of water, including drinking water and treated industrial wastewater. The results indicated that the use of treated industrial wastewater in the production of concrete instead of drinking water resulted in a 6.9% decreased in compressive strength of cement sand mortar at the age of 28 days. Nevertheless, the strength of cement mortar satisfied the standard of ASTM C109/C109M‐16a. The compressive strength of concrete sample produced using treated industrial wastewater decreased by 8.7%; however, the results complied with BS EN 1008. The results of final setting time of cement paste made with treated industrial wastewater had 17 min delay related to using drinking water. Nonetheless, the results satisfy ASTMC191‐13. Normal consistency of hydraulic cement, water absorption percentage, the air content of freshly mixed concrete, and concrete density of concrete samples made with treated industrial wastewater did not change significantly related to concrete samples made with drinking water. Similarly, the results of electrical resistivity of concrete samples increased by an average 7.7%, while using treated wastewater instead of drinking water. Nevertheless, the chlorine ion penetration potential was very low. As a result, we could use the treated industrial wastewater for producing concrete. 相似文献
Problems associated with increased urban noise exposure – especially due to road traffic – are well known. However, the acoustic planning of urban areas and the potential of simulation still does not receive sufficient attention. In this context, the present contribution focuses on urban canyons via comparison of measured and simulated sound levels. Toward this end, a room acoustic simulation tool was deployed to model two areas in the city of Vienna. Simulation results were shown to generally agree with the measurements. The contribution includes also a sensitivity analysis to explore the impact of variations in model assumptions on simulation results. 相似文献