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Gluten films obtained in acid conditions display some protein dispersion difficulties. Ultrasound treatment (UT) could represent an interesting strategy for improving gluten film appearance. Different UT exposure times were applied to film-forming dispersion. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of ultrasound treatment on gluten-based films at molecular and mesoscopic levels. Distribution in gliadin and glutenins was determined with SE-HPLC. The UT improved protein dispersion and final film appearance. Sonication did not lead to large changes in various gluten fractions, which suggests absence of important protein breakdown at the molecular level. Gluten showed high tolerance to UT. Surface properties of untreated and treated films were investigated by contact angle measurement: sonication promoted hydrophilic surface properties.Industrial relevanceBio-based packaging has been receiving increasing attention in view of its beneficial impact on the environment. Among proteins, gluten resulted as a very interesting film-forming material. Gluten films prepared in acid conditions showed problems in protein dispersion. Sonication represents a physical strategy which allowed us to obtain gluten-based films without the addition of chemical additives, such as sodium sulphite.  相似文献   
The food industry has a direct interest into bitter-tasting substances either for the identification of negative off-flavors or for the monitoring of a desired organoleptic quality. A rapid technique, based on Fourier transform-near infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy and able to detect taste molecular markers in bakery commodities, was developed, focusing the attention on biscuits category. Xanthines (caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline) and polyphenols (catechins and epicathechins), considered as mainly responsible for the bitter-taste of coffeecocoachocolate based products, were firstly checked using a confirmatory liquid chromatography (LC)-ESImass spectrometry (MS)-MS procedure after hot methanol–water extraction. Correspondent data were used for the calibration of the FT-NIR through PLS regression. Values of the standard errors of prediction (lower than 10 %) were comparable to the values of the standard errors of cross-validation. Coefficients of determination indicated a good predictive power in the calibration model (R 2 xanthines?=?0.97, R 2 polyphenols?=?0.96) and a satisfying discriminating power among different contents in the validation models (R 2 xanthines?=?0.96, R 2 polyphenols?=?0.96). A testing phase on the generated model was executed by a comparison of LC-MS and sensory panel data with FT-NIR responses recorded on unknown biscuits: differences between found and predicted levels were generally below 5 % and the best predictability was achievable in chocolate-based biscuits. This methodology is able to work directly on solid products, has the potential to be expanded on other categories of gustative molecular markers (like sugars) and can be conceived as applicable for a routine control of a standardized bitter taste quality in a real industrial production.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess differences between apple juices and fermented apple beverages elaborated with fruits from different varieties and at different ripening stages in the aroma profile by using chemometrics. Ripening influenced the aroma composition of the apple juice and fermented apple. For all varieties, senescent fruits provided more aromatic fermented apple beverages. However, no significant difference was noticed in samples made of senescent or ripe fruits of the Lisgala variety. Regarding the juices, ripe Gala apple had the highest total aroma concentration. Ethanal was the major compound identified in all the samples, with values between 11.83 mg/L (unripe Lisgala juice) and 81.05 mg/L (ripe Gala juice). 3-Methyl-1-butanol was the major compound identified in the fermented juices. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were applied and classified the juices and fermented juices based on physicochemical and aroma profile, demonstrating their applicability as tools to monitor the quality of apple-based products.  相似文献   
Phenolic compounds were extracted from grape marc by means of high pressure and temperature extraction. In order to increase their dispersability in the aqueous phase, the polyphenolic extracts were encapsulated at a final concentration of 0.1 % (w/w) in nanoemulsion-based delivery systems, which were formulated with natural ingredients, using either a liquid (sunflower oil) or a solid (palm oil) lipid phase, as well as the combination of a hydrophilic and hydrophobic emulsifier, and were produced by high-pressure homogenization. The delivery systems were characterized in terms of physicochemical stability under accelerated ageing (storage at 4 °C, 30 °C, and 55 °C for 14 days), by recording the evolution of the mean droplet size, the creaming index as well as the UV–vis absorption spectra of the encapsulated polyphenols. The antioxidant activity of the encapsulated extracts was measured with two different chemical assays (FRAP and ORAC) and a cellular antioxidant assay. Sunflower oil-based nanoemulsions resulted to be the most physically and chemically stable, with no significant variation of the mean droplet size and no degradation of the encapsulated compounds under the different conditions tested. The FRAP and ORAC assays showed that the antioxidant compounds, when encapsulated, are as available as unencapsulated polyphenols in scavenging the peroxyl radicals (ORAC), but are less available in reducing the ferric tripyridyltriazine complexes (FRAP). Remarkably, the cellular antioxidant activity was significantly higher for the encapsulated grape marc polyphenols than for the unencapsulated ones, suggesting the fundamental role of the nanoemulsions in favoring the delivery through the biological membranes.  相似文献   
Meringues are characterized by a predominant air phase and their overall quality is intimately related with microstructure. The formation of meringues microstructure relies on the capacity of egg white (EW) proteins to form voluminous and stable foams and it is ultimately related with the chemical properties of proteins and with the addition of ingredients such as sugars, salts, acids and surfactants.The study aimed at assessing the influence of sugar/EW ratio, citric acid and EW type on the microstructural and mechanical properties of meringues. Meringues prepared with different sugar/EW, citric acid level and different EW type were subjected to microstructural analysis by X-ray microtomography and to mechanical assessment by compression tests.Results demonstrate the ability of X-ray microtomography to reconstruct the 3D microstructure of meringues allowing the measurement of porosity, size, shape and distribution of pores. Citric acid, sugar concentration and EW type play a fundamental role on meringues microstructural parameters and mechanical properties. Low sugar/EW ratios as well as increasing citric acid levels increase the air phase and result in a softer texture of meringues. Moreover, low sugar/EW ratios and increasing citric acid in the meringue result in a reduction of pore size and also influence the shape of pores. Meringues microstructural and mechanical properties are affected by the EW quality: fresh and pasteurized EWs and EWs stored at refrigerated temperatures scored the highest structural and mechanical performances, while powdered and frozen EWs and albumens from old eggs showed the worst results. Not only the balance among ingredients but also the choice of raw materials can strongly affect the final quality of meringues.  相似文献   
In this work, the influence of packaging mass transport properties on quality loss of fresh‐cut cauliflower mixtures was addressed. The study was organised in two subsequent experimental steps; first, the selection of micro‐perforated packaging films was carried out by monitoring the package headspace gas concentrations of fresh‐cut white, green cauliflower and roman cabbage. Then, the effects of the barrier properties of the selected micro‐perforated film on shelf life of two different fresh‐cut cauliflower mixtures, stored at 4 ± 1 °C, were addressed. Results suggested that, among the investigated films, the micro‐perforated polymeric matrix with the lowest oxygen transmission rate value showed the best performance as it created the optimum headspace gas composition for each cauliflower variety, as well as, for the product mixtures. The appearance of visible moulds was the factor limiting product shelf life that accounted for about 18 days for both the investigated cauliflower mixtures.  相似文献   
The goal of the study was to obtain spaghetti enriched with pea flour with sensory properties close to conventional pasta. To this aim, the study has been organised in two subsequent trials. In the first, the pea flour amount added to the spaghetti was continuously increased until the overall sensory quality reached its threshold value (pea flour concentration = 15%). In fact, the spaghetti samples supplemented with 15% pea flour (15%S‐P) showed less elasticity, unpleasant colour and higher firmness compared to the control sample (CTRL). The second step was aimed to improve the overall sensory quality of the 15%S‐P spaghetti by means of guar gum (GUAR). The sample with GUAR (15%S‐P/GUAR) showed a pleasant colour, odour and taste. Furthermore, the 15%S‐P/GUAR sample recorded a low starch digestibility value (i.e. 54) and a higher soluble fibre content with respect to the 15%S‐P sample.  相似文献   
The ability of high β-glucan barley (HBGB) flour versus regular commercial barley (CB) to make highly nutritious wheat (WT) blended breads meeting functional and sensory standards has been investigated. Mixed breads obtained by 40 % replacement of WT flour by HBGB flours are more nutritious than those replaced by CB flours and much more than regular WT flour breads in terms of elevated levels of dietary fibre fractions (soluble, insoluble, resistant starch and β-glucans), slowly digestible starch subfraction and bioaccessible polyphenols providing higher antiradical activity. WT/CB and WT/HBGB breads can be, respectively, labelled as source of fibre (3 g DF/100 g food) and high-fibre breads (6 g DF/100 g food), according to Nutritional Claims for dietary fibre foods. The consumption of 100 g of WT/HBGB can meet up to almost 50 % the required dietary fibre, providing a β-glucan intake high enough to meet the requirements of the EFSA health claim (3 g/day), contributing a reduced blood cholesterol level. The techno-functional performance of fresh blended breads and the sensory appreciation were in general preserved or even improved.  相似文献   
The influence of reducing and oxidizing buckwheat sourdoughs on the rheological, protein, and bread properties of buckwheat and brown rice flour was investigated. Batters and breads prepared with chemically acidified doughs, fresh pre-doughs, and fresh pre-doughs containing glutathione (3 mM) were used as controls. No significant differences were observed after the addition of reducing and oxidizing sourdoughs in all trials. Proteolysis was observed after proofing time in buckwheat and brown rice batters, respectively. Acidified doughs increased the elasticity and the gelatinization temperature of buckwheat batters. No notable microstructure changes were detected in brown rice batters. The extension of fermentation time in sourdough caused a slight decrease in bread volumes in all trials. Sourdoughs increased the bread volume and decreased the crumb hardness of buckwheat breads. In trials with brown rice flour, the addition of sourdough did not show relevant volume differences as compared to the controls, except big voids in sourdough bread crumb. Linear correlations between hardness, volume, and cells’ density were observed. However, no clear correlations among rheological parameters and bread characteristics could be detected. These results indicated that the applied strains were responsible for the leavening capacity of the yeast during the proofing time and for crumb structure in trials with buckwheat and brown rice flour. Applied sourdoughs were able to change the molecular, and bread properties of buckwheat and brown rice bread.  相似文献   
The micro- and nano-technologies coupled with a deep knowledge of organic/inorganic interfaces guarantee an exceptional sensitivity and specificity of the sensor, while the lab-on-a-chip platform reduces assay times and limits sampling and/or sample preparation, providing compact and portable objects. Therefore, the development of innovative biosensors such as antibody-immobilized microcantilevers can overcome the evident limits of nowadays technologies, such as time consuming, expensiveness, difficult automation, low sensitivity, accuracy, and precision for quantitative methods. The present study proposes two device designs for the detection of food pathogens, exploiting an antibody-immobilized microcantilever biosensors, a novel class of mass detectors. For the first one, we integrated the mechanical sensors on a microfluidic platform (lab-on-a-chip) to perform online analysis, directly in liquid environment. We showed that our portable biosensors could easily detect the presence of pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella enterica serotype enteritidis in concentration 105 cfu/mL in just 40 min, without any enrichment and/or sample preparation. To increase the mass sensitivity of our analysis, we also fabricated microstructures optimized for vibrating in vacuum environment. Using a dip-and-dry technique, we showed that, in such configuration, the experimental limit of detection is as low as 103 cfu/mL. Due to the extremely small volumes needed, our biosensors operating in vacuum have the potentiality of detecting the presence or absence of a single cell.  相似文献   
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