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This study offers insight into the dynamics of bacterial populations in fresh cuts of suckling lamb under four different atmospheric conditions: air (A), and three Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) environments, 15%O2/30%CO2/55%N2 (C, commercial), 70%O2/30%CO2 (O), and 15%O2/85%CO2 (H) for 18 days. Microbial analyses by both conventional methods and PCR-DGGE were performed. Controversial and surprising results emerged from comparing both methods in relation to the genus Pseudomonas. Thus, conventional methods detected the presence of high numbers of Pseudomonas colonies, although PCR-DGGE only detected this genus in air-packaged samples. PCR-DGGE detected higher microbial diversity in the control samples (A) than in the modified atmospheres (C, O, H), having atmosphere H the fewest number of species. Brochothrix thermosphacta, LAB (Carnobacterium divergens and Lactobacillus sakei), and Escherichia spp. were detected in all the atmospheres throughout storage. Moreover, previously undescribed bacteria from lamb meat such as Enterobacter hormaechei, Staphylococcus equorum and Jeotgalicoccus spp. were also isolated in this study by DGGE. Additionally, qPCR analysis was used to detect and characterize strains of Escherichia coli. Virulence genes (stx1, stx2 and eae) were detected throughout storage in 97% of the samples. A high CO2 atmosphere was the most effective packaging combination doubling storage time in comparison with commercial atmosphere.  相似文献   
The present paper reports the amount and estimated daily mineral intake of nine elements (Ca, Mg, K, Na, P, Fe, Mn, Cr and Ni) in commercial instant coffees and coffee substitutes (n = 49). Elements were quantified by high-resolution continuum source flame (HR-CS-FAAS) and graphite furnace (HR-CS-GFAAS) atomic absorption spectrometry, while phosphorous was evaluated by a standard vanadomolybdophosphoric acid colorimetric method.Instant coffees and coffee substitutes are rich in K, Mg and P (>100 mg/100 g dw), contain Na, Ca and Fe in moderate amounts (>1 mg/100 g), and trace levels of Cr and Ni. Among the samples analysed, plain instant coffees are richer in minerals (p < 0.001), except for Na and Cr. Blends of coffee substitutes (barley, malt, chicory and rye) with coffee (20–66%) present intermediate amounts, while lower quantities are found in substitutes without coffee, particularly in barley.From a nutritional point of view the results indicate that the mean ingestion of two instant beverages per day (total of 4 g instant powder), either with or without coffee, cannot be regarded as important sources of minerals to the human diet, although providing a supplementation of some minerals, particularly Mg and Mn in instant coffees. Additionally, and for authentication purposes, the correlations observed between some elements and the coffee percentage in the blends, with particular significance for Mg amounts, provides a potential tool for the estimation of coffee in substitute blends.  相似文献   
Residues of pesticides in food are influenced by processing such as fermentation. Reviewing the extensive literature showed that in most cases, this step leads to large reductions in original residue levels in the fermented food, with the formation of new pesticide by-products. The behavior of residues in fermentation can be rationalized in terms of the physical-chemical properties of the pesticide and the nature of the process. In addition, the presence of pesticides decrease the growth rate of fermentative microbiota (yeasts and bacterias), which provokes stuck and sluggish fermentations. These changes have in consequence repercussions on several aspects of food sensory quality (physical-chemical properties, polyphenolic content, and aromatic profile) of fermented food. The main aim of this review is to deal with all these topics to propose challenging needs in science-based quality management of pesticides residues in food.  相似文献   
Nisin is a bacteriocin used against food spoilage bacteria. Sulphur dioxide is a potent antioxidant as well as an antimicrobial agent widely used in the wine industry. In this study we describe the effect of these important antibacterial agents on the growth of a collection of 64 lactic acid bacteria (23 Oenococcus, 29 Lactobacillus, 3 Leuconostoc and 9 Pediococcus), 23 acetic acid bacteria and 20 yeast isolates, most of them recovered from wine. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and minimal bactericide concentrations of nisin, potassium metabisulphite and ethanol were determined. Nisin MIC(50) values for the tested isolates were as follows: 0.024, 12.5, 200 and > or micro for oenococci, lactobacilli-pediococci-leuconostoc, acetic acid bacteria and yeasts, respectively. Synergistic effects on bacterial growth inhibition were observed, and potassium metabisulphite MIC(50) values decreased from one to three orders of dilution when it was combined with subinhibitory concentrations of nisin in the growth media. This effect was observed in all lactic acid bacteria species of our study. Significant differences in nisin sensitivity were observed between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and between Oenococcus oeni and other species of lactic acid bacteria. It is concluded that appropriate combinations of nisin and metabisulphite could control the growth of spoilage bacteria in wine and therefore allow a decrease in the levels of sulphur dioxide currently used by the wine industry.  相似文献   
The consumption of food and beverages containing high amounts of biogenic amines (BA) can have toxicological effects. BA found in foods and beverages are synthesized by the microbial decarboxylation of certain amino acids. This paper reports the concentrations of BAs in a number of commercial cheeses, as determined by HPLC. The cheeses studied were made from raw and pasteurized milk of different origin, and were subjected to different ripening periods. BA concentrations were lower in short ripening period than in long ripening period cheeses, and higher in cheeses made from raw milk than in those made from pasteurized milk. The highest BA concentrations were recorded in blue cheeses made from raw milk. Tyramine was the most commonly recorded and abundant BA. The presence of tyramine-producing bacteria was determined by PCR, and a good correlation obtained between the results of this method and tyramine detection by HPLC. These methods could be used to complement one another in the detection and quantification of tyramine in cheese prevention of tyramine accumulation in cheese.  相似文献   
The influence of processing on the levels of bioactive amines and proline as well as on some physico-chemical characteristics of concentrated orange juice was investigated. Samples were collected at seven points of a production line on three non-consecutive days, and analysed for the levels of 12 bioactive amines, proline, and reducing and non-reducing sugars, and for some physico-chemical characteristics. Among the amines analysed, only putrescine, spermidine and synephrine were found in the samples at all processing stages. Significant differences were observed for spermidine and total amine levels throughout processing. Synephrine and putrescine were resistant to processing. Proline levels changed significantly throughout processing, as did levels of reducing and non-reducing sugars. The pH varied from 3.59 to 3.72, acidity from 0.873 to 0.918 g citric acid/100 mL, and density from 1.0378 to 1.0970 g/mL. Among these parameters, pH, acidity and density were significantly affected by processing.  相似文献   
Due to the recognized toxicity of acrylamide, intensive efforts have been made to reduce the concentration of this undesired Maillard by-product in food. This work reports the results obtained from a series of experiments aimed at determining the concentration of acrylamide and the in vitro radical scavenging capacity in the same roasted and ground coffee samples, as it is well established that a significant part of the antioxidant activity in coffee is linked to the melanoidins, which are also considered as Maillard reaction products (MRPs). The radical scavenging capacity was measured using electroparamagnetic resonance (EPR). Coffee samples from the Robusta and Arabica varieties were roasted at 236 °C over different time periods to obtain very light, light, medium and dark roast. Color analyses were performed on all samples. Increasing the roasting degree led to a decrease in acrylamide concentration as well as radical scavenging capacity. The results of this work indicate that any mitigation efforts must also take into account the potential loss of desired food constituents and consequently changes to the risk/benefit characteristics of foods.  相似文献   
A rapid multiresidue method has been developed for the analysis of N-methylcarbamate insecticides (oxamyl, methomyl, propoxur, carbofuran, carbaryl, and methiocarb) in fruit and vegetable juices. The method is based on the adsorption of the N-methyl carbamates in Florisil and the subsequent extraction of pesticides using a low volume of acetone. Residue levels in juice were determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection after postcolumn derivatization. The separation of carbamates is performed on a C8 column with water-methanol as mobile phase. Recovery studies were performed at 500-, 100-, and 10-ng/ml fortification levels, and average recoveries obtained for carbamates ranged from 79 to 109%, with relative standard deviations between 1.4 and 9.9%. The method was found to be linear over the range assayed from 10 to 1,000 ng/ml, and the detection limits for carbamates varied from 0.8 to 1.9 ng/ml.  相似文献   
In last few years, special attention has been given to food-induced allergies, in which hazelnut allergy is highlighted. Hazelnut is one of the most commonly consumed tree nuts, being largely used by the food industry in a variety of processed foods. It has been regarded as a food with potential health benefits, but also as a source of allergens capable of inducing mild to severe allergic reactions in sensitized individuals. Considering the great number of reports addressing hazelnut allergens, with an estimated increasing trend, this review intends to assemble all the relevant information available so far on the following main issues: prevalence of tree nut allergy, clinical threshold levels, molecular characterization of hazelnut allergens (Cor a 1, Cor a 2, Cor a 8, Cor a 9, Cor a 10, Cor a 11, Cor a 12, Cor a 14, and Cor a TLP) and their clinical relevance, and methodologies for detection of hazelnut allergens in foods. A comprehensive overview of the current data about the molecular characterization of hazelnut allergens is presented, relating to biochemical classification and biological function with clinical importance. Recent advances in hazelnut allergen detection methodologies are summarized and compared, including all the novel protein-based and DNA-based approaches.  相似文献   
Chickpea flour (CF)‐based muffin formulations were made with CF alone and with added biopolymers [whey protein (WP), xanthan gum (XG) and inulin (INL)] to evaluate their suitability to be a wheat flour (WF) substitute in muffins. Structural characteristics of the batters and muffins were studied by means of rheometry, microscopy, physicochemical properties, and texture and sensory analysis. Partial replacement of CF with XG, alone (at 0.5 and 1%) or blended with either WP or INL, significantly increased the batter viscoelasticity as denser matrices developed; moreover, the muffins with XG added at 1% had similar hardness to wheat gluten muffins. The replacement of WF decreased the springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness, resilience and specific volume of the muffin. However, baked muffins with added XG also showed higher sensory sponginess and moisture associated with numerous air bubbles in the batter and were perceived to be easier to swallow and to have better general appearance.  相似文献   
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