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Summary: Segmented block copolymers, consisting of non‐polar soft segments from hydroxyl‐terminated liquid natural rubber (HTNR) and polar hard segments from α,ω‐diisocyanato telechelics obtained by “criss‐cross”‐cycloaddition, have been synthesized. The block copolymer formation took place under relatively mild reaction conditions at 80 °C in dichloroethane in the presence of dibutyltin dilaurate as a catalyst. The resulting block copolymers were characterized by spectroscopic techniques (1H NMR, FTIR, UV‐vis spectroscopy) as well as GPC for molar mass determination. The block copolymers were compression molded in a hot stage press, and the resulting samples were characterized by DSC and stress‐strain measurement. The solubility and phase morphology of the materials have also been studied.

Segmented block copolymer from HTNR and α,ω‐diisocyanato telechelics  相似文献   

With the goal to obtain material combining electrical and thermal conductivity at low filler loadings, composites based on polypropylenes (PP) and expanded graphite (EG) have been prepared. The effects of matrix viscosity and of coating the EG particles with polypyrrole (PPy, EG/PPy = 37.5/62.5 by weight) on the EG dispersibility and formation of percolation structures have been analyzed. When increasing the EG amount from 6 to 8 wt %, the electrical conductivity of PP/EG composites increased by 7–9 orders of magnitude, independent of matrix viscosity. When EG‐PPy is added, percolation was observed between 8 and 12 wt % EG‐PPy (3 and 4.5 wt % EG) in case of PP with higher viscosity and 6 wt % EG (2.25 wt % EG) in case of PP with lower viscosity, exhibiting a strong synergistic effect of EG and PPy in the latter case. In contrast, PPy does not contribute to reduction of thermal percolation concentration. Thermal percolation is observed at 8 wt % EG in PP/EG composites, but no percolation was found in PP/EG‐PPy composites with EG‐PPy contents of up to 20 wt %, corresponding to 7.5 wt % EG. Analyzing the melt rheology it becomes clear that the contribution of PPy to the formation of a filler network is strongly dependent on the matrix viscosity. The comparison of thermal, electrical and rheological percolation reveals that PPy participates in electron transport reducing the electrical percolation but not to heat transport. Overall, we found a good correlation between electrical, thermal, and melt rheological percolation concentrations. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015 , 132, 41994.  相似文献   
Free-standing polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes have been formed by the layer-by-layer technique using a dip-coating apparatus. The polymer-chain mobility has been studied by 1H relaxation in the rotating frame T 1rho NMR with 13C chemical shift resolution. For each of the individual polymers a single relaxation component has been observed for all resolved signals. In the multilayer a significantly different relaxation time T 1rho has been observed with a minor second component. The interaction between the oppositely charged polyelectrolytes influences the molecular mobility.  相似文献   
A bifunctional coupling agent (BCA) containing one oxazoline and one benzoxazinone group was applied to promote a reaction between polyamide 12 (PA12) and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) during melt mixing. With this modification, the MWCNT content needed for the electrical percolation was significantly reduced by more than a factor of three. For amino functionalized MWCNT–PA12 composites adding 1 wt.% BCA electrical percolation was reached at only 0.37 wt.% MWCNTs compared to 1.0 wt.% without BCA. With the help of a model reaction, the covalent attachment of the BCA to the MWCNTs could be shown by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and via fluorescence spectroscopy. Model compounds were applied containing either only the oxazoline or the benzoxazinone group to show that the better electrical properties in the PA12–MWCNT composites were a result of a covalent bond between the polymer and the nanotube which only takes place when the BCA was used. In addition, significantly higher electrical conductivity values were obtained by the addition of BCA as well with amino functionalized as with nonmodified commercial MWCNTs. This surprising result was attributed to the significant hydroxy group content on the surface of those commercial MWCNTs.  相似文献   
Summary: A fluorine containing hyperbranched polymer was synthesized by modifying an aromatic‐aliphatic hyperbranched polyester with a semifluorinated alcohol via a Mitsunobu reaction and was subsequently used as an additive in cationic photopolymerization of an epoxy resin. The remaining OH groups of the fluorinated hyperbranched polymer interact with the polymeric carbocation through a chain‐transfer mechanism inducing an increase in the final epoxy conversion. The fluorinated HBP induces modification of bulk and surface properties, with an increase in Tg and surface hydrophobicity already reached at very low concentration. The HBFP additive can, therefore, protect the coatings from aggressive solvents, increases hardness, and allows the preparation of a low energy surface coating.

Synthesis of fluorinated hyperbranched polyester.  相似文献   

The Particle from Gas Saturated Solutions process was successfully used to micronize solid dispersions containing hydrophilic carriers and a new chemical entity, YNS3107. By means of experimental design, the effects of several experimental parameters on micronization were investigated. Within the chosen experimental conditions, the results showed that the autoclave temperature, autoclave pressure, drug loading, flow rate of carbon dioxide and air pressure were significant parameters. During the optimization step, the most relevant parameters of the screening were optimized using a central composite design meanwhile other factors were kept constant. Optimal conditions were used to produce microparticles with a volume weighted mean diameter of 30.4 μm. The closeness between the measured and predicted response, evaluated at 28.1 μm, demonstrated the validity of the statistical analyses. Finally, an enhancement of the rate of dissolution of YNS3107 in the solid dispersion microparticles was measured using USP II dissolution test apparatus.  相似文献   
An agarose gel was used as an electrochemical cell to graft vinylic polymer layers on conductive surfaces by electro-initiated radical electrografting of various water-soluble and hydrophobic vinylic monomers in the presence of diazonium ions. The process was followed by in situ electrochemical measurements and the resulting grafted layer was characterized by infrared (IRRAS) and photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopy. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Model broth studies were carried out to investigate the effect of ethanol on the growth of proteolytic (group I) strains of Clostridium botulinum. Ethanol extended the pathogen's lag phase, decreased its exponential growth rate, and decreased its final level of growth in the stationary phase. In all cases, botulinum neurotoxin production was associated with growth. Micrographs of C. botulinum cultures grown at 37 degrees C in trypticase peptone glucose yeast extract (TPGY) broths containing 2 and 4% ethanol showed elongation of vegetative cells and interference with cell division. The inhibition of growth and toxin production at the ethanol level predicted (5.5%, wt/wt) was confirmed by microscopy and by the mouse bioassay. A subsequent study was carried out to determine the combined effect of ethanol (0 to 8% [wt/wt]), water activity (aw; 0.953 to 0.997), and pH (6.2 to 8.2) on the probability of the growth of and neurotoxin production by proteolytic strains of C. botulinum (10(3) spores per ml). Growth and neurotoxin production occurred in 1 to 3 days in TPGY broths without ethanol (0%) and in 2 to 4 days in broths containing 2% ethanol regardless of the aw or pH levels (P < 0.005). Growth and neurotoxin production were delayed by an ethanol concentration of 4% ethanol and completely inhibited by a concentration of 6%. At an ethanol concentration of 4%, the probability of growth and toxin production over 365 days (Pt) was influenced by aw and pH. After 365 days, the maximum probability of growth and toxin production (Pmax) was 1 for all but one combination. However, tau, the time it took for 50% of all eventually positive replicates for any given combination of barriers to show growth and/or turbidity, ranged from <3 to 229 days. All tubes of TPGY broths that showed no growth after 365 days were subcultured in fresh TPGY broths. In all cases, growth and toxin production occurred within 24 h at 37 degrees C, indicating the reversible (sporostatic and/or bacteriostatic) effect of ethanol on C. botulinum.  相似文献   
3 .2 Dyeing3.2 .1 DyesandpigmentsBASFsuppliesarangeofpowderandliquiddyesundertheLuganil andLurazol trademarksfordrumdyeingofleather.ThemajorityoftheLuganil andLurazol dyesareanionicazodyesormetalcomplexdyes.Certainspecialproductsroundofftherange .Lura zol BlackPLiquidisametal freeblackpigmentinaqueousdispersion ,whichcanbeappliedincon junctionwithdyes.LeatherBlackVMLiquidisacationicdye.TheLuganil andLurazol rangescontainalargenumberofchromaticdyes,andmanydiffer entshadesofblackandbro…  相似文献   
A Web-enabled survey was conducted to improve knowledge of home refrigeration practices of French consumers (n = 809), with an emphasis on hygiene, and this information was used to establish recommendations. The survey targeted a convenience sample of working people. Analysis of the survey responses revealed that efforts should be directed toward improvement of microbiological control measures. Only 37% of respondents made sure the temperature in their refrigerator was 4 degrees C or below. Only 37% of respondents reported that they systematically wrapped food. Sponges, known to be frequently highly contaminated, were used by 89% of the respondents to clean their refrigerator, which indicates the need to recommend disinfection of sponges before they are used for cleaning. Twenty-seven percent of respondents used sodium hypochlorite (bleach), but it was applied without previous cleaning (21% of the users) or in the commercial concentrated form (7% of the users). The permanent presence of water condensation on the shelves was noted by 2% of respondents, suggesting imperfect closure of the door, with a consequence of higher energy consumption and water available for microbial circulation and growth. Thus, an important recommendation is to check the door gaskets and to ensure the tight closure of the door. Seventy percent of the respondents declared that they never put warm or hot food in the refrigerator. However, many people, when orally questioned, acknowledged that they leave dishes at ambient temperature overnight before putting them in the refrigerator. It therefore is essential to recommend that perishable food not be left for more than 2 h at ambient temperature.  相似文献   
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