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For networks that are directed or can be represented by a directed network,reversing one or more of the uni-directional links may provide the ability to reconnect a network that has been disconnected by link failure.In this paper,a new approach to reconfigure such networks is proposed.We develop a linear time algorithm which,when reachability has been destroyed by the removal of a single link,optimally restores reachability through the reversal of selected links.Multi-link failure reconnectability is discussed and an algorithm with polynomial complexity is given which provides a nearly optimum solution to reconnect the network.We show that the reliability of a network that allows reversals is at least twice more than that in which reversals are not permitted.Unfortunately,the reconnection of some networks cannot be established.Therefore,we discuss the maximization of reachability of such networks so that each node can reach maximum number of the other nodes.  相似文献   
We present numerical results obtained by 3D-BPM concerning evanescent field coupling in monomode fibres. At first we study the coupling between a monomode fibre and a mode sink. We show the existence or the absence of guided modes. BPM, is also applied to the study of directional couplers consisting of two fibres separated by an index liquid. The transmission coefficient is computed for various geometries and the electric field intensity is visualised by plotting isovalues.  相似文献   
4 Finishing The purpose of finishing leather is to improve its serviceability by protecting it from damage by water, soil and mechanical action. Finishing modifies the shade, gloss and handle of the leather, improves its physical properties such as its lightfasthess and rubfastness, and hides any defects and  相似文献   
Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in an sp2-hybridized structure with properties far superior compared to other materials. Research and development in graphene synthesis have been rapidly growing the past few years, especially using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) over various types of carbon precursor. The nature and the type of carbon precursor is one important parameter of growth by CVD, especially for graphene production, since they can dramatically impact graphene growth yield and rate. However, effects of the used carbon precursor on graphene growth mechanisms are rarely discussed. In the course of large-scale and low-cost graphene preparation, this review on the recent trends regarding the utilization of diverse carbon precursors used to synthesize graphene via the CVD method is of great interest for development of improved or alternative synthesis methods. The details and the mechanisms involved in graphene synthesis using carbon precursors in the form of gaseous, liquids and solids are compared, analyzed and discussed thoroughly. In this review, we present a thorough overview on the impact and mechanisms of carbon precursors in achieving high-quality graphene with competitive edge in the near future.  相似文献   
In the paraxial Debye regime, simple and power-efficient pupil filters are designed to break the diffraction limit along a large depth of focus (DOF) for the Gaussian beam. Dependences of the superresolution factor, DOF gain, Strehl ratio, sidelobe strength, and axial intensity nonuniformity on the Gaussian profile in the pupil plane are characterized using the numerical method. Optimal filter designs are proposed for either high-resolution or ultra-large-DOF applications followed by experimental verifications.  相似文献   
Algorithms for the maximum satisfiability problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Old and new algorithms for the Maximum Satisfiability problem are studied. We first summarize the different heuristics previously proposed, i.e., the approximation algorithms of Johnson and of Lieberherr for the general Maximum Satisfiability problem, and the heuristics of Lieberherr and Specker, Poljak and Turzik for the Maximum 2-Satisfiability problem. We then consider two recent local search algorithmic schemes, the Simulated Annealing method of Kirkpatrick, Gelatt and Vecchi and the Steepest Ascent Mildest Descent method, and adapt them to the Maximum Satisfiability problem. The resulting algorithms, which avoid being blocked as soon as a local optimum has been found, are shown empirically to be more efficient than the heuristics previously proposed in the literature.  相似文献   
Partial demineralization of water can be achieved by bicarbonate from anion exchange resins. The exchangers can be converted into bicarbonate form by carbon dioxide and calcium carbonate. The advantage of this method lies in these chemicals not being detrimental to health and not polluting the environment. The equilibrium of the CO2 and CaCO3 treatment has been investigated and compared with selectivity measurements. It is obvious from the results that the regeneration efficiency will be small but sufficient for technical purposes  相似文献   
Continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo impurity solvers are algorithms that sample the partition function of an impurity model using diagrammatic Monte Carlo techniques. The present paper describes codes that implement the interaction expansion algorithm originally developed by Rubtsov, Savkin, and Lichtenstein, as well as the hybridization expansion method developed by Werner, Millis, Troyer, et al. These impurity solvers are part of the ALPS-DMFT application package and are accompanied by an implementation of dynamical mean-field self-consistency equations for (single orbital single site) dynamical mean-field problems with arbitrary densities of states.

Program summary

Program title: dmftCatalogue identifier: AEIL_v1_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEIL_v1_0.htmlProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: ALPS LIBRARY LICENSE version 1.1No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 899 806No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 32 153 916Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: C++Operating system: The ALPS libraries have been tested on the following platforms and compilers:
  • • 
    Linux with GNU Compiler Collection (g++ version 3.1 and higher), and Intel C++ Compiler (icc version 7.0 and higher)
  • • 
    MacOS X with GNU Compiler (g++ Apple-version 3.1, 3.3 and 4.0)
  • • 
    IBM AIX with Visual Age C++ (xlC version 6.0) and GNU (g++ version 3.1 and higher) compilers
  • • 
    Compaq Tru64 UNIX with Compq C++ Compiler (cxx)
  • • 
    SGI IRIX with MIPSpro C++ Compiler (CC)
  • • 
    HP-UX with HP C++ Compiler (aCC)
  • • 
    Windows with Cygwin or coLinux platforms and GNU Compiler Collection (g++ version 3.1 and higher)
RAM: 10 MB–1 GBClassification: 7.3External routines: ALPS [1], BLAS/LAPACK, HDF5Nature of problem: (See [2].) Quantum impurity models describe an atom or molecule embedded in a host material with which it can exchange electrons. They are basic to nanoscience as representations of quantum dots and molecular conductors and play an increasingly important role in the theory of “correlated electron” materials as auxiliary problems whose solution gives the “dynamical mean field” approximation to the self-energy and local correlation functions.Solution method: Quantum impurity models require a method of solution which provides access to both high and low energy scales and is effective for wide classes of physically realistic models. The continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo algorithms for which we present implementations here meet this challenge. Continuous-time quantum impurity methods are based on partition function expansions of quantum impurity models that are stochastically sampled to all orders using diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo techniques. For a review of quantum impurity models and their applications and of continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo methods for impurity models we refer the reader to [2].Additional comments: Use of dmft requires citation of this paper. Use of any ALPS program requires citation of the ALPS [1] paper.Running time: 60 s–8 h per iteration.References:
  • [1] 
    A. Albuquerque, F. Alet, P. Corboz, et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 310 (2007) 1187.
  • [2] 
    http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.4474, Rev. Mod. Phys., in press.
PVA coated and fluorescent dye (Cy3.5) functionalized vinyl alcohol/vinyl amine copolymer coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) were evaluated for systemic distribution and elimination after intraarticular injection in sheep. Observation was done at 3, 24, 72, and 120 hours after injection using light microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, and confocal microscopy. No pathologic influence of SPION on the tissue harvested could be seen. A significantly increased iron content could be identified in the kidneys, lymph nodes, and spleen after injection of SPION. No particles were detected in the liver, the urinary, and the gall bladder. No positive fluorescent signal could be attributed to SPION throughout the organs. Our results indicated that the iron component of the SPION is possible to be incorporated into the physiologic iron metabolism after reabsorption in the proximal tubule system of the kidney and that concentration levels of Cy3.5 are too low to be detected throughout the body.  相似文献   
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