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While food insecurity is a growing concern across the developing nations, accentuated by climate variability and change, it could be even worse for pastoralists given their unpredictable exposure to climate risks. The Borana herders experience food insecurity as a result of recurring droughts causing huge losses of cattle, and are thus increasingly shifting from cattle pastoralism to multi-species herding. The present study examines the role of livestock diversification in combating household food insecurity using herders’ perceptions, a modified household food insecurity access scale (mHFIAS) and dietary diversity score. Herders perceived child growth, adult height and body condition to be decreasing as a result of declining milk production and changing dietary trends. Results also revealed a high level of seasonal food insecurity and low dietary diversity with the majority (81 %) consuming one to three food groups. Livestock diversification was a major factor affecting household food security. Households practising diversification had significantly fewer months of food deficit (2.3 vs. 3.8), lower mHFIAS (5.5 vs. 8.7) and a higher average off-take in the form of livestock sales (7.4 vs. 4.0) than non-diversified ones. Diversification improved dietary intake of specific food groups and the average number of meals consumed per day. While fruits, eggs and fish are not part of the Borana diet, a large number of respondents consumed no vegetables (93 %) or meat (96 %), potentiating the risk of micronutrient deficiencies. This study highlights the particular significance of livestock diversification, among other socio-demographic factors, in attaining food security under a changing climate in the study area.  相似文献   
Texture-related parameters were assessed in intact green asparagus at harvest and during postharvest storage using near-infrared spectroscopy combined with MPLS and LOCAL algorithms. Three spectrophotometers were evaluated for this purpose: a monochromator (range, 400–2,500 nm), a diode-array Vis–NIR spectrophotometer (range, 400–1,700 nm), and a handheld micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) spectrophotometer (range, 1,600–2,400 nm). Three hundred green asparagus spears (cv. “Grande”) were used to obtain calibration models based on reference data and NIR data. Results for maximum shear force showed that LOCAL algorithm improved the predictive capacity of models constructed using all three NIRS instruments, increasing r 2 by 24, 16, and 56 % and reducing the SEP(c) values by 11, 8, and 14 %, respectively. For cutting energy, the LOCAL also improved the predictive capacity of the models (r 2 increased by 3 % for the monochromator and the diode-array instrument and by 6 % for the MEMS device; and the SEP(c) decreased by 3 % in the three instruments). It is worth noting that while the monochromator and diode-array instruments displayed similar predictive capacity for the parameters tested, the MEMS instrument achieved slightly poorer results but has clear advantages for the measurement of texture in intact asparagus, being economical, portable, and easy to use in situ.  相似文献   
The intake of Himanthalia elongata and Gigartina pistillata from the Spanish Atlantic coasts was evaluated in Wistar rats. Both seaweed diets showed higher (p < 0.001) faecal excretion. Colonic fermentation increased (p < 0.001) total short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in Himanthalia-fed rats due to the higher (p < 0.001) levels of acetic, propionic and butyric acids. The intake of Gigartina increased (p < 0.001) propionic acid and decreased (p < 0.001) butyric acid. The apparent absorption and true retention of calcium and magnesium enhanced (p < 0.05) with Himanthalia diet, while Gigartina produced no significant effect. The serum concentration of HDL-C increased (p < 0.01), triglycerides (TGL) decreased (p < 0.001) and bile acids diminished (p < 0.001) in faeces of Himanthalia-fed rats. The Gigartina diet produced a decrease (p < 0.001) in TGL, total cholesterol (p < 0.01) and LDL-C (p < 0.05) in serum and reduced TGL in liver (p < 0.001). Thus, both seaweeds improved the lipid profile, and Himanthalia increased SCFA production and the absorption and retention of Ca and Mg as a result of the gut fermentation.  相似文献   
The effect of heat pre-treatment (45 °C/25 min), applied to whole fruit, and post-cut calcium dips in 1 and 2 g/L CaCl2 solutions on respiration rate and texture preservation of kiwifruit slices was studied. During a 9-day period, packages’ atmosphere composition, slices’ firmness, pectin content and sensory scores were evaluated. Histological observations of samples were also performed. Neither heat pre-treatment nor calcium dips alone were effective in diminishing respiration rate of the slices but the application of both treatments revealed a synergistic effect on respiration rate reduction. Calcium-dipped fruit slices showed better firmness preservation. Post-cut calcium dips, alone or combined with heat pre-treatments, yielded slices presenting higher insoluble/total galacturonic acid ratio, indicating formation of calcium pectates. Slices from heat-pre-treated fruits, even in the absence of calcium, also revealed insoluble/total galacturonic acid ratio similar to calcium-treated slices, supporting, despite the lower firmness value, a more structured tissue, as observed in SEM microphotographs. Sensory and physical–chemical parameters obtained were correlated. The effectiveness of calcium treatment was equally observed for both tested concentrations during a 9-day shelf life period.  相似文献   
Phenolic compounds were determined in artichoke (Cynara scolymus), garlic (Allium sativium) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) using a single method based on simple extraction and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS). Several compounds belonging to different families, such as phenolic acids, isoflavones, flavones and flavonols, were determined. The analytical procedure was validated in all the matrices, obtaining recoveries ranging from 60 to 120 % with reproducibility values (expressed as relative standard deviations (RSDs)) lower than 26 %. Limits of quantification (LOQs) were always equal to or lower than 50 μg/kg, except to kaempferol and its glucosides in spinach (LOQs?=?75 μg/kg). Artichoke showed higher concentration of phenolic compounds (837.2 mg/kg dry weight (DW)) than garlic (26.5 mg/kg DW) or spinach (64.5 mg/kg DW). Apigenin 7-O-glucoside (from 147.0 to 722.7 mg/kg DW) was found to be the major flavonoid in all samples of artichoke investigated, while chlorogenic acid, whose concentration ranged from 37.8 to 734.7 mg/kg DW, is the major phenolic acid in this matrix. Regarding garlic, caffeic acid (from 1.7 to 28.3 mg/kg DW) and quercetin (from 9.0 to 18.9 mg/kg DW) were the compounds detected at higher concentrations, although in general the total content was very low in relation to other matrices. In relation to spinach, ferulic acid was the major phenolic compound, and its concentration ranged from 18.0 to 41.4 mg/kg DW.  相似文献   
In this study, antioxidant biodegradable films based on pea protein and alpha-tocopherol were successfully developed by solution casting. The effect of both the homogenization conditions (rotor–stator and microfluidizer) and the relative humidity (RH) on the microstructure and physical properties (transparency, tensile, oxygen and water vapour barrier properties) of pea protein/alpha-tocopherol-based films was evaluated. The addition of alpha-tocopherol produced minimal changes in the films’ transparency, while providing them with antioxidant properties and improved water vapour and oxygen barrier properties (up to 30 % in both water vapour and oxygen permeability) when films were at low and intermediate RH. The addition of alpha-tocopherol in microfluidized films gave rise to an increase in their resistance to break and extensibility (up to 27 % in E values) at intermediate and high RH. These results add a new insight into the potential of employing pea protein and alpha-tocopherol in the development of fully biodegradable antioxidant films which are of interest in food packaging.  相似文献   
Deletion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae BIG1 causes an approximately 95% reduction in cell wall beta-1,6-glucan, an essential polymer involved in the cell wall attachment of many surface mannoproteins. The big1 deletion mutant grows very slowly, but growth can be enhanced if cells are given osmotic support. We have begun a cell biological and genetic analysis of its product. We demonstrate, using a Big1p-GFP fusion construct, that Big1p is an N-glycosylated integral membrane protein with a Type I topology that is located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Some phenotypes of a big1Delta mutant resemble those of strains disrupted for KRE5, which encodes another ER protein affecting beta-l,6-glucan levels to a similar extent. In a big1Deltakre5Delta double mutant, both the growth and alkali-soluble beta-l,6-glucan levels were reduced as compared to either single mutant. Thus, while Big1p and Kre5p may have similar effects on beta-l,6-glucan synthesis, these effects are at least partially distinct. Residual beta-l,6-glucan levels in the big1Deltakre5Delta double mutant indicate that these gene products are unlikely to be beta-l,6-glucan synthase subunits, but rather may play some ancillary roles in beta-l,6-glucan synthase assembly or function, or in modifying proteins for attachment of beta-l,6-glucan.  相似文献   
We evaluated compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) as a tool to assess the coupling of microbial toluene oxidation by Fe(III)-reducing bacteria and abiotic reduction of nitroaromatic contaminants by biogenic mineral-bound Fe(II) species. Examination of the two processes in isolated systems revealed a reproducible carbon isotope fractionation for toluene oxidation by Geobacter metal-lireducens with a solid Fe(III) phase as terminal electron acceptor. We found a carbon isotope enrichment factor, epsilonC, of -1.0 +/- 0.1 per thousand, which corresponds to an apparent kinetic isotope effect (AKIE(C)) of 1.0073 +/- 0.0009 for the oxidative cleavage of a C-H bond. Nitrogen isotope fractionation of the reduction of nitroaromatic compounds (NAC) by mineral-bound Fe(ll) species yielded a nitrogen isotope enrichment factor, epsilonN, of -39.7 +/- 3.4 per thousand for the reduction of an aromatic NO2-group (AKIE(N) = 1.0413 +/- 0.0037) that was constant for variable experimental conditions. Finally, AKIE values for C and N observed in coupled experiments, where reactive Fe(II) was generated through microbial activity, were identical to those obtained in the isolated experiments. This study provides new evidence on isotope fractionation behavior during contaminant transformation and promotes the use of CSIA for the elucidation of complex contaminant transformation pathways in the environment.  相似文献   
This paper describes the influence of slaughter season on lipid content, fatty acid composition, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomeric profile and nutritional value of fat in Barrosã veal from calves reared according to the specifications of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). Barrosã purebred calves (n = 27) were raised in a traditional production system and slaughtered in early autumn (October) and late spring (June). Barrosã-PDO veal only presented seasonal differences in the levels of some minor fatty acids and CLA isomers, as well as in the PUFA/SFA ratio. Based on the analysed grass intake indicators, it was shown that veal-PDO has similar values to pasture-fed cattle for both slaughter seasons. From a human nutrition perspective, intramuscular fat in Barrosã-PDO veal has a high nutritional value throughout the year, since CLA contents and the percentages of the c9,t11 isomer are relatively high, and the n − 6/n − 3 ratios are within the recommended values for the human diet.  相似文献   
Pork forelegs were used for manufacturing fresh sausages, treated with different natural antioxidants (rosemary, ascorbic acid and black pepper), packaged in 80% O2 + 20% CO2 atmosphere and displayed at 2 ± 1 °C under different lightings (darkness, standard fluorescent, low-UV colour-balanced lamp and standard fluorescent plus a UV-filter). Two packs for each treatment were opened every 4 days for subsequent analysis of colour CIE L, a, b, TBARS, microbial psychrotrophic aerobes and sensory discolouration and off-odour. Lighting with standard fluorescent was highly deleterious for sausage display life, which fell from 12 to 8 days due mainly to early discolouration. Inserting a UV-filter extended display life to 12 days, while the use of a low-UV lamp was not effective in protecting from discolouration. Addition of rosemary plus ascorbic acid, in the absence of black pepper, retarded discolouration only in sausages illuminated with the UV-filter, reaching a display life of 16 days, equal to that of sausages maintained in the dark.  相似文献   
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