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The existence of a potential primary central nervous system lymphoma-specific genomic signature that differs from the systemic form of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) has been suggested, but is still controversial. We investigated 19 patients with primary DLBCL of central nervous system (DLBCL CNS) using the TruSeq Amplicon Cancer Panel (TSACP) for 48 cancer-related genes. Next generation sequencing (NGS) analyses have revealed that over 80% of potentially protein-changing mutations were located in eight genes (CTNNB1, PIK3CA, PTEN, ATM, KRAS, PTPN11, TP53 and JAK3), pointing to the potential role of these genes in lymphomagenesis. TP53 was the only gene harboring mutations in all 19 patients. In addition, the presence of mutated TP53 and ATM genes correlated with a higher total number of mutations in other analyzed genes. Furthermore, the presence of mutated ATM correlated with poorer event-free survival (EFS) (p = 0.036). The presence of the mutated SMO gene correlated with earlier disease relapse (p = 0.023), inferior event-free survival (p = 0.011) and overall survival (OS) (p = 0.017), while mutations in the PTEN gene were associated with inferior OS (p = 0.048). Our findings suggest that the TP53 and ATM genes could be involved in the molecular pathophysiology of primary DLBCL CNS, whereas mutations in the PTEN and SMO genes could affect survival regardless of the initial treatment approach.  相似文献   
Recent studies of delay eyeblink conditioning (EBC) in young rats have demonstrated different effects of various conditioned and unconditioned stimulus (CS-US) preexposure conditions on learning at different ages. The present study extends this research to trace EBC. Subjects experienced 1 of 3 preexposure conditions (paired CS-US, unpaired CS-US, or no stimuli) at either 20 or 24 days of age. Four days later, they were conditioned using either trace (Experiment 1) or delay (Experiment 2) EBC parameters. Results were similar at both ages tested. Paired preexposure facilitated acquisition of delay but not trace relative to context preexposure. Unpaired preexposure impaired acquisition of both delay and trace. These behavioral findings provide a foundation for hypotheses about the functional maturation of cerebellar, hippocampal, and entorhinal learning circuits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Classical conditioning of the rabbit eyeblink response was used to study the effects of cerebellar lesions on performance in animals trained with low-intensity unconditioned stimuli (UCS). Animals were trained with 1 or 2 low-intensity corneal-airpuff UCSs paired with a tone-conditioned stimulus. This study confirms earlier findings demonstrating the differential effects of lesions of deep cerebellar nuclei on the conditioned and unconditioned responses (CRs and UCRs). Lesions of the anterior interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum in animals that were successfully conditioned abolished CRs without affecting UCR performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Hematite nanoparticles with amorphous, yet relatively uniform carbon shell, were produced based exclusively on the waste sludge from the iron mine as the raw material. The procedure for acid digestion-based purification of the sludge with the full recovery of acid vapors and the remaining non-toxic rubble is described. Synthesis of the hematite nanoparticles was performed by the arrested precipitation method with cationic surfactant. The particles were thoroughly characterized and the potential of their economical production for the battery industry is indicated.  相似文献   
The calculated results of thermodynamic properties in ternary Au-Ga-Sb system by general solution model were presented in this paper.The calculations were carried out in nine cross sections from all three corners in the temperature range of 973–1,573 K,and integral molar excess Gibbs energies,partial molar Gibbs energies,activity coefficients and activities for all components are obtained.The activity of gold and gallium shows negative deviation from Rault's law for all investigated sections,while antimony activity is close to the line of ideal conditions and even coincides with the line for high content of antimony in the alloy.Data obtained by calculation were compared with those found in literature.It is concluded that compared values show reasonable good agreement.  相似文献   
A new method for the synthesis of disodium dimolybdate (Na2Mo2O7) in the process of ultrasonic spray pyrolysis using acidified aqueous solutions of thermodynamically stable molybdenum (VI) oxide clusters as a precursor is described. Na2Mo2O7 particles were collected in alcohols (ethanol, 2-propanol, isobutyl alcohol), and ultracentrifugation was used to isolate solid material from solution. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the formation of uniform spherical Na2Mo2O7 particles with an average diameter of about 0.25 μm. The X-ray diffraction analysis undoubtedly confirmed the formation of orthorhombic Na2Mo2O7 for samples synthesized at a temperature as low as 300°C.  相似文献   
Platinum and palladium overlayers on W- and C-terminated WC(0001) surface, at coverage ranging from 0.25 ML to 2 ML, have been studied using DFT approach. Strong adhesion of metal monolayers to the WC support, accompanied by a modification of electronic structure, was evidenced. Calculated values of hydrogen binding energy on studied metal overlayers were correlated to available experimentally determined values of exchange current densities of hydrogen oxidation/evolution reaction (HOR/HER), resulting with the volcano curve with both explanatory and predictive power. None of the investigated metal/WC surfaces were found to exceed the Pt(111) surface in terms of catalytic activity toward HER/HOR. The obtained results indicate that WC may efficiently replace the precious metal support in the Pt (Pd) core–shell electrocatalyst for HER/HOR, but no synergism arising due to electronic effects of WC support was evidenced.  相似文献   
Objective of this work was to investigate the electrocatalytic efficiency using quasi-potentiostatic, galvanostatic and impedance spectroscopy techniques of the Ni-Mo catalysts obtained by in situ electrodeposition in an alkaline, 6 M KOH, electrolyser. In accordance to our previous studies, synergetic effect is observed, with its maximum at industrial conditions (high temperature and current density). The Tafel slopes are around 120 mV and exchange current densities are close to 10−2 mA cm−2 (three orders of magnitude higher compared to the bulk Ni). Moreover, formed deposit possess high stability during prolonged electrolysis. Results are presented to show the Tafel slopes, the exchange current densities, the apparent energy of activation, the apparent electrochemical surface and the stability of in situ formed Ni-Mo catalyst. Results suggest to significant catalytic performance not only from the increase of the real surface area of electrodes, but also from the true catalytic effect.  相似文献   
This paper presents a novel power supply system based on the use of fuzzy inference logic to improve the power control of renewable energy sources. The system comprises renewable solar and wind sources, and an accumulator battery is used as an additional power source. The procedure for the parallel connection of multiple energy sources provides a stable power supply and optimal charging of the accumulative element. Renewable energy sources are connected in parallel using two serial converters and controlled by the controller based on the fuzzy logic. The reference voltage control of the serial converter enables an optimal use of available energy sources. The accumulative element is connected in parallel to compensate for the shortage of solar and wind energies, whereas if the available renewable energy exceeds the needs of the consumers, the surplus energy is accumulated in the battery. All measurements are conducted on the prototype of the hybrid power system under real conditions and compared with the applied systems of this type. This novel system is mainly used in remote telecom locations where there is no power distribution network.  相似文献   
Crosslinking enzymes are frequently used in bioprocessing of dairy products. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of enzymatic crosslinking on IgE binding, allergenicity and digestion stability of β‐casein (CN). β‐CN was crosslinked by transglutaminase, tyrosinase, mushroom tyrosinase/caffeic acid and laccase/caffeic acid. The IgE binding to β‐CN was compared in vitro by CAP inhibition assay, ELISA inhibition as well as ex vivo by basophil activation assay. Crosslinked CNs were digested by simulated gastric fluid for 15 and 60 min and obtained digests analyzed for their ability to inhibit IgE binding by CAP inhibition assay and SDS‐PAGE. The ability of crosslinked CNs to activate basophils was significantly reduced in seven patients in the case of CN crosslinked by laccase and moderately reduced in the case of tyrosinase/caffeic acid crosslinked CN (in two cow's milk allergy patients tested with different allergen concentrations). The response to various crosslinked CNs differed individually among patients' sera tested by ELISA inhibition assay. The presence of caffeic acid hampered digestion by pepsin, and this effect was most pronounced for the tyrosinase/caffeic acid crosslinked CN. The laccase/caffeic acid and mushroom tyrosinase/caffeic acid had the highest potential in mitigating IgE binding and allergenicity of the β‐CN out of all investigated enzymes. The presence of a small phenolic compound also increased digestion stability of β‐CN.  相似文献   
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