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Of all landslides, subaerial flowslides are the most dangerous. According to the literature, flowslides in saturated granular deposits are caused by static liquefaction induced by loss of stability. However, the catastrophic flowslides that occurred on steep slopes in Campania (southern Italy) in 1998, 1999, and 2005 were triggered by rainwater infiltration into shallow deposits of pyroclastic soils, which were initially unsaturated. Starting from the experience collected during the investigations of some of these landslides, the writers consider flowslide evolution as a result of a mechanical chain process characterized by saturation increase due to rainwater infiltration, mechanical degradation, volumetric collapse, and static liquefaction, culminating in complete fluidization of the soil. In the paper this chain process is investigated through wetting tests both in suction controlled triaxial apparatuses and in a well-equipped small scale slope model.  相似文献   
The use of in-stream energy converters in rivers is an area of research that is still in its preliminary stages. The driving force of river flows is the potential energy the water gains when it precipitates on mountainsides, and this energy is traditionally converted by hydropower stations, where dams are used to create a larger head. Using an in-stream energy converter would be advantageous in areas restricted by regulation. In this paper the effects of using these converters on the upstream water level in a river are studied. This has been done both with an analytical model and with a numerical model. The analytical model described the water level increase due to energy capture to depend on how large fraction of the channel that is blocked by the turbine. It was also shown that as the converter induces drag on the flow, and as energy is lost in wake mixing, the total head loss will be a sum of energy capture and energy losses. The losses correspond to a considerable fraction of the total head drop. The numerical model was used to evaluate these results. The model used was the 3D numerical model MIKE from the DHI Group in Sweden. Turbines were modelled with an inbuilt function in the program. The results from the model did not correspond to the analytical results, as the energy capture was equal to the head drop in the program.  相似文献   
Frass from larvae of the corn earworm,Heliothis zea (Boddie) and scales fromH. zea moths (that are known to contain the host-seeking stimulus, tricosane) stimulate and orient host-seeking activity in femaleMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson), a larval parasite ofH. zea, andTrichogramma spp., egg parasites ofH. zea. When larval frass, moth scales, and tricosane were used as sign stimuli (releasers) forM. croceipes, T. pretiosum (Riley), andT. achaeae Nagaraji and Nagarkatti, respectively, at time of their release from laboratory containers, parasite performance improved, resulting in significantly increased rates of parasitization over that of unstimulated parasites. Stimulation ofM. croceipes with larval frass had an overriding effect on this parasite's innate tendency to disperse upon release, thereby increasing the numbers remaining and prolonging their retention in the target area. Supplying the appropriate host-seeking stimuli to these 3 hymenopterous parasites ofH. zea at time of their release to improve their efficiency greatly increases the probability of their effective utilization in pest management systems.  相似文献   
The mobility of Spanish biochemists from Europe to the United States over the past 80 years (1927–2006) is approached from a historical perspective. The academic community on human genetics has awarded this emigrated Spanish community with the Nobel prize as well as other awards from European foundations. The vertical/horizontal integration methodology offers an opportunity to understand the extremely satisfactory history of a small European community overseas. To piece the puzzle together, continuous reference is made to the theory of systems. To test and use this holistic history, the circulation of the knowledge produced on cancer has been studied as intrinsically related to time by using the algorithmic historiography. Francisco Duran Reynals and Severo Ochoa have been selected as examples of the vertical integration. The former one because he was the director of an important collaborator, his own wife; the latter, as the founder of a Spanish specific research school in America based in his own work. The simultaneous stay of several young Spanish scientists at the Columbia University (Mariano Barbacid, Manuel Perucho and ángel Pellicer) serves to design the horizontal integration, to create a holon hierarchy to reflect the criteria of subsidiarity and acceptability, and to focus on the Spanish discoveries and contributions to cancer research. The transatlantic flows of knowledge generated by the Spanish elite of biochemists in the USA from 1927 on define a network of geographical displacements. As a result, the social structure thus visualizes the identity of the international mobility of scientists who leave for Europe/USA, and their return to Spain. A model of the brain drain of professionals to the USA, that retain 80% of the Spanish cancer researchers, is developed. A version of theis paper was a contribution to: 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (Cracow, Sept. 2006).  相似文献   
In order to investigate the identity of water-containing haematite, a method of preparation has been elaborated which leads to samples of hydrohaematite which are structurally pure and free of amorphous iron hydroxide. Differential thermal analysis by a lack of endothermic effect at 423 to 473 K on the DTA-curves and by a steady fall of the TG curves up to 1150 K revealed that water in the preparations must be tightly held in the lattice of haematite. Measurements of intensities of X-ray reflections of the (1 0 4) and (0 2 4) planes in relation to the (1 1 3) plane confirmed Fe3+-deficiency in the haematite cationic sublattice brought about by the presence of OH ions in the anionic sublattice. The infrared spectrum of hydrohaematite, in addition to six bands from Fe-O variations, exhibits three bands from hydroxyl groups. The effect of silicates on the pattern of the infrared spectra of natural and synthetic hydrohaematites and the discrepancies in the infrared spectra of haematites published to date are discussed.  相似文献   
Using flow injection analysis (FIA), a pH gradient is blended in real time with a protein sample as the pH-dependent protein surface activity is measured by a dynamic surface tension detector (FIA-pH-DSTD). This instrumental system was developed as a high-throughput method for the screening of protein surface activity at the air/liquid interface as a function of pH. This method utilizes the continuous flow, drop-based dynamic surface tension detector in combination with flow injection sample introduction and blending of a steady-state concentration of protein sample with a pH gradient ranging from pH 2.0 to pH 11.5. Dynamic surface tension is measured through the differential pressure across the air/liquid interface of repeatedly growing and detaching drops. Continuous surface tension measurement is achieved for each eluting drop of 2-s length (2 muL), providing insight into both the kinetic and thermodynamic behaviors of molecular orientation processes at the liquid/air interface. Three-dimensional data are obtained, with surface tension first converted to surface pressure, which is collected as a function of elution time versus drop time. In FIA-pH-DSTD, a commercial pH probe is used to measure pH during elution time, enabling surface pressure throughout drop time to be subsequently plotted as a function of eluting pH. An automated DSTD calibration procedure and data analysis method is applied, which allows simultaneous use of two different solvents, permitting real-time dynamic surface tension data to be obtained. The method was applied to the analysis of 14 commercial purified proteins, yielding characteristic features of surface activity as a function of pH. The reproducibility of the measurement and selectivity advantage of the DSTD was shown for the analysis of serum albumins from various mammalian sources. Several applications were also suggested and discussed in order to show the potential of the method for protein and food chemistry studies and in the study of protein-polymer interactions.  相似文献   
The structure of the nonlinear H-filter in the neighborhood of the estimated trajectory is investigated and a bound on the size of the neighborhood that allows this structure is determined, both for finite and infinite horizons. Riccati inequalities that depend on the estimated trajectory are derived for finding the filter gain matrix and an algorithm for calculating the bound on the size of the above neighborhood is presented. Explicit formulas are obtained in the infinite horizon case for the minimum achievable disturbance attenuation level, the size of the neighborhood, and the corresponding filter gain.  相似文献   
Negotiation Support Systems have traditionally modelled the process of negotiation. They often rely on mathematical optimisation techniques and ignore heuristics and other methods derived from practice. Our goal is to develop systems capable of decision support to help resolve a given dispute. A system we have constructed, Family_Winner, uses empirical evidence to dynamically modify initial preferences throughout the negotiation process. It sequentially allocates issues using trade-offs and compensation opportunities inherent in the dispute.  相似文献   
The work reported herein deals with problems of experimental method and the analysis of results in an investigation of the dynamic properties of a real cooling tower. Analysis of the most important experimental results has been completed. The experimental data are compared with theoretical results obtained using a finite-element method of solution.  相似文献   
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