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Current studies about lipase production involve the use of agro-industrial residues and newly isolated microorganisms aimed at increasing economic attractiveness of the process. Based on these aspects, the main objective of this work is to perform the partial characterization of enzymatic extracts produced by a newly isolated Penicillium crustosum in solid-state fermentation. Lipase extract presented optimal temperature and pH of 37?°C and 9?C10, respectively. The concentrated enzymatic extract showed more stability at 25?°C and pH?7. The enzymes kept 100% of their enzymatic activity until 60?days of storage at 4 and ?10?°C. The stability under calcium salts indicated that the hydrolytic activity presented decay with the increase of calcium concentration. The specificity under several substrates indicated good enzyme activities in triglycerides from C4 to C18.  相似文献   
The clarification or fining of wine removes undesirable substances such as proteins, phenols, and tannin compounds that would cloud the wine and cause bitterness and astringency. Caseinates have useful fining properties, but their residues could present a risk for allergic subjects. A commercial kit that was developed to detect caseinates in food has been examined for its applicability to a wine matrix; it is sensitive to caseinates at concentrations as low as 1 ppm. The general characteristics of the caseinate assay, described below in detail, are as follows. It is a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA): the microplate is first coated with a specific anti-casein antibody; and after incubation with the wine sample, a secondary anti-casein antibody conjugated with horseradish peroxidase is added to form a sandwich. The antibodies have been tested for their immunoreactivity and the reproducibility of antigen recognition has been measured. An interlaboratory collaborative trial was organized to evaluate the performance of this ELISA method and its ease of use by laboratories routinely dealing with wine/food analyses. The results satisfy the criteria established by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine in the Compendium of International Methods of Analysis MA-EAS1-07-ETCOL.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate the antifungal and antioxidant activities of curcumin, ascorbic acid and the mixture of these two compounds. For the antifungal assay, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined using Candida strains (ATCC and clinical isolates). Curcumin alone inhibited growth of Candida albicans yeast cells, whereas ascorbic acid did not present effects. However, when the mixture of ascorbic acid and curcumin was assayed to determine the association of the two compounds, the curcumin MIC decreased 5- to 10-fold. In the antioxidant assays, the sum of the alone activities of curcumin and ascorbic acid were lower than the activity of the two-compound mixture. This study highlights the importance of the association between two common antioxidants in foods, to improve the antifungal and antioxidant activities of curcumin (in vitro), and can be applied to Candida spp. infection and diseases associated with oxidative stress.  相似文献   
The short shelf-life of mushrooms is an obstacle to the distribution and marketing of the fresh product. Thus, prolonging postharvest storage, while preserving their quality, would benefit the mushroom industry as well as consumers. There has been extensive research on finding the most appropriate technology for mushrooms preservation. Gamma, electron-beam and UV irradiation have been shown to be potential tools in extending the postharvest shelf-life of fresh mushrooms. Studies evaluating the effects of ionizing radiation are available mainly in cultivated species such as Agaricus bisporus, Lentinus edodes and Pleurotus ostreatus. This review comprises a comprehensive study of the effects of irradiation on physico-chemical parameters (weight, colour, texture and pH), chemical compounds including nutrients (proteins, sugars and vitamins) and non-nutrients (phenolics, flavonoids and flavour compounds), and on biochemical parameters such as enzymatic activity of mushrooms for different species and from different regions of the world.  相似文献   
In silico comparison of 34 putative pks genes in Aspergillus niger strain CBS 513.88 versus A. niger strain ATCC 1015 genome revealed significant nucleotide identity (>95% covering a minimum of 99% of the gene sequence) for 31 of these genes (approximately 91%). A. niger CBS 513.88 harbors three putative pks genes (An01g01130, An11g05940, and An15g07920), for which nucleotide identity was not found in A. niger ATCC 1015. To compare the results of the in silico analysis with the in vivo situation, experimental data were obtained for a large number of A. niger strains obtained from different substrates and geographical regions. Three putative pks genes that were found to be variable between the two A. niger strains using bioinformatics tools were in fact strain-specific genes based on experimental data. The PCR amplification signals for the An01g01130, An11g05940, and An15g07920 pks genes were detected in only 97%, 71%, and 26% of the strains, respectively. Southern blot analyses confirmed the PCR data. Because one of the strain-specific pks genes (An15g07920) is located in a putative ochratoxin cluster, we focused our investigation on that region. We assessed the ochratoxin production capability of the 119 A. niger strains and found a positive association between the presence of this pks gene and the capability of the respective strain to produce ochratoxin.  相似文献   
The rapid development and commercialization of nanomaterials will inevitably result in the release of nanoparticles (NPs) to the environment. As NPs often exhibit physical and chemical properties significantly different from those of their molecular or macrosize analogs, concern has been growing regarding their fate and toxicity in environmental compartments. The wastewater-sewage sludge pathway has been identified as a key release pathway leading to environmental exposure to NPs. In this study, we investigated the chemical transformation of two ZnO-NPs and one hydrophobic ZnO-NP commercial formulation (used in personal care products), during anaerobic digestion of wastewater. Changes in Zn speciation as a result of postprocessing of the sewage sludge, mimicking composting/stockpiling, were also assessed. The results indicated that "native" Zn and Zn added either as a soluble salt or as NPs was rapidly converted to sulfides in all treatments. The hydrophobicity of the commercial formulation retarded the conversion of ZnO-NP. However, at the end of the anaerobic digestion process and after postprocessing of the sewage sludge (which caused a significant change in Zn speciation), the speciation of Zn was similar across all treatments. This indicates that, at least for the material tested, the risk assessment of ZnO-NP through this exposure pathway can rely on the significant knowledge already available in regard to other "conventional" forms of Zn present in sewage sludge.  相似文献   
Brazilian cacha?a can be produced in two different ways: distilled in stainless steel column or in copper alembic stills. We evaluated 36 samples of commercial non-aged cacha?as: 18 samples of sweetened cacha?as distilled in stainless steel column, and 18 samples distilled in copper alembic stills. Fingerprints were obtained through electrospray ionization mass spectrometry by recording the intensity of the 15 most abundant ions. Principal component analysis was applied to the data and separated the samples in two groups. However, after sample standardization with sugar (20?g?L?1), it was not possible to group them by type of distillation. The results showed that the technique applied did not allow differentiation of cacha?as based on the distillation system, but for the presence or absence of sugar in them.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of sodium hypochlorite oxidation and a heat-moisture treatment of potato starch on the physicochemical, pasting and textural properties of potato starches in addition to the water vapour permeability (WVP) and mechanical properties of potato starch films produced from these starches. The carbonyl contents, carboxyl contents, swelling power, solubility, pasting properties and gel texture of the native, oxidised and heat-moisture treated (HMT) starches were evaluated. The films made of native, oxidised and HMT starches were characterised by thickness, water solubility, colour, opacity, mechanical properties and WVP. The oxidised and HMT starches had lower viscosity and swelling power compared to the native starch. The films produced from oxidised potato starch had decreased solubility, elongation and WVP values in addition to increased tensile strength compared to the native starch films. The HMT starch increased the tensile strength and WVP of the starch films compared to the native starch.  相似文献   
A method using QuEChERS extraction and LC-MS/MS in electrospray positive ionisation mode was developed and validated for the analysis of 90 pesticides in a high water content matrix (tomato) in a single chromatographic run. To assess the intra-laboratory reproducibility of the method, validation was conducted on four different days by two different analysts. The validation data was treated using a spreadsheet developed in-house, which sets the most appropriate model for linear fit by determining whether the residuals of the calibration curves are homocedastic or heterocedastic. A statistical test for the significance of regression was also carried out. Calibration was always matrix-matched and the curves were obtained over the range 0.0075-0.10 or 0.020-0.125 mg kg(-1). Identification of analytes was based on retention times and MRM ratios. Recoveries were assessed at four different levels for each analyte and were between 73 and 106%, with relative standard deviations under reproducibility conditions of <20%. The measurement uncertainties of the method for each pesticide analysed were below 50%. Previous validation of the same method, applied to papaya samples and satisfactory results obtained in various proficiency tests with different high water content matrices, demonstrated the applicability of the method to these classes of commodities, without clean-up. The validated method will be applied routinely in the pesticide residues monitoring programme that constitutes the National Residue and Contaminant Control Plan of Brazil.  相似文献   
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