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The influence of high-intensity ultrasound (E = 42.2 W*s/mL) and coprecipitation processes with micellar casein concentrate (0.5, 1.5% w/w) on improving whey protein recovery during Ricotta cheese elaboration was evaluated. Acid and sweet whey were used. Whey treatment (control, ultrasonicated whey, coprecipitation process and ultrasonication + coprecipitation) was used as the independent variable in a completely randomised design. Since neither acidification nor pH adjustment was required, sonication reduced processing time (~6.6%). Coprecipitation (1.5%) enhanced the cheese yield generating textural defects. Softer textures were obtained by using ultrasonication and coprecipitation, suggesting the possibility of producing ricotta cheeses with higher yields and unique technological features.  相似文献   
The current study was conducted to evaluate the effects of various dietary n?3/n?6 ratio on growth and lipid metabolism in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles. The fish were fed ad libitum on three isoproteic (52%), isolipidic (14%), and isoenergetic diets (21 MJ/kg), formulated to contain three different n?3/n?6 ratios: a high (3.8), medium (2.5), or low (0.9) ratio. Fish grew from 9.5 ± 0.1 g to 54.2 ± 0.7 g in 12 weeks. Growth rate (2.2% BW/day), voluntary feed intake (2.4 ± 0.1% BM/day), feed conversion ratio (1.38 ± 0.05), and net protein utilization (27.5 ± 1.0%) did not vary among treatments. In contrast, body lipid content and lipid deposition efficiency were significantly reduced in fish fed low n?3/n?6 ratio. Fish fed the highest n?3/n?6 ratio showed the lowest hepatic glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity (p = 0.02). The n?3/n?6 ratio decreased, while DHA/eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) ratio increased significantly with decreasing dietary n?3/n?6 content. Among n?3 PUFA, the DHA and, particularly, the docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) showed the highest deposition rate both in muscle and liver. The lower deposition rate (<1) of linoleic acid (LA) and linolenic acid (LNA) suggests that a reduction in dietary n?3/n?6 ratio may stimulate their transport to the intermediary metabolism for energy production.  相似文献   
The photocurrent-voltage characteristic of a photoelectrochemical cell for solar hydrogen production via water splitting, using undoped-hematite as photoanode, was obtained. Photoelectrochemical characteristics of the cell were also investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Both techniques were carried out in the dark and under illumination. The analysis of the frequency spectra for the real and imaginary parts of the complex impedance allowed obtaining equivalent electrical analogs for the PEC cell operating in the dark and under 1 sun simulated illumination. Additionally, different electrode configurations were used (two and three-electrode arrangements). The two-electrode configuration allowed the study of the overall charge transfer phenomena occurring at the semiconductor, within the electrolyte and at the counter-electrode side of the cell, whereas the three-electrode configuration gave more detailed information concerning the double charged layer at the semiconductor/electrolyte interface.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of an anthocyanin extract (extract I), and two other derivative extracts (extracts II and III), which are being developed aiming to be further applied in the food industry, on intestinal uptake of organic cations. For this purpose, the effect of these compounds on 3H-MPP+ uptake was evaluated in Caco-2 cells (an enterocyte-like cell line derived from a human colonic adenocarcinoma).  相似文献   
Varietal wines are defined as made primarily from a single variety of grape, which is identified on the label. However the inclusion of other varieties in their production is permitted under defined percentages. The fact that different grape varieties/varietal wines present far different economical values can attract fraudulent practices. Thus the development of methods, which allow the quantification of those varieties, is of crucial importance. The first approach to the method for the relative quantification of must containing two varieties based on microsatellite DNA analysis is presented. Quantification was achieved by densitometry measurements of the amplification products of the pooled varieties, obtained with loci VVMD6 and VVMD7, after their separation and staining on polyacrilamide gels. We have found that a good correlation between the proportion of each variety in must and the signal intensity of the alleles are dependent on the variety (varietal effect) and the microsatellite locus used. The relative quantification of musts can be accomplished by the presented method depending on the presence of overlapping alleles, and the composition of the varieties and their relative amounts.  相似文献   
This paper presents a contribution to understanding the behavior of solar‐powered air conditioning and refrigeration systems with a view to determining the manner in which refrigeration rate, mass flows, heat transfer areas, and internal architecture are related. A cogeneration system consisting of a solar concentrator, a cavity‐type receiver, a gas burner, and a thermal storage reservoir is devised to simultaneously produce heat (hot water) and cooling (absorption refrigerator system). A simplified mathematical model, which combines fundamental and empirical correlations, and principles of classical thermodynamics, mass and heat transfer, is developed. The proposed model is then utilized to simulate numerically the system transient and steady‐state response under different operating and design conditions. A system global optimization for maximum performance (or minimum exergy destruction) in the search for minimum pull‐down and pull‐up times, and maximum system second law efficiency is performed with low computational time. Appropriate dimensionless groups are identified and the results are presented in normalized charts for general application. The numerical results show that the three‐way maximized system second law efficiency, ηII,max,max,max, occurs when three system characteristic mass flow rates are optimally selected in general terms as dimensionless heat capacity rates, i.e. (ψss, ψwxwx, ψHs)opt=(0.335, 0.28, 0.2). The minimum pull‐down and pull‐up times, and maximum second law efficiencies found with respect to the optimized operating parameters are sharp and, therefore, important to be considered in actual design. As a result, the model is expected to be a useful tool for simulation, design, and optimization of solar energy systems in the context of distributed power generation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
On-line titrimetric monitoring of anaerobic-anoxic EBPR processes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms (DPAO) are able to remove nitrogen and phosphorus simultaneously. The use of DPAO in EBPR systems results in a substantial saving on aeration cost and a lower sludge production when compared to anaerobic-aerobic EBPR systems. This process is usually studied in sequencing batch reactors (SBR) and monitored with off-line measurements. However, off-line monitoring implies low frequency data sampling and delay between sampling and obtainment of the results. For this reason, an online measurement such as titrimetry is strongly recommended to improve the daily management of the lab-scale SBR. This paper shows different applications of titrimetric measurements for on-line monitoring of DPAO lab-scale SBR cycles. The results demonstrate that titrimetry is a suitable tool for detecting the end of phosphorus release and carbon substrate depletion point in the anaerobic phase. Moreover, this paper proposes the indirect measurement of nitrate/nitrite uptake rate with titrimetric measurements, which allows the on-line estimation of its concentration during the anoxic phase. Therefore, titrimetry is an on-line measurement with a high potential to implement new control strategies in DPAO lab-scale SBR systems.  相似文献   
Nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films were grown on silicon substrates by hot filament chemical vapour deposition in Ar/H2/CH4 gas mixtures. In the current study, the methane volume concentration varied from 0.5 to 3.5 vol.% in order to estimate its effect on nanodiamond morphology and structure. Film micrograph obtained from scanning electron microscopy showed diamond grain agglomerate, also called ballas diamond, which presented the grain size variation as a function of methane concentration increase. The transition from diamond agglomerate to graphite structure was also observed when CH4 concentration is higher than 2.0 vol.%, confirmed from second order Raman measurements. The film local stress was estimated from the G-peak shift analyses and showed critical values necessary for the graphite/diamond phase formation. Structural investigations carried out by X-ray diffraction measurements for films deposited from 0.5 up to 2.0 vol.% CH4 presented characteristic diamond diffraction peaks corresponding to 〈111〉, 〈220〉 and 〈311〉. A preferential orientation, changed from 〈110〉 to 〈111〉, was observed during NCD film deposition as a function of the methane concentration.  相似文献   
In an effort to better understand the homogeneity of heat treatment of foodstuffs in holding tubes, the cumulative residence time distribution function is derived for a Herschel‐Bulkley fluid from fully developed laminar flow in a straight circular tube under isothermal conditions when diffusional effects are negligible. The proposed analytical solution can be reduced to solutions for Newtonian, shear‐thinning, dilatant, Bingham fluids by setting particular rheological parameters, and consequently, it is possible to successfully explain the dependence of residence time distribution on fluid properties for almost all of the rheological models used for time‐independent purely viscous fluids.  相似文献   
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