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The refractive index profile of germanium doped preforms for optical fibers is determined by the radial distribution of germanium concentration. Knowing that there is a correlation between the germanium doping profile and the deposition surface profile of vapor-phase axial deposition (VAD) preforms, the study of this correlation has been carried out in order to estimate, indirectly, the refractive index profile of VAD preforms for optical fibers during the deposition stage. This correlation was studied through the parameterization of the preform deposition surface using two parameters: the power law index profile that best fits the preform bottom profile (/spl alpha/) and the axial distance from the bottom tip to a reference height (h). A range of values of these parameters to produce VAD preforms with standard and special doping profiles has been presented. Preforms with triangular index profile can be fabricated with /spl alpha/ and h values of about 2.0 and 5.0 mm, respectively, and preforms with parabolic index profiles can be produced with /spl alpha/ and h values of about 2.0 and 4.0 mm, respectively.  相似文献   
The major goal of this paper is to help detect breast cancer early based on infrared images. Some procedures, protocols and numerical simulations were developed or performed. Two different issues are presented. The first is the development of a standardized protocol for the acquisition of breast thermal images including the design, construction and installation of mechanical apparatus. The second part is related to the greatest difficulty for the numerical computation of breast temperature profiles that is caused by the uncertainty of the real values of the thermophysical parameters of some tissues. Then, a methodology for estimating thermal properties based on these infrared images is presented. The commercial software FLUENTTM was used for the numerical simulation. A Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method was used to solve the inverse problem and to estimate the thermal conductivity and blood perfusion of breast tissues. The results showed that it is possible to estimate the thermophysical properties using the thermography. The next stage will be to use the geometry of a real breast for the numerical simulation in conjunction with a linear mapping of the temperatures measured over the breast volume.  相似文献   
Mobile Networks and Applications - Predicting the stock market is a widely studied field, either due to the curiosity in finding an explanation for the behavior of financial assets or for financial...  相似文献   

The use of reinforced polymers as cores of transmission cables can provide significant advantages compared to traditional steel cores, such as high tensile strength, low thermal expansion coefficients, and low sag between towers. This work evaluates the applicability of pultruded rods consisting of phenol–formaldehyde resin reinforced with carbon fiber as cores of transmission cables. In this work, the samples were divided into three groups: samples without aging, and samples UV and thermally aged. At first, a dynamic mechanical analysis was performed on samples without aging in order to determine the viscoelastic properties of the material based on the application to see if it would be compatible. In addition to this test, tensile strength and Young's modulus were determined for the three groups. Since the composite cores are susceptible to creep in high temperatures, the applicability must be below the glass transition temperature. Regarding creep behavior, results showed that at a reference temperature of 100 °C, the stress level necessary to cause failure after 50 years was 89% of the ultimate strength. The results of tensile tests were favorable for application of the pultruded system as transmission cables cores and the accelerated aging affected positively in these composites.

Two types of montmorillonite (MMT), natural sodium montmorillonite (Na-MMT) and organically modified montmorillonite (OMMT), in different amounts of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 25 phr (parts per hundred resin), were dispersed in rigid poly (vinyl chloride) by two different methods: solution blending and solution blending + melt compounding. The effects on morphology, thermal and mechanical properties of the PVC/MMT nanocomposites were studied by varying the amount of Na-MMT and OMMT in both methods. SEM and XRD analysis revealed that possible intercalated and exfoliated structures were obtained in all of the PVC/MMT nanocomposites. Thermogravimetric analysis revealed that PVC/Na-MMT nanocomposites have better thermal stability than PVC/OMMT nanocomposites and PVC. In general, PVC/MMT nanocomposites prepared by solution blending + melt compounding revealed improved thermal properties compared to PVC/MMT nanocomposites prepared by solution blending. Vicat tests revealed a significant decrease in Vicat softening temperature of PVC/MMT nanocomposites prepared by solution blending + melt compounding compared to unfilled PVC.  相似文献   
Hyperbaric storage at naturally variable room temperature (RT) conditions (18–21 °C) and above (30 °C) was evaluated as a possible new food preservation method, regardless of temperature. Preservation of watermelon juice (used as a case study of a highly perishable food) at RT and 5 °C at atmospheric pressure was compared to preservation under 100 MPa at RT. After 8 h of hyperbaric storage at 100 MPa, the initial microbial loads of the watermelon juice were reduced by 1 log unit for total aerobic mesophiles, and 1–2 log units for Enterobacteriaceae and yeasts and moulds, to levels of about 3 log units for the former and below the detection limit for the latter, and remained thereafter unchanged up to 60 h. Similar results were obtained at 30 °C at 100 MPa after 8 h. At atmospheric pressure at RT (24 h) and 30 °C (8 h), microbial levels were already above quantification limits and unacceptable for consumption. Furthermore, pressure attenuated the increase in titratable acidity verified at atmospheric pressure, but caused higher colour changes, especially a higher lightness and a lower browning degree. Post-hyperbaric storage at 5 °C revealed an extended shelf life, as an additional benefit of hyperbaric storage. These results show that hyperbaric storage is a very promising food preservation methodology.  相似文献   
For detection and quantification of food proteins triggering hypersensitivity reactions, reliable, validated analytical methods are necessary. At present, the most commonly used methodology for this purpose is ELISA. The lack of incurred reference materials (RM) complicates the fulfilling of method validation. Today, a well identifiable research direction is the development of methods (immunoanalytical, PCR and MS methods) suitable for multi-component analysis. As a consequence of these R+D efforts, the development of multi-component RMs is reasonable. Our work presented here is focusing on the development and investigation of multi-component model food matrices that can be suitable for supporting the validation processes. On the basis of the relative incidence of hypersensitivity reactions, four components—wheat, milk, egg and soy—were selected for our preliminary work. The target proteins were determined in single- and multi-component matrices with different ELISA methods, and the results were compared by statistical evaluation. The main direction of our investigation was to identify the effects of the potential interactions of these proteins on the analytical results, and the influence of food processing was also investigated. The results showed that the presence of multiple allergenic components caused much less uncertainty in the analytical results than analytical and technological steps, such as sample preparation, repetition or even heat treatment. However, probably due to the relatively complex matrices, some discrepancies from the expected outcome could also be observed.  相似文献   
Groundwater discharge could be a major, but as yet poorly constrained, source of carbon dioxide to lakes, wetlands, rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters. We demonstrate how coupled radon ((222)Rn, a natural groundwater tracer) and pCO(2) measurements in water can be easily performed using commercially available gas analysers. Portable, automated radon and pCO(2) gas analysers were connected in series and a closed air loop was established with gas equilibration devices (GED). We experimentally assessed the advantages and disadvantages of six GED. Response times shorter than 30 min for (222)Rn and 5 min for pCO(2) were achieved. Field trials revealed significant positive correlations between (222)Rn and pCO(2) in estuarine waterways and in a mangrove tidal creek, implying that submarine groundwater discharge was a source of CO(2) to surface water. The described system can provide high resolution, high precision concentrations of both radon and pCO(2) with nearly no additional effort compared to measuring only one of these gases. Coupling automated (222)Rn and pCO(2) measurements can provide new insights into how groundwater seepage contributes to aquatic carbon budgets.  相似文献   
A simple, direct injection, electrospray ionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry (ESI FT-MS) method, in combination with multivariate statistics, was used for the characterization and sorting of Chilean wines. 47 commercial red wines labelled as Cabernet Sauvignon, Carménère, Syrah, and Pinot noir, and 25 white wines of the varieties Chardonnay and Sauvignon blanc were diluted, directly infused into the mass spectrometer, and analyzed in negative ion mode. The signature ions used for statistical analyses were manually filtered out from the signals with m/z ratios over 10%. The results of principal component analysis allowed a good sorting of white wines, but not so in the case of reds. The main three principal components explained 96.82% and 85.65% of the variance for white and red wines, respectively. Instead, linear discriminant analysis, allowed the correct discrimination of 100.00% of white and 95.74% of red samples. The validation of these results using the leave-one-out cross-validation method gave lower percentages of correct classification (76.00% and 61.70% of white and red samples respectively), suggesting that some of the wine samples analyzed might have been blends of more than one variety. Consequently, ESI FT-MS direct injection analysis of wines can be used for sample discrimination, but requires a stronger mathematical model built with spectral information of pure and blended samples before improving the percentages of classification.  相似文献   
Honey legislation has been addressed to establish the minimum marketing level of the product and the need for consumer protection through correct denominations. Research oriented toward assessment of floral origin and physicochemical properties may increase the commercial value of these products. The characteristics of thirty‐one honeys produced in the Entre‐Douro e Minho region in Portugal were studied. Pollen features and some physicochemical parameters (moisture, ash, pH, free acidity, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural contain, apparent sucrose, reducing sugars and diastase activity) were determined. The samples were found to meet international honey specifications. The present study found a linear regression between the ash content of honeys and their specific conductivity. Five samples are listed as Eucalyptus honey, one sample as Citrus honey, and twenty‐five samples as multifloral honeys. Of the total, 87.1% exceeded the quality parameters and should be labelled as ‘virgin’ honey.  相似文献   
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