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We studied the effect of short-term triiodothyronine administration on thyroid gland responsivity to exogenous thyrotropin in four euthyroid human subjects. Thyroidal iodine release and serum thyroxine during daily im injections of bovine TSH were not significantly inhibited, despite a four-fold elevation in serum T3 concentrations. This negative finding contrasts with earlier positive reports of a regulatory "short-loop" effect of elevated circulating T3 on the thyroid gland. This difference may be due either to the use in previous murine or in vitro studies of non-physiologic, high doses of exogenous T3, or failure to control the withdrawal of the trophic effect of endogenous TSH in man on the subsequent glandular response.  相似文献   
Unstable expansion of the CTG repeats in the 3' untranslated region encoding a member of the protein kinase family in the q13.3 band on chromosome 19 is a mutation specific for myotonic dystrophy. To examine the correlation between clinical expression and CTG trinucleotide repeat length, we carried out Southern blot analysis in a family with myotonic dystrophy. In this pedigree, the expanded CTG repeats were transmitted maternally. The mother had three female children. The mother had about 200 CTG repeats, and the number of repeats for each child was about 800, 1500 and 1600 in birth order. The mother and the patient with 800 repeats were unaware of muscle weakness or myotonia. Symptoms were present from age 3 years in the patient with 1500 repeats and from birth in the one with 1600 repeats. Although the mother menstruated regularly, the patients with 800 and 1500 repeats both menstruated irregularly, and the one with 1600 repeats has never menstruated. The age of onset and severity of the disease were correlated with the size of the expanded repeats. Endocrinological studies revealed that the basal levels of the gonadotropins, PRL and E2 were within normal range, and a pituitary response to LHRH was observed. These data suggest that the amenorrhea and menstrual irregularities were caused by a suprahypophyseal dysfunction. When expanded CTG repeats are transmitted maternally, abnormal products resulting from the metabolic disturbance in the affected mother may harm the fetus in utero. A heterozygous fetus, who has more CTG repeats, may be unable to metabolize the pathologic products sufficiently and therefore may become more severely affected. This may explain the exclusive maternal transmission of congenital myotonic dystrophy.  相似文献   
Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were administered primidone (PRM) by oral gavage on gestation days 8-17 in doses of 0.40, and 80 mg/kg. Although these doses of PRM did not produce significant differences in litter size, birth weight, mortality, date of attainment of developmental landmarks or measures of preweaning reflex and motor development, there were a number of significant differences that developed as the animals approached and entered adulthood. When tested as adults, the 80 mg/kg male rats showed a deficit in the performance of an eight-arm radial maze task. These same animals showed a significant reduction in open field activity when tested as adults. In addition, both male and female PRM-treated animals showed reduced body weights at different periods corresponding to onset of sexual maturation during development. These findings are consistent with the larger body of literature reporting on the neurobehavioral teratology of phenobarbital, including its ability to produce lesions in the hippocampus and endocrine dysfunction resulting in reproductive deficits. These results suggest that PRM produces its adverse effects as a result of its metabolism to phenobarbital, which in turn affects the limbic system.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To i) document the sensitivity and specificity of a combined scintigraphic/lactulose breath hydrogen test for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and ii) investigate the validity of currently accepted definitions of an abnormal lactulose breath hydrogen test based on double peaks in breath hydrogen concentrations. METHODS: Twenty-eight subjects were investigated with culture of proximal small intestinal aspirate and a 10-g lactulose breath hydrogen test combined with scintigraphy. Gastroduodenal pH, the presence or absence of gastric bacterial overgrowth, and the in vitro capability of overgrowth flora to ferment lactulose were determined. RESULTS: Sensitivity (16.7%) and specificity (70.0%) of the lactulose breath hydrogen test alone for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth were poor. Combination with scintigraphy resulted in 100% specificity, because double peaks in serial breath hydrogen concentrations may occur as a result of lactulose fermentation by cecal bacteria. Sensitivity increased to 38.9% with scintigraphy, because a single rise in breath hydrogen concentrations, commencing before the test meal reaches the cecum, may occur in this disorder. Sensitivity remained suboptimal irrespective of the definition of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth used, the nature of the overgrowth flora, favorable luminal pH, the presence of concurrent gastric bacterial overgrowth, or the in vitro ability of the overgrowth flora to ferment lactulose. CONCLUSIONS: Definitions of an abnormal lactulose breath hydrogen test based on the occurrence of double peaks in breath hydrogen concentrations are inappropriate. Not even the addition of scintigraphy renders this test a clinically useful alternative to culture of aspirate for diagnosing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.  相似文献   
A yeast mitochondrial translation initiation codon mutation affecting the gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit III (COX3) was partially suppressed by a spontaneous nuclear mutation. The suppressor mutation also caused cold-sensitive fermentative growth on glucose medium. Suppression and cold sensitivity resulted from inactivation of the gene product of RPS18A, one of two unlinked genes that code the essential cytoplasmic small subunit ribosomal protein termed S18 in yeast. The two S18 genes differ only by 21 silent substitutions in their exons; both are interrupted by a single intron after the 15th codon. Yeast S18 is homologous to the human S11 (70% identical) and the Escherichia coli S17 (35% identical) ribosomal proteins. This highly conserved family of ribosomal proteins has been implicated in maintenance of translational accuracy and is essential for assembly of the small ribosomal subunit. Characterization of the original rps18a-1 missense mutant and rps18a delta and rps18b delta null mutants revealed that levels of suppression, cold sensitivity and paromomycin sensitivity all varied directly with a limitation of small ribosomal subunits. The rps18a-1 mutant was most affected, followed by rps18a delta then rps18b delta. Mitochondrial mutations that decreased COX3 expression without altering the initiation codon were not suppressed. This allele specificity implicates mitochondrial translation in the mechanism of suppression. We could not detect an epitope-tagged variant of S18 in mitochondria. Thus, it appears that suppression of the mitochondrial translation initiation defect is caused indirectly by reduced levels of cytoplasmic small ribosomal subunits, leading to changes in either cytoplasmic translational accuracy or the relative levels of cytoplasmic translation products.  相似文献   
In vitro experiments that characterize DNA-protein interactions by artificial selection, such as SELEX,are often performed with the assumption that the experimental conditions are equivalent to natural ones. To test whether SELEX gives natural results, we compared sequence logos composed from naturally occurring leucine-responsive regulatory protein (Lrp) binding sites with those composed from SELEX-generated binding sites. The sequence logos were significantly different, indicating that the binding conditions are disparate. A likely explanation is that the SELEX experiment selected for a dimeric or trimeric Lrp complex bound to DNA. In contrast, natural sites appear to be bound by a monomer. This discrepancy suggests that in vitro selections do not necessarily give binding site sets comparable with the natural binding sites.  相似文献   
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