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何伟  林昌杰 《机电工程技术》2007,36(9):80-80,91
介绍了水轮发电机组机械过速保护装置的工作原理和结构形式、工作特点,对水轮发电机组机械过速保护装置的应用进行了论述.  相似文献   
频率上转换掺稀土氧氟纳米微晶玻璃的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了近年来用于上转换发光的掺稀土离子氧氟微品玻璃的研究概况,阐述了氧氟微品玻璃作为上转换发光材料的发展和研究中问题,提出了值得进一步研究的工作并对掺稀土离子氧氯微晶玻璃未来的前景作了展望。  相似文献   
为了解决路侧停车位数目检测问题,本文采用基于图像识别的方法,将复杂的动态视频信息转化为简单的静态图像信息.首先,采用中值滤波、伽马变换和形态学处理等方法对感兴趣区域进行图像预处理;接着采用基于PPHT与直线聚类的方法检测停车位标记线;其次,采用二次方递减图像拼接的方法将该路段所有停车位拼接到一幅图像上,既防止了停车位数...  相似文献   
肖昆  郑记 《计算机应用与软件》2007,24(4):157-158,173
移动自组织网络(Mobile Ad hoc Networks,MANET)是一种开放性的媒介系统,从而很容易受到黑客的入侵.提出了一种有效的适应于MANET的入侵检测系统,叫做MAPIDS(Mobile Agent-based Peer-to-peer Intrusion Detection System).该系统一旦发现网络中的可疑行为,就会引发一次集体投票过程,以确定该可疑行为是否是入侵行为,并根据投票结果作出相应的进一步处理.相比于其他同样基于集体决策机制的入侵检测系统,MAPIDS节省了更多的网络带宽和电池能耗,并且该系统不存在稀疏节点问题.  相似文献   
The crystallization behavior of Li_2O-Al_2O_3-SiO_2 glasses with various concentration of Li_2O were investigated by DSC,XRD,and FE-SEM.The h/l-quartz s.s.is the main crystalline phase for all of the glass with the heat treatment of 720 ℃/3 h+800℃/1.5 h while the crystallinity and crystal size increase with the increase of Li_2O contents.Due to the negative thermal expansion coefficient of h/l-quartz s.s.,the thermal expansion coefficient of glass-ceramics decreases with the increasing of Li_2O contents.When the Li_2O content is 9mol%,the near-zero CTE_(20-700 ℃)=-0.09×10~(-6 )℃~(-1) is obtained upon the heat treatment of 720 ℃/3 h+800 ℃/1.5 h.The crystallization activation energy of the glass with 9mol% Li_2O is about 351 kJ/mol,and the crystallization mechanism is volume crystallization.  相似文献   
采用透射电子显微镜结合纳米束能谱技术,研究了含Nb,Ti,Mo等多种微合金元素的超低碳贝氏体钢在奥氏体非冉结晶区终轧后弛豫阶段的应变诱导析出行为.实验结果表明:经30%预变形后,在850℃和900℃等温弛豫时,钢中析出开始主要有纯Nb及Nb-Ti复合的两类,以后者为主.随弛豫时间延长,纯Nb型析出物消失,复合夹杂中铌钛比增加.弛豫阶段后期,Mo会以置换原子形式进入(Ti,Nb)(C,N)的面心立方晶格中,其量随弛豫时间的延长而增加.析出物形状以不规则外形为主,其密度及平均尺寸与变形温度和弛豫时间密切相关.  相似文献   
With advances in Si-based technology infrastructures and the rapid integration of Si-based op-toelectronics,Si-based optoelectronic synaptic devices have the po...  相似文献   
A 2-D model of lithospheric velocity structures in the southern part of the North China Craton was obtained using data from the Zhucheng-Yichuan deep seismic sounding profile.Results show that there are great differences in lithospheric structures between two sides of Taihang Mountain.In the eastern region,the lithosphere is thinner,with a thickness of about 70-80 km,while in the western region,the thickness is 85-120 km.There is a jump of the lithospheric thickness across Taihang Mountain gravity anomaly b...  相似文献   

This paper is a study of a method to determine from external observations only, potential sets of feedback gains that can be used by humans to control their postural stance.

These gains amplify sensor signals in order to produce torques at the joints. The method consists of modeling the human biped in two ways-as a one degree-of-freedom inverted pendulum with a vestibular estimator and as a two degree-of-freedom compound inverted pendulum for which the vestibular system is approximated. The feedback gains in these models are systematically changed until the computer simulated motion of the nonlinear model is close enough to observed human motion. Comparisons are made between these results and those of other experimental investigations.

An analysis of minimal sets of gains and sensitivity of the gains to measurement errors in weights, lengths, and moment of inertia are discussed.  相似文献   
针对电力负荷预测中对参考临域的选取不精确以及传统神经网络外延能力弱的特点,文中提出一种运用改进BP神经网络来进行电力负荷混沌多步预测的方法,在重构负荷数据相空间的基础上利用夹角余弦取代欧氏距离寻找参考临域,找出训练样本并用改进的BP神经网络来进行负荷的多步预测.通过对南方某城市的负荷数据进行实例分析,利用Matlab软件进行仿真,取得较为理想的预测效果.算例分析结果证明了此方法在电力负荷预测中的可行性.  相似文献   
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