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Both native and denatured protein samples were examined by determining fluorescence and specific rotation, and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Denaturation of ovalbumin by pressure was much less than by heat or by the chemical denaturants. Ovalbumin was denatured under high pressure, as confirmed by the decrease in its a-helical content to 72% and DSC endothermic enthalpy to 61%, but it showed no change in the PAGE pattern. With bovine serum albumin decrease in fluorescence was observed after denaturation by chemicals, but it did not change under high pressure.  相似文献   
Two bovine β-lactoglobulin-alginic acid (β-LG-ALG) conjugates were prepared to improve the function of ALG by using water-soluble carbodiimide and the Maillard reaction. Fluorescence studies suggested that the conformation around Trp had been changed in each conjugate and that the surface of each conjugate was covered with polysaccharide chain. Structural analyses with monoclonal antibodies indicated that the conformation around 15Val-29IIe (β -sheet) in each conjugate had changed, while the native structure was maintained around 125Thr-135Lys (α-helix). After conjugating with β -LG, ALG showed retinol-binding and high emulsifying ability. The aggregating property of ALG in acid and in the presence of Ca2+ was improved in each conjugate.  相似文献   
The category frequency task has become one of the most important tools for measuring brain function. In this investigation, we used near‐infrared spectroscopy to examine the prefrontal blood flow in the brain, using a category fluency task function test to determine if this method can be used to diagnose dementia in the early stages. We examined 21 healthy volunteer students (age 21.0±1.4; 11 males and 10 females) and 50 patients with dementia (age 83.3±6.7; 12 males and 38 females; mini mental status: 0–22). The category fluency task required the subjects to produce nouns belonging to the category of vegetables. Our results showed that the healthy volunteer students had an increase in the blood flow while performing this task. On the other hand, the dementia patients did not show any relevant increase in blood flow while performing this task. The results suggest that the combination of the category fluency task and near‐infrared spectroscopy could be used as one more tool for the diagnosis of dementia.  相似文献   
Damages on the surfaces of concrete buildings can easily be detected by visual inspection and can be repaired. However, damages inside walls need nondestructive inspection techniques to be detected, located, and identified. There has been a great demand for such techniques particularly after the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake. Ground‐based synthetic aperture radar (GB‐SAR) is a technique that can be potentially used for inspection of concrete walls in a nondestructive and noncontacting manner. The paper reports a fundamental experiment with a polarimetric GB‐SAR system to detect internal damage in a concrete specimen caused by horizontal loading simulating earthquakes. The results show that the system does not have enough resolution to visualize individual defects, and that the effect of steel rebars installed inside the concrete is so strong that it masks weak responses. However, polarimetric analysis demonstrated the capability to minimize the effect of rebars by rearranging polarization basis and to extract weak responses. In particular, internal damages could be detected by observing the volume scattering component in this experiment.  相似文献   
Changes in trypsin inhibitory activity and ovomucoid antigenicity in the egg white of Japanese quail egg were observed after subjecting the quail egg to boiling, saúteing and microwave irradiation. Boiling for 10 min caused about 50% loss of the initial trypsin inhibitory activity. With respect to antigenicity, the boiling caused an initial increase followed by a drop to the original level. Saúteing for 3 min resulted in about 90% loss of the inhibitory activity and about 75% loss of the initial antigenicity. Microwave irradiation for 90 s resulted in about 85% loss of the inhibitory activity and about 80% loss of the initial antigenicity. After pepsin digestion of the egg white boiled for 10 min, 100% of the starting trypsin inhibitory activity was retained even after 24 h digestion, while the antigenicity decreased to about 10% of the initial activity. These results suggest that about 50% of the original trypsin inhibitory and 10% of the original antigenic activity remain after a 24 h pepsin digestion of the egg white boiled for 10 min. Thus, we concluded that intact ovomucoid or ovomucoid degradation products with some trypsin inhibitory activity and antigenicity were introduced into the small intestine after ingestion of the cooked egg white of Japanese quail.  相似文献   
To investigate the effect of aging treatment on irradiation-induced segregation of high Mn-Cr steel, specimens for electron-beam irradiation were prepared from the high Mn-Cr austenitic steel which was solution treated at 1 373 K for 1 h and aging treated at 573 K for 1 000 h, respectively. The electron-beam irradiation was performed at 573 K up to doses of 5.4 dpa in a 1 250 kV HVEM and irradiation-induced segregation analyses were carried out by an EDX in a 200 kV FE-TEM. The results show that void formation is not observed in both solution treated and aging treated ones. The amount of Cr segregation at the grain boundary decreases in the aged one; however, that of Mn is not changed in solution treated one.  相似文献   
本文利用超高压电子显微镜进行电子辐照实验,分析了我国试制的氧化物弥散强化(ODS)铁素体钢的辐照行国.在670-720K下辐照时观察到了辐照空洞的形成.辐照条件为720K,9dpa时的辐照肿胀率小于0.1%.同时在电子衍射图样中发现了明显的衍射环,分析表明这些衍射环的出现是由于电子辐照促进了Y2O3微细相形成的缘故.  相似文献   
1%Hf(质量分数)被注入E911钢中.利用250keV的Ni离子在300℃辐照含Hf和不含Hf的E911钢,以研究Hf的添加对铁素体/马氏体钢中由辐照引起的偏析的影响.结果表明,Hf的添加抑制了晶界上P原子的富集和Cr原子的贫化.讨论和评估了Hf对自由迁移的缺陷数量的影响,结合一个辐照引起的非平衡偏析(RIS)模型以预测Hf对P3Cr等元素的晶界偏析行为的作用.对预测结果和实验数据作了比较.  相似文献   
A pulsed electric field(PEF) was applied to unpasteurized sake at constant temperatures, at which α-amylase was not inactivated. We adjusted the input energy to be identical for the temperatures by changing the number of PEF application, because the current significantly increased with the temperature, even the amplitude of the applied voltage was identical. As a result, the α-amylase was seemed to be inactivated by PEF application, not due to thermal effect.The glucoamylase was significantly inactivated by PEF. Moreover, the acid carboxypeptidase was inactivated by PEF at 4 °C but significantly activated at 25 °C. These results show that the sensitivity of enzyme to PEF application differs depending on the types of enzyme and treatment temperature. On the other hand, the colony number of bacteria was remarkably decreased, but the amount of the volatile flavor compounds was not decreased by PEF application.  相似文献   
Strains of S. thermophilus grown on partially deproteinized whey produced an exocellular polysaccharide which contained L-rhamnose and D-galactose in the ratio 1:1.47. Methylation analysis showed the existence of 3 and 6-substituted D-galactose, 2-substituted L-rhamnose and nonreducing terminal D-galactose. A polysaccharide was also obtained from the cell surface after sonication. Molecular weights of both polysaccharides were estimated by gel filtration on HPLC at about 9,000,000 and 1,100,000, respectively. These polysaccharides were different from the previously reported products by S. thermophilus strains and their presence may contribute to the ropy property of yogurt.  相似文献   
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