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The changing face of emphysematous cholecystitis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emphysematous cholecystitis is a variant of acute cholecystitis characterized by the presence of gas in the gall bladder lumen, wall or pericholecystic tissues in the absence of an abnormal communication between the biliary system and the gastrointestinal tract. In the past, the diagnosis has relied on the plain abdominal radiograph (AXR), since there are no clinical features to separate this condition from simple acute cholecystitis. The apparently high mortality and morbidity associated with emphysematous cholecystitis has previously emphasized the importance of emergency cholecystectomy. We have reviewed eight cases of emphysematous cholecystitis presenting to this hospital over the last 5 years. The diagnosis was made on AXR in only one of these cases. Ultrasound (US) scans were performed in all eight cases, of which five were positive and three negative, due to non-visualization of the gall bladder. In the three negative cases, the diagnosis was made on subsequent CT scans. On initial clinical examination, only one of the eight patients appeared systemically unwell and conservative management was employed in five of the patients. The remaining three patients underwent cholecystectomy within 3-5 days because of continuing signs or symptoms. It is concluded that the AXR is relatively insensitive in the diagnosis of emphysematous cholecystitis. As a result of the regular use of US in suspected hepatobiliary disease, emphysematous cholecystitis is being diagnosed with increased frequency, uncovering a broad spectrum of disease ranging from mild to severe. Previously, failure to separate milder cases from simple acute cholecystitis may have been responsible for reports of unremitting severity and progression requiring emergency cholecystectomy. Based on clinical assessment, conservative surgical management is possible in a significant proportion of patients.  相似文献   
The objective of the present work is to further explore the problem of selection of the flow stress function which will give the best agreement with experiments for a wide range of the Zener‐Hollomon parameter. Analysis of various flow stress functions was performed, with particular emphasis on the Zerilli‐Armstrong model. Inverse analysis was successfully applied to identify the flow stress model for microalloyed steels deformed in ferrite, two‐phase and austenite regions. Inverse method is applied to interpret the results of the axisymmetrical compression tests performed for HSLA steel samples on a Gleeble 3800 and Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar. Sensitivity analysis is performed based on local and global methods. The objective of the sensitivity analysis in the present study is the evaluation to what extent the selected coefficients in the rheological model influence the result of simulations. In the considered tests this result is represented by two dependent variables, the load and the shape of the sample (barrelling). It is confirmed that the Zerilli‐Armstrong equations should be applied at very high strain rates. Physical meaning is an advantage of this model. Difficulties with identification are the main disadvantage.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mittels verschiedener Untersuchungen wurden Aussagen über das Migrationsverhalten von Acetaldehyd aus Polyethylenterephthalat (PET) getroffen. Die Analyse des Acetaldehyds erfolgte durch Kopfraum-Gaschromatographie mit Flammenionisationsdetektion. Die Bestimmung des Restgehaltes an Acetaldehyd in neuen PET-Flaschen ergab Werte um 6,3 mg/kg, woraus sich eine maximal mögliche Migratmenge von etwa 200 (g/L errechnen läßt. Migrationsstudien bei verschiedenen Temperaturen zeigten die für das Verpakkungssystem typischen Zeitverläufe. Die Diffusion des Acetaldehyds aus dem Kunststoff erreichte bei einer Inkubationstemperatur von 40 °C nach ca. 4 Tagen ein konstantes Niveau, welches ca. 10% des ermittelten Restgehaltes an Acetaldehyd beträgt. Bei einer Temperaturerhöhung um 20 °C kam es zu einer Erhöhung dieses Niveaus auf das 5fache. Die Versuchsergebnisse der Bestimmung des Acetaldehyds in Getränken zeigte, daß in der Praxis nur mit einer geringen Migration zu rechnen ist, die bei den kohlensäurehaltigen Erfrischungsgetränken wegen des intensiven Eigengeschmacks ohne Belang ist. Eine Geschmacksbeeinträchtigung könnte sich höchstens bei Mineral- und Sodawässern ergeben, wenn diese längerfristig, wie sich aus den Migrationsstudien ableiten läßt, Temperaturen um 40 °C ausgesetzt werden.
Study of the migration of acetaldehyde from PET bottles into soft drinks containing carbonic acid
Summary The migration of acetaldehyde from polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) under various conditions was analysed by headspace gas chromatography and flame ionisation detection. The residual amounts of new PET bottles were about 6.3 mg/kg with a migration value of 200 g/1. On studying the migration at different temperatures and times, behaviour curves characteristic of packing materials made from plastics are obtaind. The amount of acetaldehyde diffusing from PET at a temperature of 40° C reached a constant level after 4 days which was about 10% of the residual value of acetaldehyde. On increasing the temperature by 20° C, this level was raised up to 50%. The results of the analysis of acetaldehyde in soft drinks containing carbonic acid show that the migration in fact is not sufficiently high to influence the taste of these soft drinks. A negative effect on the taste may be recognized with mineral waters and soda when they are exposed to higher temperatures (e.g. 40° C or more) over a longer period of time.
In this article we overview the design and implementation of the second generation of Kansas Lava. Driven by the needs and experiences of implementing telemetry decoders and other circuits, we have made a number of improvements to both the external API and the internal representations used. We have retained our dual shallow/deep representation of signals in general, but now have a number of externally visible abstractions for combinatorial and sequential circuits, and enabled signals. We introduce these abstractions, as well as our abstractions for reading and writing memory. Internally, we found the need to represent unknown values inside our circuits, so we made aggressive use of associated type families to lift our values to allow unknowns, in a principled and regular way. We discuss this design decision, how it unfortunately complicates the internals of Kansas Lava, and how we mitigate this complexity. Finally, when connecting Kansas Lava to the real world, the standardized idiom of using named input and output ports is provided by Kansas Lava using a new monad, called Fabric. We present the design of this Fabric monad, and illustrate its use in a small but complete example.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei der Maillard-Reaktion reagieren primär reduzierende Zucker mit den freien Aminogruppen der Aminosäuren. Dabei entstehen aus Aldosen als erste stabile Zwischenprodukte die 1-Aminosäure-1-desoxy-ketosen (Amadori-Verbindungen). In Malzen konnten zehn Amadori-Verbindungen quantitativ bestimmt werden. Sie entstehen während des Darrens des Malzes. Aufgrund unterschiedlicher Darrbedingungen unterscheiden sich die Malztypen im Gehalt und im Muster dieser Substanzen. Während der Erhitzungsvorgänge beim Brauprozeß (Maischen, Würzekochung) werden die Amadori-Verbindungen etwa zur Hälfte abgebaut, dagegen sind bei der an schließenden Gärung keine Veränderungen zu beobachten. Aus dem Gehalt und dem Muster der Amadori-Verbindungen im Bier können somit Rückschlüsse auf das verwendete Malz gezogen werden. Bei der Herstellung von Braucouleuren werden Ammoniak bzw. Ammoniumverbindungen als Aminokomponenten eingesetzt. Die Couleure enthalten deshalb keine 1-Aminosäure-l-desoxy-ketosen, dafür aber Desoxyfructosazine, die bei der Reaktion von Zuckern mit Ammoniak entstehen. Diese Pyrazinderivate wurden in Braucouleuren in hohen Mengen (2–6 g/100 g) gefunden. Es wird eine Methode vorgestellt, mit der ein Zusatz von Braucouleuren zum Bier über die Bestimmung der Desoxyfructosazine eindeutig nachgewiesen werden kann.
Detection of Maillard products in malts, beers, and brewing couleurs
During the Maillard reaction, the reducing sugars first react with the free amino groups of the amino acids. With aldoses, 1-amino-l-deoxyketoses (ketose-amino acids, Amadori compounds) are the first stable intermediates to be formed. In malts ten different Amadori compounds could be determined that formed during the kiln-drying of malt. Dependent on the kiln-drying conditions, the different types of malt contain different amounts and proportions of these compounds. During the brewing process (mashing, mash wort cooking) about half of the Amadori compounds are decomposed, whereas during fermentation no changes can be observed. Therefore the amount and composition of Amadori compounds detected in beer may indicate the type of malt used. During the production of brewing couleurs, ammonia or ammonium compounds react with sugars and deoxyfructosazines are formed. In brewing coleurs, relatively high amount of these pyrazine derivatives (2–6 g/100 g) could be found. An analytical method is described for the quantitative determination of deoxyfructosazines, indicating an addition of brewing couleur to beer.
Zusammenfassung Es wird über die Curiepunkt-Pyrolyse handelsüblicher Caramelzuckersirup-Proben und die Identifizerung von über 80 Pyrolysefragmenten durch kombinierte Capillargaschromatographie/ Massenspektrometrie berichtet. Mit dieser Methode sind die Proben untereinander and gegenüber Couleuren differenzierbar. Mittels Ultrafiltration wurden die Komponenten einer intensiv braunen Probe in Fraktionen unterschiedlicher Molekülmasse getrennt and nach Pyrolyse miteinander verglichen. In einer niedermolekularen Fraktion wurden nach Permethylierung Laevoglucosan, 1,6-Anhydro--d-glucofuranose, Trehalose, Cellobiose, Maltose, Isomaltose und Gentiobiose Bowie einige Difructosedianhydride nachgewiesen.
Investigations of caramel. Curiepoint pyrolysis of caramel syrups and other investigations of structure
Summary A report is given on the investigation of commercial caramel syrups by Curiepoint pyrolysis and the identification of more than 80 pyrolysis products by capillary gas chromatography mass spectrometry. This method enables the differentiation between different caramel syrups and, additionally, between caramel syrups and caramel colours. Compounds of different molecular masses have been examined in the same manner after they have been isolated from an intense brown caramel sample by ultrafiltration. In a fraction consisting of compounds with low molecular masses laevoglucosan, 1,6-anhydro--d-glucofuranose, trehalose, cellobiose, maltose, isomaltose, gentiobiose and some difructosedianhydrides were identified by GC/MS after permethylation.
Zusammenfassung Das Modellsystem Cystein/Methionin/Furfural lieferte unter Röstbedingungen ein komplexes Reaktionsgemisch, das sich mittels Adsorptionschromatographie auf Kieselgel und Capillar-GC in ca. 130 Komponenten auftrennen ließ, von denen 85 capillargaschromatographisch-massenspektrometrisch charakterisiert wurden. Furfural und die aus Cystein und Methionin resultierenden reaktiven Abbauprodukte H2S, Cysteamin und Methylmercaptan sind wichtige Precursor für heterocyclische Flavorkomponenten. Neben Furanen, (Furan)-aldiminen und schwefelsubstituierten Furanderivaten werden auchN-Furfurylpyrrole, Pyridine, Thiazole, Thiazoline, Thiazolidine, Thiophene sowie aliphatische Schwefelverbindungen und cyclische Methylenpolysulfide gebildet. Beim Kaffeerösten entsteht Furfural als eine der Furanhauptkomponenten und spielt bei der Genese wesentlicher Kaffeearomastoffe eine zentrale Rolle.
Gaschromatographic-mass spectrometric investigation of aroma compounds from the reaction of cysteine and methionine with furfural under roasting conditions
Summary The model-system cysteine/methionine/furfural produced under roasting conditions a complex mixture of compounds which was separated by adsorption chromatography on silica gel, according to the increasing polarity of the components, into six fractions. The fractions were investigated by capillary gas chromatography with and without mass spectrometry. Of the approx. 130 compounds detected, 85 were identified and quantified. Furfural and the reactive degradation products H2S, cysteamine and methylmercaptan, resulting from cysteine and methionine, are important precursors for heterocyclic flavor components. Besides furans, (furan)aldimines, and sulphur-substituted furan derivates, the following compounds are also formed:N-furfurylpyrroles, pyridines, thiazoles, thiazolines, thiazolidines, thiophenes, as well as aliphatic sulphur compounds and cyclic methylene polysulfides. During coffee roasting, furfural is produced as one of the major components of the furans and is essential for the formation of important coffee aroma constituents.

Poster-Präsentation beim Deutschen Lebensmittelchemikertag in Bremen (14.–16. Sept. 1988)  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Methode zur Bestimmung von Glyphosat und dessen Hauptmetabolit Aminomethylphosphonsäure (AMPA) in Trinkwasser beschrieben, die es erlaubt, den in der Schweiz geforderten Toleranzwert von 0,1 g/1 zu erreichen (Nachweisgrenze 0,02 g/l). Die Wasserprobe wird dabei direkt mit 9-Fluorenylmethyl-chloroformaat (FMOCCI) versetzt, um extrahierbare und gleichzeitig fluorescierende Derivate zu erhalten. Diese werden nach Ausschütteln mit einem organischen Lösungsmittelgemisch durch HPLC mit Fluorescenzdetektor bestimmt. In bisher 151 untersuchten Trinkwasserproben des Kantons Bern konnten weder Glyphosat noch AMPA nachgewiesen werden.
Determination of glyphosate herbicide and its main metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in drinking water by HPLC
Summary A method for the determination of glyphosate and its major metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) is described. With a detection limit of 0.02 g/l, the method suitably fulfills the requirements of the Swiss legislation (tolerance value of 0.1 g/l water). The compounds are derivatized directly in the original water sample with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOCCI) in order to obtain extractable and fluorescent derivatives. These are extracted with organic solvents and determined by HPLC using a fluorescence detector. Neither of the compounds could be detected in 151 tap water samples from the Canton of Berne.
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