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Over the past few decades, studies on competition and organizational performance in the international construction market have been prolific. Construction companies are founded, then grow, compete, evolve, and die in the international landscape, a common process from an ecological perspective. However, few studies have considered the international construction market from this perspective. Using niche theory, which was initially populated in the field of natural bio-ecology and then introduced to business management and economics, a NW/O-L (niche width/overlap and location) framework is established in this study. With this framework, the niche evolution of the top 225 international contractors is explored along two dimensions—product and geography. The effects of a proper niche on an international construction company’s performance are also investigated using the cluster analysis method. It was discovered that, despite fluctuations over time, the contractor’s niche is highly related to its performance in the international construction market. The most appropriate niche for international construction contractors is a wide niche width, with a small niche overlap and with its location near to the market centre with comparatively more market resources. However, only a few contractors can survive in this niche, as the majority of contractors are in a narrow niche width, with a comparatively large niche overlap and far from the market centre. Contractors which do not fit either of these two niches have proved to be poor performers in this study.  相似文献   
In this article, we review three microcomputer programs for assessing regional economic impacts. The programs are ADOTMATR, GRIMP, and REMI, which we discuss in terms of their suitability for policy analysis and planning practice. We assess the programs in terms of range of applicability, flexibility and ease of use in conducting impact analyses, quality of output, and cost. ADOTMATR and GRIMP are similar; however, GRIMP is easier to use but less flexible and more limited than ADOTMATR. Although REMI is more sophisticated than the other two programs, it is more expensive and more limited in application.  相似文献   
In city planning, data-processing machines permit the rapid handling and summarization of data in housing, renewal, land use, transportation, and basic urban research. Electronic computers. specifically, are exciting because they offer a means of solving complex city planning problems, especially in forecasting land use and travel demand.

For most planning operations punched card data processing is superior to other processes. The functions of these machines are described herein and three examples of data processing are elaborated on. In future years, planning techniques may have to be altered considerably to take advantage of the potentials of data processing.  相似文献   
Globalization today encompasses multinational dialogues on the appropriate role for planning in mediating relationships between individual and community, state and citizen, government and market, and people and property. Yet confusion persists as speakers from one country attempt to convey concepts different from what listeners from another country hear. This paper provides a cross-national contemplation on the sources of that confusion, comparing the USA to Western Continental Europe, primarily Germany. Americans and Europeans engage fundamentally different worldviews in promoting progress while reconciling harms, stemming from different philosophical traditions that can be broadly characterized as a Millian versus a Hegelian liberalism, respectively.  相似文献   
Polished finishing granites are greatly accepted for claddings because of the plates’ shape, design and color variety. The features depend on the geological conditions that occur during the formation process, which include the mineralogy of the stone, the fluids formed during the process, the grain size of the minerals and the way in which the minerals interact with each other. One of the noblest uses of stone plates is in non-adherent covering systems (without mortar), such as ventilated façades and pedestrian paving systems. Currently, the methodology for non-adherent systems uses the allowable stress design criteria. In recent years, the number of papers indicating reliability analysis as an important design tool for natural stones has increased. However, a lack of information concerning the design methodology still happens. Therefore, the structural properties assessed as complementing these studies were: compressive strength, three-point flexural tensile strength, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio. A granite slab design example was also presented. First, the thickness of the plates was determined based on the formulation proposed by Timoshenko [Strength of materials (original language, Portuguese), Volume II. Editora Ao Livro Técnico S. A., Rio de Janeiro, 1977], using the allowable stress design criteria. Next, the reliability analysis was performed by Monte Carlo simulation. Results showed that the Desireé White granitic plate presented a higher reliability index than the Capão Bonito Red granitic plate. This result seems to be paradoxical, owing that the Capão Bonito Red presented a higher value of mean flexural strength than the Desireé White. The minimal safety factors to satisfy the target reliability value of 3.8 as recommended by the standard EN 1990:2002 (Eurocode) were found to be 2.61, 1.98 and 2.72, respectively, for the three stone types.  相似文献   
轮载作用下沥青路面三维非线性有限元分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在解析法基础上的多层弹性体系理论 ,是当前国内外广泛使用的描述沥青路面结构的力学模型 ,它有一些局限性 ,而用解析的方法难以建立起更一般的沥青路面结构的力学模型。以三维非线性有限元模型NAAPS为工具 ,对轮载作用下沥青路面的非线性响应进行了初步分析 ,得到了一些有意义的结论 ,说明了非线性分析在路面结构分析中的广泛前景  相似文献   
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