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Cooperative communication technology exploiting distributed spatial diversity is a promising solution for the future high data-rate cellular and ad-hoc wireless communications. To characterize the performance of a cooperative network, the cooperative diversity is commonly used. In this paper, we revisit the concept of diversity and look into the essence of cooperative diversity. We analyze the diversity performance of a general cooperative relaying system with multiple branches. Moreover, each branch consists of one or more hops. Unlike in other analyses, the assumptions that each node being only equipped with a single antenna and that all channel characteristics belonging to the same family are NOT required in our study. Using the decode-and-forward (DF) relaying protocol as an illustration, we provide analytical results on the diversity gain and the coding gain. The results also encompass most of the existing results as special cases. We further show the relationship between the diversity order of a branch and those of the constituent links; and the relationship between the diversity order of the network and those of the constituent branches. In particular, we show that for the uncoded DF protocol, the full diversity order can be achieved by using simple hard-decision detection at the destination. The requirement is to set appropriate signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) thresholds for the multi-hop branches. To improve the bandwidth efficiency, we also randomly select one branch, among those branches satisfying the SNR-threshold requirement, for the transmission. We show that such a scheme accomplishes the full diversity order and produces a good error performance.  相似文献   
添加2%热塑性弹性体401和501对B炸药改性,得到改性后炸药MB-1和MB-2,测试了二者的力学性能和落锤撞击感度,分别用经验法和VLWR程序计算了二者的爆轰性能。结果表明,MB-1和MB-2的弹性和韧性均好于B炸药;在低速(100-1500s-1)冲击下,MB-2的韧性比MB-1好。大药片落锤撞击感度试验中,MB-1和MB-2的爆炸反应阈值高度分别为3.5-4m和6-6.5m,MB-1的撞击感度比MB-2高。与B炸药相比,MB-1和MB-2的爆速分别降低了0.104mm·μs-1和0.099mm·μs-1,爆压分别降低了1.3GPa和1.2GPa。  相似文献   
以纳米尺度的镍粉为催化剂,使乙炔气体在高温下热解,制备了纳米碳纤维,利用透电子显微镜对样品的形貌和结构进行了观察研究,讨论了纳米碳纤维的形成机制。  相似文献   
许琦敏  万峻  何羚  王茜 《电子学报》2022,50(2):426-431
针对符合CCSDS(Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems,国际空间数据系统咨询委员会)标准的多种复合调制体制测控信号,本文在建立8类典型调制信号数学模型的基础上,分析了信号的频域和统计域特征,并基于高阶累积量和信号平方谱提取了4个特征参数.根据所提的特征参数,针对复...  相似文献   
针对AVS视频解码器开源代码效率相对低下的问题,文章从算法(Algorithm)、代码(Code)、平台(P1atform)方面考虑,提出了一套AVS解码器优化方法(简称AcP方法。在AVS工作组参考解码器上对所提出的ACP方法的有效性进行了验证,实验结果表明,经过ACP方法优化后的AVS软件解码器的解码速度有明显提高,满足了标清格式720P视频实时解码的要求。  相似文献   
This paper reports our latest progress in developing low-loss and low-crosstalk silicon MMIC interconnects for millimeter-wave applications. The proposed silicon/metal/polyimide (SIMPOL) structure based on multilayer polyimide technology is extremely effective in reducing noise crosstalk, and also provides very low line loss, even at the millimeter-wave regime. The measurement results of the developed SIMPOL structures demonstrate extremely low noise crosstalk (<-40 dB) in the entire frequency range (up to 50 GHz), which is limited by the dynamic range of the measurement equipment, and excellent insertion loss (<-0,25 dB/mm) up to 45 GHz. In addition, the SIMPOL concept is applied for the first time successfully in the design and fabrication of branch-line hybrids at millimeter-wave frequencies, 30 and 37 GHz  相似文献   
微带交指带通滤波器具有结构紧凑、易于批量生产的特点,适用于TVRO超外差接收机中作为镜像频率抑制滤波器。本文给出有关设计公式、设计实例。  相似文献   
简要介绍了HNB系统的主要功能实体及其作用,较详细地阐述了在部署HNB系统过程中需要注意和了解的有关问题,结合设备特点及移动运营商现有网络及管理架构,对HNB系统的商用组网提出了平台部署的建议方案并进行了相关比较。  相似文献   
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