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A version of topology's fundamental group is developed for digital images in dimension at most 3 in [7] and [8]. In the latter paper, it is shown that such a digital image X , k 3, has a continuous analog C(X) Rk such that X has digital fundamental group isomorphic to 1(C(X)). However, the construction of the digital fundamental group in [7] and [8] does not greatly resemble the classical construction of the fundamental group of a topological space. In the current paper, we show how classical methods of algebraic topology may be used to construct the digital fundamental group. We construct the digital fundamental group based on the notions of digitally continuous functions presented in [10] and digital homotopy [3]. Our methods are very similar to those of [6], which uses different notions of digital topology. We show that the resulting theory of digital fundamental groups is related to that of [7] and [8] in that it yields isomorphic fundamental groups for the digital images considered in the latter papers (for certain connectedness types).  相似文献   
The UK electricity mix will change significantly in the future. This provides an opportunity to consider the full life cycle sustainability of the options currently considered as most suitable for the UK: gas, nuclear, offshore wind and photovoltaics (PV). In an attempt to identify the most sustainable options and inform policy, this paper applies a sustainability assessment framework developed previously by the authors to compare these electricity options. To put discussion in context, coal is also considered as a significant contributor to the current electricity supply. Each option is assessed and compared in terms of its economic, environmental and social implications, using a range of sustainability indicators. The results show that no one technology is superior and that certain trade‐offs must be made. For example, nuclear and offshore wind power have the lowest life cycle environmental impacts, except for freshwater ecotoxicity for which gas is the best option; coal and gas are the cheapest options (£74 and 66/MWh, respectively, at 10% discount), but both have high global warming potential (1072 and 379 g CO2 eq./kWh); PV has relatively low global warming potential (88 g CO2 eq./kWh) but high cost (£302/MWh), as well as high ozone layer and resource depletion. Nuclear, wind and PV increase some aspects of energy security: in the case of nuclear, this is due to inherent fuel storage capabilities (energy density 290 million times that of natural gas), whereas wind and PV decrease fossil fuel import requirements by up to 0.2 toe/MWh. However, all three options require additional installed capacity for grid management. Nuclear also poses complex risk and intergenerational questions such as the creation of 10.16 m3/TWh of nuclear waste for long‐term geological storage. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A versatile model for ε-caprolactam polymerization is presented. A deterministic, mathematical basis for obtaining the most probable distribution of molecular weights in batch polymerization is developed. Continuous polycaproamide production has been modeled and shown to give othe than most probable distribution in many cases. The effect of adding monofunctional agents has been investigated. Results of some preliminary studies toward determining the optimal reactor configuration are presented.  相似文献   
Gene therapy holds great promise as a biomedicine for treating cancer, viral infection, and recessive gene disorders, while genetic detection has been used for disease diagnosis and prevention. The appropriate carrier is crucial to improve the delivery efficiency of nucleic acids. Although viral and nonviral delivery vectors have been developed, their poor nucleic acid loading efficiency, off-target toxicity, and immunogenicity significantly hamper their use. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have attracted a lot of attention owing to their high surface areas and tunable structures. Recently, nanometric MOFs are shown to be promising nonviral vectors in gene delivery and detection although at an early stage of development. This review focuses on highlighting the current status and promising breakthroughs of MOF use in nucleic acid delivery, including siRNA, miRNA and mRNA delivery, DNA gene delivery and transfection, as well as probes for detection of gene expression. This study will help promote the clinical transformation and application of gene modulation, gene delivery, and detection that use of MOFs can offer.  相似文献   
With the emergence of ADA'DA-type (Y-series) non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs), the power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of organic photovoltaic devices have been constantly refreshed and gradually reached 20% in recent years (19% for single junction and 20% for tandem device). The acceptors possess specific design concept, which greatly enrich the NFA types and have excellent compatibility with many donor materials. It is gratifying to note that the previously underperforming donor materials combine with these regulated acceptors to shine again. Nowadays, the concept of modular design is widely used in the research of acceptors and donors, injecting new vitality into the field of organic photovoltaics. Furthermore, these acceptors also promote the research of multicomponent devices, tandem devices, bilayer devices, processing solvent engineering, and additive engineering. Herein, the latest progresses of polymer solar cells with efficiency over 17% are briefly reviewed from the aspects of active material design, interface material development, and device technology. At last, the opportunities and challenges of organic photovoltaic commercialization in the future are discussed.  相似文献   
The competition among international cell phone providers necessitates the measurement of the cell phone technology success in developing countries in which African cultural heritage plays an important role. Efforts have been made to validate the end user computing satisfaction (EUCS) instrument of Doll and Torkzadeh as well as Hofstede’s Value Survey Module 1994 (VSM-94) instrument in cross-cultural settings. However, the culture measurement items derived from VSM-94 could not be applicable without taking into account cultural dimensions that have been found to be appropriate to developing countries which share African culture. Data were collected from 220 cell phone users from Haiti to validate EUCS and to expand its content with items from an instrument newly developed for measuring fatalism, conformism, snobbism, time management, and information sharing. The Churchill instrument development approach was adapted to develop and validate the instrument. Practical and theoretical implications are offered.  相似文献   
The magnetoresistance (MR) effect is widely used in technologies that pervade the world, from magnetic reading heads to sensors. Diverse contributions to MR, such as anisotropic, giant, tunnel, colossal, and spin‐Hall, are revealed in materials depending on the specific system and measuring configuration. Half‐metallic manganites hold promise for spintronic applications but the complexity of competing interactions has not permitted the understanding and control of their magnetotransport properties to enable the realization of their technological potential. This study reports on the ability to induce a dominant switchable magnetoresistance in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 epitaxial films at room temperature (RT). By engineering an extrinsic magnetic anisotropy, a large enhancement of anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) is achieved which at RT leads to signal changes much larger than the other contributions such as the colossal magnetoresistance. The dominant extrinsic AMR exhibits large variation in the resistance in low field region, showing high sensitivity to applied low magnetic fields. These findings have a strong impact on the real applications of manganite‐based devices for the high‐resolution low field magnetic sensors or spintronics.  相似文献   
The complexation and extraction of the adjacent minor actinides Am(III) and Cm(III) by both hydrophobic and hydrophilic pre-organized 2,9-bis(1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline (BTPhen) ligands has been studied in detail. It has been shown that Am(III) is extracted more rapidly than Cm(III) by the hydrophobic CyMe4–BTPhen ligand into different organic diluents under nonequilibrium extraction conditions, leading to separation factors for Am over Cm (SFAm/Cm) as high as 7.9. Furthermore, the selectivity for Am(III) over Cm(III) can be tuned through careful choice of the extraction conditions (organic diluent, contact time, mixing speed, ligand concentration). This “kinetic” effect is attributed to the higher presumed kinetic lability of the Am(III) aqua complex toward ligand substitution. A dependence of the Am(III)/Cm(III) selectivity on the structure of the alkyl groups attached to the triazine rings is also observed, and BTPhens bearing linear alkyl groups are less able to discriminate between Am(III) and Cm(III) than CyMe4–BTPhen. Under equilibrium extraction conditions, hydrophilic tetrasulfonated BTPhen ligands complex selectively Am(III) over Cm(III) and prevent the extraction of Am(III) from nitric acid by the hydrophobic O-donor ligand N,N,N′,N′-tetraoctyldiglycolamide, giving separation factors for Cm(III) over Am(III) (SFCm/Am) of up to 4.6. These results further underline the utility of the BTPhen ligands for the challenging separation of the chemically similar minor actinides Am(III) and Cm(III).  相似文献   
NMR measurements of rotational and translational diffusion are used to characterize the solution behavior of a wide variety of therapeutic proteins and peptides. The timescales of motions sampled in these experiments reveal complicated intrinsic solution behavior such as flexibility, that is central to function, as well as self-interactions, stress-induced conformational changes and other critical attributes that can be discovery and development liabilities. Trends from proton transverse relaxation (R2) and hydrodynamic radius (Rh) are correlated and used to identify and differentiate intermolecular from intramolecular interactions. In this study, peptide behavior is consistent with complicated multimer self-assembly, while multi-domain protein behavior is dominated by intramolecular interactions. These observations are supplemented by simulations that include effects from slow transient interactions and rapid internal motions. R2Rh correlations provide a means to profile protein motions as well as interactions. The approach is completely general and can be applied to therapeutic and target protein characterization.  相似文献   
A new nonlinear acoustic technique — Nonlinear Impact Resonance Acoustic Spectroscopy (NIRAS) — is developed and used to characterize the alkali-reactivity of different aggregates. Cementitious materials such as mortar and concrete exhibit a hysteretic and nonlinear elastic behavior in their constitutive relations. This hysteretic nonlinearity is associated with interfacial debonding between the different constituents, and it changes with the progress of damage such as that induced by the alkali-silica reaction (ASR). One of the consequences of the hysteretic nonlinear property of these materials is the decrease in resonance frequencies, with increased excitation amplitude. This shift in the resonance frequency as a function of the material nonlinearity parameter can be used to directly characterize the damage state of the material. This research tracks the variation of the nonlinearity parameter during a standard accelerated mortar bar test (AMBT) to assess the potential for alkali-reactivity of aggregates. The results show that the NIRAS technique is more sensitive than conventional linear acoustic methods and is capable of accurately characterizing the reactivity of the aggregates examined. Furthermore, the results show advantages over standard expansion measurements for differentiating various aggregates having similar levels of reactivity, particularly at early test ages. These changes in the nonlinearity parameter are benchmarked against results from a petrographic analysis. Thus, the proposed NIRAS is a promising technique for the rapid identification of alkali-reactive aggregates.  相似文献   
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