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In this work, the tribological behavior of micrometer and submicrometer cenosphere particulate–filled E-glass fiber–reinforced vinylester composites have been investigated on a pin-on-disc tester under dry sliding and water-lubricated sliding conditions. Three different uniform sizes of cenosphere particles (2 μm, 900 nm, 400 nm) were used as fillers in the glass fiber–reinforced vinylester composites. The weight fraction of cenosphere particles has been varied in the ranges from 5, 10, 15, to 20 wt%. The experimental results show that all of the composites exhibited lower coefficient of friction and lower wear resistance under water-lubricated sliding conditions than under dry sliding. It has been noted that the submicrometer size (400 nm) cenosphere particulates as fillers contributed significantly to improve the wear resistance. It has also been noted that 10 wt% of the cenosphere particles is the most effective in reducing the wear rate and coefficient of friction. Effects of various wear parameters such as applied normal loads, sliding speeds, particle size, and particle content on the tribological behavior were also discussed. In order to understand the wear mechanism, the morphologies of the worn surface were analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for composite specimens under both dry and water-lubricated sliding conditions.  相似文献   
The capability of radionuclide imaging to detect experimental aortic valve infective endocarditis was assessed with indium-111 (111In)-labeled blood cells. Sequential cardiac imaging and tissue distribution studies were obtained in 17 rabbits with infective endocarditis after administration of 111In-platelets and in five after 111In-polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Forty-eight to 72 hours after platelet administration, in vivo imaging demonstrated abnormal 111In uptake in all animals in the region of the aortic valve in an anatomically distinct pattern. Images of the excised heart showed discrete cardiac uptake conforming to the in vivo image and gross pathological examination. 111In platelet uptake in vegetations from the 17 animals averaged 240 +/- 41 times greater than that in normal myocardium and 99 +/- 15 times greater uptake in blood. In contrast, 111In-leukocyte cardiac imaging showed no abnormal aortic valve uptake 24 hours after tracer administration and the lesion myocardium activity ratio was only 5 +/- 2 (3 +/- 1 for lesion/blood activity). Four normal rabbits demonstrated neither positive 111In platelet scintigraphs nor abnormal cardiac tissue uptake. Likewise, noncellular 111In was not concentrated to any significant extent in three animals with infective endocarditis. This study demonstrates that 111In platelet, but not leukocyte cardiac imaging, is a sensitive technique for detecting experimental infective endocarditis. The imaging data conform to the cellular pathology of the infective endocarditis vegetation.  相似文献   
An indigenous and simple electronic control system for Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film deposition set-up has been developed. This set-up consists of a microstepping circuit to drive the stepper motors with precision and smooth motion, essential for controlled movement of the barriers and substrate in the LB set-up. Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT)-based displacement measuring device has been developed and used to measure the surface pressure of the monolayer material spread on the water surface. A control program is written which incorporates all operational modes required to drive the set-up and to acquire the datain situ using a set of user-friendly commands. This control set-up has been successfully used to plot the pressure-area isotherm of various amphiphilic compounds such as ferric stearate, zinc arachidate etc. and for deposition of ordered LB films of ferric stearate.  相似文献   
Dry machining is sometimes less effective when higher machining efficiency, better surface finish quality, and severe cutting conditions are required. For these situations, semi-dry operations utilizing very small amount of cutting fluids called minimum quantity lubrication is expected to become a powerful tool and played a significant role in a number of practical applications. It has been observed from the literature survey that a systematic research work has to be carried out to determine the optimum quantity of lubricant with appropriate cutting conditions for achieving better machinability characteristics of a material. Hence, an attempt has been made in this paper to enhance the machinability characteristics in high speed turning of superalloy Inconel 718 using quantity of lubricant, delivery pressure at the nozzle, frequency of pulses, direction of application of cutting fluid, cutting speed, and feed rate as the process parameters. Results indicated that the use of optimized minimum quantity lubrication parameters under pulsed jet mode leads to lower cutting force, cutting temperature, and flank wear.  相似文献   
Carrier microencapsulation, CME, is a technique to form a thin layer of metal oxide or hydroxide on pyrite surface using a water soluble organic carrier combined with metal ions. The present study investigated the effect of CME using a tris-catecholato complex of Si4+, Si(cat)32− on pyrite-coal separation by dynamic bubble pick-up experiments and Hallimond tube flotation experiments using coal, pyrite, and a coal-pyrite mixture. The mineral samples were treated in 0-5 mol m− 3 Si(cat)32− solutions at pH 4-9 at treatment times of 1-24 h. Dynamic bubble pick-up experiments showed that CME treatment converted the pyrite surface from hydrophobic to hydrophilic but did not affect coal's hydrophobic surface. The results of the Hallimond tube flotation experiments of a coal-pyrite mixture at pH 7-9 in the presence of kerosene as a collector showed that pyrite floatability was selectively suppressed after 1 h CME treatment with 0.5 mol− 3 Si(cat)32− while both coal and pyrite were floated without the treatment. This indicates that CME treatment is effective in suppressing pyrite floatability in coal-pyrite flotation.  相似文献   
Silicon - In this study, silicon carbide mixed electrical discharge machining (SCMEDM) process has been developed and later on modelled also using an artificial neural network (ANN) based technique...  相似文献   
In the present study, solid particle erosion resistance of high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF)-sprayed WC-CoCr coatings was evaluated. Erosion testing was conducted using alumina (Al2O3) powder as the erodent with three different impact angles (30, 60, and 90°) and impact velocity was kept constant. The coatings were deposited using two different powders; one was composed of conventional WC particles and second one contained nanoscale particles mixed with CoCr binder material. Erosion testing was carried out at room temperature using an air-jet erosion test setup. The effect of varying impact angles was studied and discussed with the help of scanning electron microscopy images of worn surfaces of coatings. The results showed that coating properties like microhardness and fracture toughness have a strong influence on the erosion behavior. During erosion testing, material was removed by fracturing and pullout of WC grains from the binder matrix. The morphology of the eroded surface also showed cutting, lip, and groove formation in the binder matrix caused by the repetitive impacts of erodent particles. It was observed that coating with nano-WC grains exhibited higher erosion resistance compared to conventional coating.  相似文献   
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