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The volatile compounds originating from fresh clove (Syzygium aromaticum) buds cultivated in a medicinal plant garden located in southern Tokyo were investigated. The volatile compounds originating from fresh clove buds were adsorbed onto polydimethylsiloxane‐coated devices and then analysed using gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. Sampling was performed at three different development stages of clove buds, i.e., phase I (green), phase II (pink), and phase III (red). In thermal desorption‐gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry procedure volatile compounds: eugenol, β‐caryophyllene, α‐humulene, α‐farnesene, and eugenol acetate were the predominant constituents in most cases. Methyl salicylate, α‐copaene, β‐ocimene, 2‐nonanone, ethyl hexanoate, and acetophenone were additionally found as the buds ripened. Volatile compounds obtained from clove leaves were analysed using the same method, and β‐caryophyllene, eugenol, α‐humulene, 3‐hexen‐1‐ol, 3‐hexen‐1‐yl acetate, and hexyl acetate were identified. The antioxidant activity of both water and methanol extracts of clove buds and leaves collected from the medicinal plant garden was confirmed using electron spin resonance spectrometry. Scavenging activities against superoxide anion radical and hydroxyl radical were evaluated. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study evaluates physical and chemical stability of ultrasound-assisted grape seed oil primary emulsions stabilised by varying compositions of caseins to whey proteins (80:20, 60:40, 50:50 and 40:60) at different sono-operating conditions (81.9 and 117.0 J mL−1). Physical and chemical stabilities were influenced by both sonication energy densities and milk protein compositions. Emulsions prepared at 81.9 J mL−1 energy density with ≥40% whey protein fraction (60:40, 50:50, 40:60 and WPI) showed greater physical stability than the emulsions sonicated at 117.0 J mL−1 which exhibited physical instability due to the depletion flocculation mechanism at the critical casein concentration (≥40%). The emulsion oxidative stability was found to be affected by sonication conditions as 117.0 J mL−1 induced the oxidation reactions once the whey concentration exceeds 40%. Therefore, ultrasound prepared emulsions with casein to whey ratios of 60:40, 50:50, 40:60 and WPI at 81.9 J mL−1 energy density was found to be stable for 10 days at 4 °C.  相似文献   
To identify the sites important for the different biologicalactivities of human interleukin-l (hIL-1), 56 single-amino acid-substitutedmutants of hIL-l were produced in Escherichia coli using site-directedmutagenesis, and were examined for their biological activitiessuch as mouse lymphocyte activating factor activity (LAF activity),cytostatic activity against human melanoma cells A-375 (A375activity) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) inducing activity in humanosteosarcoma cells MG-63 (PEI activity). Two amino acid residues,Asp26 and Asp151, were found to be important for these activities.The replacement of Asp26 by Val caused a decrease in LAF andA375 activities by one or two orders of magnitude and a slightdecrease in A375 activity. The Tyr or Phe substitution for Asp151caused decreases in LAF and A375 activities by one or two ordersof magnitude and complete loss of PEI activity. The change fromAsp151 to Lys or Arg resulted in marked decrease in LAF activityand complete loss of A375 and PEI activities. Since Asp26 andAsp151 are close to each other in the three-dimensional structure,the region involving these amino acids seems to be importantfor the biological activities of hIL-1.  相似文献   
Volume phase transition is a phenomenon in which gels drastically swell or shrink with an infinitesimal change in the external environment. This behavior is well explained by the Flory–Rehner–Tanaka theory. However, some assumption in the theory breaks down in a slide-ring gel composed of grand canonical chains in which the segment number between cross-linking junctions can change. The stress–strain behavior of the slide-ring gel is in a qualitative agreement with the free junction model, in which the segment number changes to maximize the entropy under the condition that the total sum of the segment number is constant. However, the model cannot work well to isotropic swelling of the slide-ring gel. To describe the volume phase transition of the slide-ring gel, we propose a new theory based on the free junction model with the effects of dangling strands, uncross-linked cyclic molecules (free rings), and high elongation. As a result, it turns out that the exchange of segments between effective and dangling strands leads to the suppression of the volume phase transition in the highly cross-linked gel and the promotion in the loosely cross-linked one. The suppression and promotion of the volume phase transition became more obvious as free rings decreased.  相似文献   
Eotaxin-3 belongs to the CC chemokine family, and specificallyrecognizes CC chemokine receptor (CCR) 3 that is expressed oneosinophils, basophils and helper T type 2 cells. The three-dimensionalstructure of eotaxin-3 determined by nuclear magnetic resonancehas revealed that the N-terminal nine residues preceding thefirst cysteine comprise an unstructured domain, which is alsoobserved in other chemokine molecules. In order to determinethe function of the N-terminal domain of eotaxin-3, we constructedvarious N-terminal-deletion mutants, and then examined theirbinding and chemotactic activities toward eosinophils in vitro.Competitive binding studies showed that the binding affinityof truncated mutant toward CCR3 was almost the same as thatof wild-type eotaxin-3 even though the N-terminal truncationinvolved the first through to the ninth residues. In contrast,the chemotactic activity gradually decreased with extensionof the N-terminal deletion, and when the deletion extended tothe eighth residue, the activity was not detected at all. Thus,the N-terminal nine residues are not critical for binding butthe N-terminal eight residues are essential for activation ofCCR3. The truncated eotaxin-3 proteins lacking the N-terminaleight or nine residues inhibited the chemotactic activity ofchemokines that recognize CCR3. The truncated mutants can possiblybe used for anti-allergic and anti-HIV-1 therapy.  相似文献   
We report the synthesis, properties, and in vitro and in vivo applications of 2′‐O‐methoxyethyl‐4′‐thioRNA (MOE‐SRNA), a novel type of hybrid chemically modified RNA. In its hybridization with complementary RNA, MOE‐SRNA showed a moderate improvement of Tm value (+3.4 °C relative to an RNA:RNA duplex). However, the results of a comprehensive comparison of the nuclease stability of MOE‐SRNA relative to 2′‐O‐methoxyethylRNA (MOERNA), 2′‐O‐methyl‐4′‐thioRNA (Me‐SRNA), 2′‐O‐methylRNA (MeRNA), 4′‐thioRNA (SRNA), and natural RNA revealed that MOE‐SRNA had the highest stability (t1/2>48 h in human plasma). Because of the favorable properties of MOE‐SRNA, we evaluated its in vitro and in vivo potencies as an anti‐microRNA oligonucleotide against miR‐21. Although the in vitro potency of MOE‐SRNA was moderate, its in vivo potency was significant for the suppression of tumor growth (similar to that of MOERNA).  相似文献   
To characterize the progression of high-shear wet granulation for various drugs and formulations based on the particle size distribution of wet granules during granulation, a general sieving method for wet granules was investigated. Wet granulation was conducted in a 25-liter high-shear mixer using four model drugs with different solubilities and particle sizes (ethenzamide, unmilled and milled acetaminophen, and antipyrine). Because of its small size and efficient sifting mechanism, a sonic sifter was used to determine the wet granulation particle size distribution. From the good correlation of particle size distribution between wet granules and dry-sized granules, an intensity of 80% of full-scale amplitude and a sieving time of 3 min were selected as wet granule sieving parameters. 7% general sieving method showed good measurement precision as long as the determination was completed within 20 min after sampling, Further, the method was independent of sampling position within the mixer chamber.  相似文献   
A novel bio-based thermosetting elastomer was prepared by the lipase-catalyzed polymerization of methyl ricinoleate with subsequent vulcanization. Some mechanical properties of the cured carbon black-filled polyricinoleate compounds were evaluated as a thermosetting elastomer. It was found that the carbon black-filled polyricinoleate compounds were readily cured by sulfur curatives to produce a thermosetting elastomer that formed a rubber-like sheet with a smooth and non-sticky surface. The curing behaviors and mechanical properties were dependent on both the molecular weight of the polyricinoleate and the amount of the sulfur curatives. Cured compounds consisting of polyricinoleate with a molecular weight of 100,800 showed good mechanical properties, such as a hardness of 48 A based on the durometer A measurements, a tensile strength at break of 6.91 MPa and an elongation at break of 350%.  相似文献   
The effects of the polycarboxylic dispersant structures on the crystallinity and sedimentation behavior of prepared BaTiO3 nanoparticles were analyzed using four types of dispersants—ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dipotassium salt (EDTA), trans -aconitic acid (TAA), ammonium acrylate–methyl acrylate co-polymer (PAA50), and sodium polyacrylate (PAA100). In the case of EDTA and TAA, the adsorbed ratio of the dispersants on BaTiO3 nanoparticles was relatively low, and only slight improvement of sedimentation behavior was observed. On the other hand, in the case of PAA50 and PAA100, the adsorbed ratio was high, and the sedimentation behavior was gratefully improved. Next, in order to analyze the relationships among the additive amount of polycarboxylic dispersants, crystallinity, and sedimentation behavior, various amounts of PAA100 or PAA50 were treated in the synthesis solution. The sedimentation behavior of BaTiO3 nanoparticles improved with increasing amounts of PAA100 and PAA50 while their crystal phase became amorphous. Adding PAA50 at a molar ratio of COO/Ba2+=0.266 resulted in BaTiO3 nanoparticles with the best dispersion stability in an aqueous media.  相似文献   
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