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In aquatic environmental studies, data from biological samples and from associated observations on environmental variables are often analyzed to determine whether environmental factors are controlling patterns of species composition. Analysis methods which reduce biological data such as species abundances to a more useable form, including ordination, classification and diversity index methods, are critically reviewed. Methods which relate these reduced data to environmental data are also reviewed. Classification (or cluster) analysis of the biological data followed by multiple discriminant analysis of the species-assemblage groups on the environmental variables is the recommended procedure, which is illustrated by an example. Application of these methods to pollution studies is discussed. Possible modifications and extensions are considered.  相似文献   
In the present study the possibility of using nicotine in house dust as an index of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure was evaluated in an environmental investigation of 23 children with asthma. A standardized procedure for house dust sampling of nicotine with a filter holder connected to a vacuum cleaner, for a defined time and area was developed (F-nicotine). Also, house dust sampling was carried out from the vacuum cleaner bags of the homes (VC-nicotine). There was a larger variation in VC-nicotine (13-655, median 66 microg/g) compared with F-nicotine (15-393 median 156 microg/g). There were statistically significant associations between an inquiry data based ETS exposure index on the one hand, and urinary cotinine concentrations in children (U-cotinine), F-nicotine and VC-nicotine of their homes, on the other. The strong correlation between U-cotinine and F-nicotine (rs = 0.93; P < 0.0001) indicates that the new standardized house dust sampling method should be useful in ETS exposure assessment. However, further validation by a larger sample size with repeated measurements in the same homes is needed.  相似文献   
A new mathematical model based on the cinetical Langmuir equation is developed to interpret and predict the effectiveness of simazine (SZ) removal in immobilized-biomass reactor (IBR), to consider herbicide-support affinity (Cx), and herbicide-cell affinity (Cy). Three solid supports: sepiolite monolith, granular sepiolite, and alginate were used in pilot-scale reactors that were inoculated with Klebsiella planticola DSZ. The abiotic process was analysed by measuring the SZ sorption capacity of the reactor supports. Sepiolite monolith showed the maximum value for herbicide-support affinity (28.02+/-0.9%). The effectiveness of the biotic process was estimated considering the formation of biomass and SZ biodegradation. Granular sepiolite showed either higher affinity with SZ and viability rate (0.90) throughout the process, and SZ removal rate was 3.39+/-0.06 mg/h. The mathematical model presented in this paper provides useful insights into the interpretation of experimental data as well as prediction for the implementation of biological reactors.  相似文献   
We have studied the process of a prolonged dynamic filtration on activated carbon in two biosorption systems — without preoxidation treatment of the initial matter and after ozonization. It has been shown that given the uniform load on activated carbon terms of the organic matter the efficiency of the biosorption process after preozonization is 2.3 times as small compared with that that without pretreatment, which correlates with the change of adsorption free energy.  相似文献   
Wang Z.  Liang H.  Xing L. 《丝绸》2018,(9):86-91
To further clarify the features of wedding dresses in new, style weddings in cities and towns of the Wu culture region, the author sorted out and made a statistical analysis of modern journals and periodicals as well as conducted a comparison in combination with diaries of celebrities and novels in modern times to collect 368 wedding photos in total in the Wu culture region. The analysis results indicate that wedding dresses in the Wu culture region were mainly of modified styles from 1859 to 1949, the development of wedding dresses went through the stages of unitary styles, mixed styles and diversified styles, in each of which there were also representative regular ways of matching. In general, wedding dresses were in simple, elegant and delicate styles, and the silhouettes kept up with popular western styles, showing a high level of acceptance of foreign cultures. The colors of wedding dresses tended to combinations of light colors, while traditional colors were gradually reduced. Besides, patterns of flowers and plants with thin stems and leaves were mainly used to decorate wedding dresses, showing the distribution features of scattering and covering. © 2018 China Silk Association. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
A technique has been devised for determination of the error and interference immunity of the analog- to-digital conversion path in automatic control systems using moving digital averaging. The estimates of the errors and interference immunity of the analog-to-digital conversion path under the moving averaging have been analyzed and compared with the corresponding estimates obtained under averaging within the time-sampling interval and in the absence of averaging. Effective analytical expressions have been obtained to analyze the estimates of the errors and interference immunity of the analog-to-digital conversion of stationary random signals and additive interference. The calculated errors for various differentiable and nondifferentiable random signals given by autocorrelation functions have been analyzed. The influence of the number of the averaged readouts of the random signal and the time-sampling interval on the estimates of the errors and interference immunity have been investigated. The advantage of the moving averaging over the averaging within the time-sampling interval has been demonstrated. The calculated ratios allow, with the known signal and interference models and preset permissible-error estimate, selecting the parameters of the conversion path, i.e., the time-sampling interval, the number of the readouts of the converted sum of the random signal and interference under the averaging, and the effective number of bits of the analog-to-digital converter, under the conditions when the lag error cannot be excluded and the latter is excluded. The equations that allow the evaluation of the interference immunity of the conversion path are provided.  相似文献   
The purpose of the paper was to compare two well-known model selection strategies, the so-called Specific-to-General, Stge, and General-to-Specific, Gets, in a context of spatial SUR models. The two strategies use a battery of misspecification tests obtained in a maximum likelihood framework. The robust tests to local misspecification errors in the alternative hypothesis and the common factor test have been developed with this purpose. The paper includes a Monte Carlo experiment to compare their performance in a situation of small sample sizes. The results are mixed: Both alternatives work well under ideal conditions, but their efficiency deteriorates for different departures such as non-normality or endogeneity. All in all, Stge appears to be slightly preferable although our impression is that the two are complementary and can be used in common. The paper finishes with an application to the case of productivity for a large set of European regions.  相似文献   
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