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Neutrophil-mediated innate host defense mechanisms include pathogen elimination through bacterial phagocytosis, which activates the 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) product synthesis. Here, we studied the effect of synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides (ODNs), which mimic the receptor-recognized sites of bacterial (CpG-ODNs) and genomic (G-rich ODNs) DNAs released from the inflammatory area, on the neutrophil functions after cell stimulation with Salmonella typhimurium. A possible mechanism for ODN recognition by Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) and RAGE receptor has been proposed. We found for the first time that the combination of the magic peptide LRR11 from the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) of TLR9 with the CpG-ODNs modulates the uptake and signaling from ODNs, in particular, dramatically stimulates 5-LOX pathway. Using thickness shear mode acoustic method, we confirmed the specific binding of CpG-ODNs, but not G-rich ODN, to LRR11. The RAGE receptor has been shown to play an important role in promoting ODN uptake. Thus, FPS-ZM1, a high-affinity RAGE inhibitor, suppresses the synthesis of 5-LOX products and reduces the uptake of ODNs by neutrophils; the inhibitor effect being abolished by the addition of LRR11. The results obtained revealed that the studied peptide-ODN complexes possess high biological activity and can be promising for the development of effective vaccine adjuvants and antimicrobial therapeutics.  相似文献   
In radiation oncology, where treatment concepts are elaborated in interdisciplinary collaborations, handling distributed, large heterogeneous amounts of data efficiently is very important, yet challenging, for an optimal treatment of the patient as well as for research itself. This becomes a strong focus, as we step into the era of modern personalized medicine, relying on various quantitative data information, thus involving the active contribution of multiple medical specialties. Hence, combining patient data from all involved information systems is inevitable for analyses. Therefore, we introduced a documentation and data management system integrated in the clinical environment for electronic data capture. We discuss our concept and five-year experience of a precise electronic documentation system, with special focus on the challenges we encountered. We specify how such a system can be designed and implemented to plan, tailor and conduct (multicenter) clinical trials, ultimately reaching the best clinical performance, and enhancing interdisciplinary and clinical research.  相似文献   
In recent years, many results on oscillation criteria of second order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations have been obtained, but some of these criteria are incorrect due to a mistake in a crucial auxiliary result. This note examines several of these results, provides some counterexamples and points out what causes the problems.  相似文献   
本文阐述了VPN建设中的诸多考虑因素。探讨了VPN的产生背景及其能够实现的功能,VPN利用不可靠的公用互联网络作为信息传输媒介,通过附加的安全隧道,用户认证,访问控制等技术实现与专用网络类似的安全性能;对企业建设VPN网络及产品选择做了详述。  相似文献   
When conveying information about spatial situations and goals, speakers adapt flexibly to their addressee in order to reach the communicative goal efficiently and effortlessly. Our aim is to equip a dialogue system with the abilities required for such a natural, adaptive dialogue. In this paper we investigate the strategies people use to convey route information in relation to a map by presenting two parallel studies involving human–human and human–computer interaction. We compare the instructions given to a human interaction partner with those given to a dialogue system which reacts by basic verbal responses and dynamic visualization of the route in the map. The language produced by human route givers is analyzed with respect to a range of communicative as well as cognitively crucial features, particularly perspective choice and references to locations across levels of granularity. Results reveal that speakers produce systematically different instructions with respect to these features, depending on the nature of the interaction partner, human or dialogue system. Our further analysis of clarification and reference resolution strategies produced by human route followers provides insights into dialogue strategies that future systems should be equipped with.  相似文献   
微型固体火箭发动机内弹道的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算流体力学(CFD)的不断发展, 利用计算机对火箭发动机燃烧室内的气体流动过程进行数值模拟已经成为固体火箭发动机设计中非常重要的一种研究手段, 越来越受到研究人员的重视.文中使用通用流体软件对微型火箭发动机进行内弹道特性的数值模拟进行了研究, 并通过与理论计算所得数值的比较,证明了模拟结果的正确性.  相似文献   
Definition of the problem This article takes a critical look at the current theory and practice of palliative care (PC), how it deals with death and dying, and the underlying guiding principle of a good death. Thereby, Foucault’s concept of biopower is utilized. Argument Because PC aims to facilitate a good death, manifold criteria and measures have been developed that help plan interventions and determine their success. In light of the concept of biopower, certain problematic aspects of this development become manifest that usually remain hidden in the bioethical discourse. Conclusion A goal of PC is to improve the quality of life of the dying and therefore not only treats physical symptoms but also psychological, social, and spiritual suffering; thus, it commits itself to maximizing life in a way that can become overdemanding for the individual and possibly does not satisfy the patient’s real needs.  相似文献   

In the present work, kinetics of crystal violet (CV) adsorption on bentonite was studied by pore volume and surface diffusion model (PVSDM), surface diffusion model (SDM), and pore volume diffusion model (PVDM). The adsorption decay curves were obtained in batch system using different adsorbent dosages. The PVDM model did not interpreted the kinetic adsorption since the calculated value of Dp equal to 5.64?×?10?7 cm2 s?1 predicted a slower adsorption than that obtained by the experimental data. The PVSDM results indicates that the intraparticle diffusion is predominantly due to surface diffusion (93%) and the pore volume diffusion can be negligible. Once the surface diffusion was the limiting step, the estimation with one (Ds) and two (Dsq and α) parameters were tested in the SDM model. The statistical analysis revealed that the one-parameter SDM model was most appropriate to predict the CV adsorption on bentonite. The optimal values of Ds ranged from 6.19?×?10?10 to 6.49?×?10?10 cm2 s?1, and decrease with the adsorbent dosage.  相似文献   
Much effort is conducted to construct artificial objects that are capable of converting chemical or electromagnetic energy into a specific, predetermined motion on the nanoscale. We present results on the synthesis of core–shell nanoparticles capable to be set in rotation by the application of electromagnetic fields. The nanorotors implied in the study are based on the cobalt nanospheres decorated with a stabilizing brush shell composed of poly(?-caprolactone) that is attached by surface-initiated polymerization. The functional cores used as macroinitiators can be fabricated alternatively by a two-step or a one-step process.  相似文献   
A series of dual-mode nanomaterials based on Ba2LaV3O11:Yb3+, Er3+, Bi3+, with different bismuth content were synthesized using the hydrothermal method. Various analytical methods, such as x-ray diffraction (XRD) with additional detailed Rietveld analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) and laser spectroscopy have confirmed that with increasing Bi3+ content, phase purity, optical absorption and luminescence intensity significantly increased. Moreover, a slight luminescence color tunability was observed along with the gradual introduction of bismuth into the host structure since, among the others, the local crystal field around emitting Er3+ ions was changing. The use of ultraviolet and near-infrared excitation wavelengths allowed to obtain a dual mode luminescence, which extended the emission range and demonstrated the possibility of using the studied materials, e.g. in solar cells.  相似文献   
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