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Gilbenclamide, a widely used potent hypoglycaemic agent was solubllized using β -Cyclodextrin and β -Cyclodextrin derivatives. Complexes were prepared by kneading method in a molar ratio of 1:1 of the drug and the cyclodextrlns respectively. The Glibenclamide β -Cyelocextrin complex was characterized and evaluated by I.R. studies, Differential Scanning Calorimotry 6 X-ray diffractometry. The in-vitro dissolution rates of drug from inclusion complexes of β Cyclodextrins and its derivatives were compared. A significant Improvement In dissolution lor, rates of Gllbenclamide was observed with Inclusion complexes of all the Cyclodextrins. However, the solubilizing effect was more in case of β-Cyclodextrin derivatives.  相似文献   
The paper presents the results of research in the convection drying of unidirectional glass fibre bobbins on the basis of which the relations are suggested required to calculate the process of drying in the design of drying equipment.  相似文献   
An all-optical multiplexing technique using wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)-time division multiplexing (TDM) conversion with an electroabsorption wavelength converter has been proposed and demonstrated. The effectiveness of this WDM-TDM conversion technique for various pulsewidth settings was experimentally investigated. The fluctuation of the signal performance, which was inevitably caused by the coherent crosstalk between adjacent pulses in the conventional optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) technique, were successfully suppressed, even in the case of wide pulse duration. High Q-factor performance has been maintained for a wide range of duty ration from 36% to 74%. By introducing this technique to the optical time division multiplexer, a highly stable and high-quality 40-Gb/s optical signal can be effectively produced without generating the short pulse or setting two tributaries at orthogonal polarization states, and without introducing high-speed electronics for signal multiplexing. The WDM-TDM conversion with an electroabsorption wavelength converter was extended to 60-Gb/s operation by using three 20-Gb/s tributaries. A clear eye opening was confirmed for a waveform after the WDM-TDM conversion of the 60-Gb/s signal  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates the use of computer simulation for topological design and performance engineering of transparent wavelength-division multiplexing metropolitan-area networks. Engineering of these networks involves the study of various transport-layer impairments such as amplifier noise, component ripple, chirp/dispersion, optical crosstalk, waveform distortion due to filter concatenation, fiber nonlinearities, and polarization effects. A computer simulation methodology composed of three main simulation steps is derived and implemented. This methodology obtains performance estimations by applying efficient wavelength-domain simulations on the entire network topology, followed by time-/frequency-domain simulations on selected paths of the network and finally Q-budgeting on an identified worst case path. The above technique provides an efficient tool for topological design and network performance engineering. Accurate simulation models are presented for each of the performance impairments, and the computer simulation methodology is used for the design and engineering of a number of actual metro network architectures  相似文献   
We have studied the optical power losses due to multiple curvatures in polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) plastic optical fibers (POFs) of different numerical apertures (NAs) and attenuation. The fibers were tested for several configurations in order to assess the influence of different types of curved-to-straight fiber transitions in the amount of power radiation. We found that losses are below the standards for all tested fiber types, and thus, they are a suitable choice for local area network (LAN) applications. In addition, our results revealed the presence of modal interactions as confirmed using an experimental procedure to estimate the mode coupling strength for the same fibers.  相似文献   
The usefulness of selected PCR-protocols for the detection of Salmonella in 117 samples of animal origin (17 raw minced meat, 27 raw chicken meat, 8 raw sausages, and 25 egg samples, as well as 18 poultry faecal, and caecal swabs samples) and DNA-fingerprinting typing is shown. To establish an accurate PCR-procedure for Salmonella detection the following parameters were evaluated: two pre-PCR concentration procedures, centrifugation and immunomagnetic separation (IMS) using Dynabeads anti- Salmonella; the specificity and sensitivity of 10 sets of primers; and different conditions of the amplification reaction. In light of the results obtained from the use of PCR-based procedures alone or in combination with conventional methods, the following findings can be underlined: First, IMS is more efficient than centrifugation in the recovery of Salmonella. Second, the selected IMS/PCR-detection protocol is less time-consuming (45 h) than the IMS/culture procedure (90 h), and a good concordance between them was found when the Kappa coefficient was calculated (0·87). Third, PCR-ribotyping technique showed a very low discrimination power, being able to differentiate only three profiles. Fourth, RAPD technique using specific primers supports previous works in which it was proposed as a simple and useful tool for discriminating isolates between and within serotypes. Fifth, The efficiency, rapidity, and flexibility of the PCR-protocols applied were high, and they can be performed using two PCR-programs and the same basic equipment.  相似文献   
A method for contactless measurement of the shielding critical current density and its dependence on the external magnetic field is described and analyzed. The obtained values are compared with those measured resistively on two different samples. It is shown that the shielding critical current densityJ cs and the intergranular transport current densityJ cr are identical if the measurement conditions are similar. A degradation ofJ cs measured in the external field with AC ripple has been observed.  相似文献   
In this paper, the space-vector transformation used in machine vector control is applied to power system analysis. The proposed method is used to model electric machines, power electronic converters, transformers, and transmission lines and to analyze power sources and loads with different connections (delta and wye). This method can also be applied to analyze steady-state (or transient phenomena) and unbalanced sources, including harmonics. Models obtained with this method are as simple as those of the per-phase approach. With the space-vector transformation, instantaneous active and reactive power concepts can be generalized, and new power system control strategies can be developed when power electronic converters are used. Steady-state, transient behavior, and harmonic analyses examples and applications are presented to illustrate the performance and advantages of the proposed method. This method can be extended to unbalanced systems (e.g., unsymmetric faults) using instantaneous symmetrical components in polyphase balanced circuits.  相似文献   
This letter further discusses the difference between different definitions of voltage unbalance. Contrary to an earlier letter (see P. Pillay et al., ibid., vol.5, p.50-1, 2001), it is concluded that different definitions may give significantly different results. The two IEEE definitions that were not discussed in the earlier letter give different results and both deviate significantly from the true value (ratio of negative, and positive-sequence voltage) when a zero-sequence component is present.  相似文献   
Depending on the spectal width of the source illuminating an interferometer, measurement procedures can utilize either the whole interferogram, or only the fringe envelope, or only the fringe quick oscillations. With an ultraband spectrum source, a simplified adaptation of the methods of Fourier transform spectroscopy yields the variations of the test-fiber propagation constant over the whole wavelength-interval of the source. Chromatic dispersion can then be computed from a single interferogram. With narrower spectrum sources, only the fringe envelopes are utilized and yield measurements of mode delay, with application to chromatic and polarization mode dispersion. In this case, however, interferograms at several wavelengths are necessary. With even narrower spectrum sources, the fringe quick oscillations provide measurements of phase shifts, related to changes in the mode propagation constant, when outside perturbations are applied to the test fiber. A direct method for measuring the third-order nonlinear susceptibilities is discussed. In this case the outside perturbation is an intense pump laser field  相似文献   
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