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The effect of palm oil on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of beef liver patty were studied. Seven batches (3units per batch) of beef liver patty with different palm oil content (5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%) and a control with pork fat (30%) were manufactured by component mix at 1500 rpm for 1 min and cooked in an oven at 90?°C. Physico-chemical analysis of raw and cooked samples showed improvement of emulsion stability, water binding capacity, technological yield and hardness of patties substituted with lower proportions of deodorized bleached palm oil. No significant difference (P?>?0.05) was found between physico-chemical properties of liver patty formulated with 20% palm oil and the control (formulated with 30% pork fat). Sensory attributes generated by a semi-trained panel based mainly on texture, homogeneity (colour and aspect), odour and meltiness of the patties confirmed this tendency.  相似文献   
The effect of the defatting process, acid and alkali extractions on the physicochemical and functional properties of hemp, flax and canola protein isolates was studied. The defatting process enriched the protein content from around 35 to 52–55 % in the defatted oilseed cakes. Further treatment with acid and alkali led to the highest enrichment (P < 0.05) in the protein content (>90 %). The defatting process produced the lightest (P < 0.05) colour compared to the parent oilseed cakes and the protein isolates. Alkali extraction produced protein isolates with the highest (P < 0.05) water holding capacity while the original oilseed cakes had the highest oil holding capacity. Acid and alkali extractions produced protein isolates with the highest emulsifying activity and emulsion stability. The alkaline soluble flax protein isolate and acid hemp protein isolate had the highest (P < 0.05) creaming stability and largest droplet size respectively. Amino acid profiles of protein isolates after acid and alkali extraction were improved, leading to a protein suitable for fortification in food products that meet human nutrition requirements.  相似文献   
European eel (Anguilla anguilla) populations are in decline. Glass eel recruitment has fallen 10-fold since the early 1980s. Estuaries play a fundamental role in the life history of eels because glass eels must pass through them to reach freshwater ecosystems. Unfortunately, because of their geographical position at the upstream basin slopes, estuaries accumulate metals like cadmium and are important sites of hypoxia events. In this context, we studied the effect of the oxygen level on the ventilation of the glass eel. In parallel, glass eels were submitted to different dissolved cadmium concentrations (0, 2, and 10 microg L(-1)) under two oxygen levels (normoxia PO2 = 21 kPa and Hypoxia PO2 = 6 kPa). The expression level of various genes involved in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, in the cellular response to metal and oxidative stresses, was investigated. Our results showed that hypoxia enhances (1) ventilation of the postlarval stage and (2) Cd accumulation in gills only at the lowest metal water concentration tested (2 microg Cd L(-1)). At the gene level, Cd exposure mimics the effect of hypoxia since we observed a decrease in expression of genes involved in the respiratory chain and in the defense against oxidative stress.  相似文献   
The fate of anthocyanins and ellagitannins in rats was monitored following ingestion of raspberry juice. After 1 h low nM concentrations of unmetabolised anthocyanins were present in plasma but these declined by 2 h and after 4 h they were no longer detectable. For the first 2 h there was an almost full recovery of anthocyanins as they passed from the stomach through the duodenum/jejunum and into the ileum. After 3 h less than 50% were recovered, and the levels declined rapidly thereafter. Excretion of raspberry anthocyanins in urine over a 24 h period was equivalent to 1.2% of the amount ingested. Trace quantities of anthocyanins were detected in the caecum, colon and faeces and they were absent in extracts of liver, kidneys and brain. Urine also contained a number of phenolic acids but most were present in quantities well in excess of the 918 nmol of anthocyanins present in the ingested juice. These findings indicate that raspberry anthocyanins per se are poorly absorbed, probably prior to reaching the ileum, and that substantial amounts pass from the small to the large intestine where they are degraded by colonic bacteria. Ellagitannins disappeared in the stomach without accumulation of ellagic acid.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic activities contribute to the release of a wide variety of volatile organic compounds (VOC) into microenvironments. Developing and implementing new air sampling technologies that allow for the characterization of exposures to VOC can be useful for evaluating environmental and health concerns arising from such occurrences. A novel air sampler based on the use of a capillary flow controller connected to evacuated canisters (300 mL, 1 and 6 L) was designed and tested. The capillary tube, used to control the flow of air, is a variation on a sharp-edge orifice flow controller. It essentially controls the velocity of the fluid (air) as a function of the properties of the fluid, tube diameter and length. A model to predict flow rate in this dynamic system was developed. The mathematical model presented here was developed using the Hagen-Poiseuille equation and the ideal gas law to predict flow into the canisters used to sample for long periods of time. The Hagen-Poiseuille equation shows the relationship between flow rate, pressure gradient, capillary resistance, fluid viscosity, capillary length and diameter. The flow rates evaluated were extremely low, ranging from 0.05 to 1 mL min(-1). The model was compared with experimental results and was shown to overestimate the flow rate. Empirical equations were developed to more accurately predict flow for the 300 mL, 1 and 6 L canisters used for sampling periods ranging from several hours to one month. The theoretical and observed flow rates for different capillary geometries were evaluated. Each capillary flow controller geometry that was tested was found to generate very reproducible results, RSD < 2%. Also, the empirical formulas developed to predict flow rate given a specified diameter and capillary length were found to predict flow rate within 6% of the experimental data. The samplers were exposed to a variety of airborne vapors that allowed for comparison of the effectiveness of capillary flow controllers to sorbent samplers and to an online gas chromatograph. The capillary flow controller was found to exceed the performance of the sorbent samplers in this comparison.  相似文献   
The relative importance of the Chicago/Gay urban area was investigated to determine its impact on atmospheric mercury (Hg) concentrations and wet deposition in the Lake Michigan basin. Event wet-only precipitation, total particulate, and vapor phase samples were collected for Hg, and trace element determinations from five sites around Lake Michigan from July 1994 through October 1995 as part of the Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study (LMMBS). In addition, intensive over-water measurements were conducted aboard the EPA research vessel Lake Guardian during the summer of 1994 and the winter of 1995 as part of the Atmospheric Exchange Over Lakes and Oceans Study. Atmospheric Hg concentrations were found to be significantly higher in the Chicago/Gary urban area than surrounding sites: Hg in precipitation was a factor of 2 and particulate Hg was a factor of 6 times higher. Overwater measurements found elevated Hg concentrations 19 km off shore of Chicago/Gary suggesting an enhanced near field atmospheric deposition to Lake Michigan. Meteorological transport analyses also determined that local sources in the Chicago/Gary urban area significantly impacted all of the LMMBS sites indicating a broad impact to the entire Lake Michigan basin.  相似文献   
Sedimentary records of DDT and HCH in the Pearl River Delta,South China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tropical regions in developing countries are thought to be significant sources of organochlorine pesticides in the global context, owing to high rate of use and only a recent production ban or restriction on application of these pesticides. In the present paper, DDT and HCH in eight 210Pb-dated sedimentary cores from the Pearl River Delta, South China, were analyzed in order to reconstruct the time trends of these persistent organic pollutants in this tropical region. The sedimentary inventories of sigmaDDT and sigmaHCH through the cores ranged from 36.6 to 1109.5 ng/cm2 and from 11.2 to 226.3 ng/cm2, respectively, and their spatial distribution implies that the water flows from the Humen, Jiaomen, Hongqili, and Hengmen outlets rather than the Xijiang flow from Modaomen outlet, supplied the major historical input of DDT to the estuary. Although a production ban of technical HCH and DDT was imposed in China in 1983, their sedimentary fluxes display increasing trends or strong rebounds in the 1990s as recorded in the core profiles, characteristic of the increasing ratios of (DDE + DDD)/DDT and DDE/DDT. It is suggested that an enhanced land soil runoff in the process of large-scale land transform, as well as a higher river water flow in early 1990s, had mobilized these pesticides from soil to the sedimentary system in the region.  相似文献   
Ambient and liquid helium temperature laser-induced time-resolved uranyl fluorescence spectroscopy was applied to study the speciation of aqueous uranyl solutions containing carbonate and phosphate and two porewater samples obtained by ultracentrifugation of U(VI)-contaminated sediments. The significantly enhanced fluorescence signal intensity and spectral resolution found at liquid helium temperature allowed, for the first time, direct fluorescence spectroscopic observation of the higher aqueous uranyl complexes with carbonate: UO2(CO3)2(2-), UO2(CO3)3(4-), and (UO2)2(OH)3CO3-. The porewater samples were nonfluorescent at room temperature. However, at liquid helium temperature, both porewater samples displayed strong, well-resolved fluorescence spectra. Comparisons of the spectroscopic characteristics of the porewaters with those of the standard uranyl-carbonate complexes confirmed that U(VI) in the porewaters existed primarily as UO2(CO3)3(4-) along with a small amount of other minor components, such as dicalcium-urano-tricarbonate complex, Ca2UO2(CO3)3, consistent with thermodynamic calculation. The U(VI)-carbonate complex is apparently the mobile species responsible for the subsurface migration of U(VI), even though the majority of the in-ground U(VI) inventory at the site from which the samples were obtained exists as intragrain U(VI)-silicate precipitates.  相似文献   
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