A new ganglion identified as the bursal ganglion is described from male Moniliformis moniliformis. This ganglion is located adjacent to the pseudocoel and longitudinal muscle fibers and medial to the dorsal lacunar canal about 1 mm from the posterior end of males with non-everted bursa. The ganglion consists of four large club-shaped cells with single nuclei and bipolar neurons. The ganglion cells are paired with one neuron from each cell innervating the opposite side of the worm. 相似文献
PURPOSE: Our goal was to assess the role of MR cisternography in the examination of patients with suspected CSF rhinorrhea. METHODS: MR cisternography was performed as a heavily T2-weighted fast spin-echo study with fat suppression and video reversal of the images in 37 patients over a 3-year interval. Twenty-four of the patients subsequently had exploratory surgery for fistula. Statistical analysis of the surgical results was compared with the findings at MR cisternography. RESULTS: MR cisternography showed significant correlation with surgical findings, with sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 0.87, 0.57, and 0.78, respectively. CONCLUSION: MR cisternography proved to be an accurate diagnostic imaging technique in the evaluation of suspected CSF rhinorrhea. 相似文献
The citric acid fermentation by Aspergillus niger is divided into two consecutive phases, a growth phase when the cells proliferate but do not accumulate citrate, followed by an accumulating phase when they produce citrate but do not proliferate, or else do so at a much reduced rate. When studied in a low sucrose (0.4-0.8%) mpinimal salts medium the growth-accumulation alternative was controlled by the concentration of zinc: high zinc (about 1-2 muM) maintained growth phase, while at low zinc (below 1 muM) growth became limited by zinc deficiency and the cultures passed into accumulating phase. Addition of zinc to accumulating cultures resulted in their reversion to growth phase. Iron, manganese, calcium at concentrations as high as 5-10 muM had no influence on either growth or citrate accumulation. These results suggest that zinc plays a role in the regulation of growth and citric acid accumulation. 相似文献
Two simple chromenes with anti-JH activity have been isolated and identified from the bedding plant Ageratum houstoianum. By contact and fumigation these compounds induce precocious metamorphosis and sterilization in several hemipteran species of insects. Certain holometabolous species are sterilized, forced into diapause, or both. Each of these biological actions is equivalent to removal of the corpora allata, which produce the JH's, and is reversible by treatment with exogenous JH. Thus, the action of these compounds is to stop the production or depress the titer of the JH's. To our knowledge, this is the first discovery of anti-JH, and we hope it will guide the way to the emergence of a fourth generation of safe and insect-specific pesticides. 相似文献
Plane strain slip line field solutions are developed for deformation at the edge of a cylindrical billet when this is backward extruded to form a thin-walled cup. The extrusion pressure for a perfectly plastic material is then derived assuming homogeneous compression in the centre of the billet. A geometric factor, derived from the slip line field, is identified which permits the extrusion pressure to be determined for a nonlinear viscous material.Theoretical results agree well with recent experimental data on back extrusion of highly rate-sensitive superplastic alloys. It is shown that an apparent steady state exists in the process and that extrusion pressure increases with ram speed with a rate index approximately equal to that of the material. The punch profile shape has a greater effect on extrusion pressure for viscous materials than for perfectly plastic ones. The method of analysis appears to have a generality beyond the particular process considered and may be used to optimize extrusion equipment designs. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Numerous treatment strategies have been tried with the aim of improving results for patients with intermediate-grade lymphomas (IGL) over those achieved with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisone, and bleomycin (CHOP-Bleo), and numerous prognostic models have been developed to identify and separate risk groups. This study reports on a new protocol for Ann Arbor Stages II-IV IGL that consists of CHOP-Bleo alternated with a new regimen of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, etoposide, and dexamethasone (CMED) and radiation therapy and demonstrates the usefulness of prognostic models for identifying risk groups and comparing treatment programs. METHODS: One hundred seventy patients with Ann Arbor Stages II-IV IGL were treated with alternating cycles of CHOP-Bleo and CMED for a total of 12 cycles. Involved field radiation therapy was interspersed with courses of chemotherapy for patients with Stage II and Stage III disease. Results were analyzed and compared with those of the authors' previous study of CHOP-Bleo and radiation therapy using the Ann Arbor staging system, their earlier prognostic model, and the recently published International Index. RESULTS: A complete remission occurred in 78% of the patients. The overall 5-year survival rate was 67%. Survival was better for patients with Ann Arbor Stage II disease (80%) than for those with Stage III or Stage IV (67% and 58%, respectively). High tumor burden, above-normal levels of serum lactic dehydrogenase, serum beta 2-microglobulin, and Ann Arbor Stage IV disease were adverse factors. The International Index and the authors' earlier prognostic model separated four prognostic groups. CHOP-Bleo/CMED was generally well tolerated. Neutropenic fever was the major complication that occurred in 25 patients during treatment. Six of these patients died of sepsis. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that CHOP-Bleo/CMED is a well-tolerated regimen that produced better results than those reported for a former study that used CHOP-Bleo alone. Further, results for CHOP-Bleo/CMED compared favorably with those of other second- and third-generation regimens. The study also validated the usefulness of prognostic models and, in particular, the new International Index for identifying risk groups. 相似文献
Automated techniques for Arabic content recognition are at a beginning period contrasted with their partners for the Latin and Chinese contents recognition. There is a bulk of handwritten Arabic archives available in libraries, data centers, historical centers, and workplaces. Digitization of these documents facilitates (1) to preserve and transfer the country’s history electronically, (2) to save the physical storage space, (3) to proper handling of the documents, and (4) to enhance the retrieval of information through the Internet and other mediums. Arabic handwritten character recognition (AHCR) systems face several challenges including the unlimited variations in human handwriting and the leakage of large and public databases. In the current study, the segmentation and recognition phases are addressed. The text segmentation challenges and a set of solutions for each challenge are presented. The convolutional neural network (CNN), deep learning approach, is used in the recognition phase. The usage of CNN leads to significant improvements across different machine learning classification algorithms. It facilitates the automatic feature extraction of images. 14 different native CNN architectures are proposed after a set of try-and-error trials. They are trained and tested on the HMBD database that contains 54,115 of the handwritten Arabic characters. Experiments are performed on the native CNN architectures and the best-reported testing accuracy is 91.96%. A transfer learning (TF) and genetic algorithm (GA) approach named “HMB-AHCR-DLGA” is suggested to optimize the training parameters and hyperparameters in the recognition phase. The pre-trained CNN models (VGG16, VGG19, and MobileNetV2) are used in the later approach. Five optimization experiments are performed and the best combinations are reported. The highest reported testing accuracy is 92.88%.