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High Overburden Stress Effects in Liquefaction Analyses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A reevaluation is presented of two factors that can strongly affect the estimation of liquefaction resistance for clean sands under high effective overburden stresses (σv′): the relation used to normalize penetration resistances to a σv′ of 1 atm (i.e., CN), and the adjustment factor for the effects of σv′ on cyclic resistance ratio (i.e., Kσ). These two factors have been investigated in a number of ways and several relations exist for each of them. An improved CN relation is developed based on cone penetration theory and validation against calibration chamber test data for both cone penetration and standard penetration tests. A relative state parameter index (ξR) is shown to provide a consistent theoretical framework for interrelating the penetration and cyclic loading resistances. It is subsequently shown that the CN and Kσ relations are interrelated through the sand properties and relative density (DR) in ways that have compensating effects on the predicted cyclic resistance. The derived relations provide an improved representation of the effects of high σv′ levels, and reduce the conservatism that results when some established relations are extended to σv′ levels higher than they were calibrated for.  相似文献   
The identification of peptide bonds vulnerable to tissue peptidases is a valuable approach to design peptide agonists which exhibit a longer duration of action than the native molecules. Therefore, the kinetic of disappearance of rat growth hormone-releasing factor (rGRF(1-29)NH2) and the identification of its metabolites were studied in rat pituitary and hypothalamus. Synthetic rGRF(1-29)NH2 (10 microM) was incubated (0-120 min, 37 degrees C) in the presence of a pituitary (237 +/- 51 micrograms protein/ml) or hypothalamus homogenate (576 +/- 27 micrograms protein/ml). Using analytical high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), apparent half-lives of 22 +/- 3 min and 25 +/- 4 min were found in pituitary and hypothalamus, respectively. In both tissues, three degradation products, all less hydrophobic than the native peptide, were detected and isolated by preparative HPLC. The identification of the purified metabolites was ascertained by amino acid analysis, sequencing and chromatography with synthetic homologs. These results indicate that the main sites of cleavage in the pituitary and hypothalamus are Lys21-Leu22 (trypsin-like cleavage site), Leu14-Gly15 and Tyr10-Arg11 (chymotrypsin-like cleavage sites). TLCK and leupeptin did not affect the formation of fragment (1-21)OH while TPCK blocked the cleavage of Leu14-Gly15. The low affinity of fragment (1-21)NH2 for pituitary GRF binding sites suggests that hydrolysis of the Lys21-Leu22 bond inactivates rGRF(1-29)NH2 in this target tissue.  相似文献   
In the present paper, we present the influence of the composition of the active particles on the self‐healing property in glass–particles (B, B4C, VB, V, or VC) composites. The thermogravimetric curves and oxidation kinetics at 700 °C of the active particles are reported. We show that the oxidation rate is higher with vanadium‐based particles than with boron‐base ones, mainly due to the formation of B2O3 that acts as a diffusion barrier to oxygen. In situ healing of cracks in composites was observed using high‐temperature environmental scanning electron microscopy (HT‐ESEM). The composition of the phases formed by reaction between the oxidation products and the glassy matrix is systematically determined. Self‐healing occurs as a consequence of oxidation of active particles, which leads to the formation of an oxide, such as V2O5 and/or B2O3 that is fluid enough to fill in the crack at high temperature. The crack healing is obtained whatever the nature of the active particle.  相似文献   
CMOS pixels for subretinal implantable prothesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This work reports on the design, fabrication, and characterization of CMOS pixels for subretinal implants, which seems to be an effective way to recover visual capabilities in some types of blindness. Two possible approaches are presented for CMOS pixel implementation: 1) an approach based on a light-controlled oscillator (LICOS) using a ring oscillator with an odd number of inverters and 2) an approach based on distributing a square signal at each pixel that filters out a number of pulses depending of the light intensity wave across the chip (WATCH). Both types of pixels fabricated in 0.35-/spl mu/m CMOS demonstrate good mimic of the electrical behavior of human retina, with low-power consumption (typically 1 mW for a 14/spl times/14 matrix of pixels) and having small dimensions (75/spl times/78.5 /spl mu/m/sup 2/ for LICOS and 70/spl times/50 /spl mu/m/sup 2/ for WATCH), which make them suitable for practical implants. Experimental validation is reported on physiological solutions. Because of its characteristic, the proposed matrix of pixels could be considered as one of the first stand-alone highly integrated solutions for subretinal implant chips.  相似文献   
Liquefaction Susceptibility Criteria for Silts and Clays   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
New liquefaction susceptibility criteria for saturated silts and clays are presented that are based on the mechanics of their stress-strain behavior and which provide improved guidance for selecting engineering procedures for estimating potential strains and strength loss during seismic loading. Monotonic and cyclic undrained loading test data for silts and clays show that they transition, over a fairly narrow range of plasticity indices (PI), from soils that behave more fundamentally like sands (sand-like behavior) to soils that behave more fundamentally like clays (clay-like behavior), with the distinction having a direct correspondence to the type of engineering procedures that are best suited to evaluating their seismic behavior. It is recommended that the term liquefaction be reserved for describing the development of significant strains or strength loss in fine-grained soils exhibiting sand-like behavior, whereas the term cyclic softening failure be used to describe similar phenomena in fine-grained soils exhibiting clay-like behavior. For practical purposes, clay-like behavior can be expected for fine-grained soils that have PI ≥ 7, although a slightly lower transition point for soils with a CL-ML classification (perhaps PI ≥ 5 or 6) would be equally consistent with the available data. Issues related to the practical application of these criteria are discussed.  相似文献   
High current characterization of SnO2-based varistors have been carried out and the results obtained have been compared with those ZnO-based commercial surge arresters. It is shown that for a high temperature sintering (1350 °C), the leakage current, breakdown voltage and the saturation at high current density are similar between both types of surge arresters. The paper shows, for the first time, that the high breakdown voltage observed with tin dioxide cannot be easily maintained since the saturation of the ceramics is reached for current densities of several amperes per square centimetre.  相似文献   
Digital marbling: a multiscale fluid model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a multiscale fluid model based on mesoscale dynamics and viscous fluid equations as a generic tool for digital marbling purposes. The model uses an averaging technique on the adaptation of a stochastic mesoscale model to obtain the effect of fluctuations at different levels. It allows various user controls to simulate complex flow behaviors as in traditional marbling techniques, as well as laminar and turbulent flows. Material transport is based on an improved advection solution to be able to match the highly detailed, sharp fluid interfaces in marbling patterns. In the transport model, two reaction models are introduced to create different effects and to simulate density fluctuations.  相似文献   
Since the initial comparison of Seitz et al., the accuracy of dense multiview stereovision methods has been increasing steadily. A number of limitations, however, make most of these methods not suitable to outdoor scenes taken under uncontrolled imaging conditions. The present work consists of a complete dense multiview stereo pipeline which circumvents these limitations, being able to handle large-scale scenes without sacrificing accuracy. Highly detailed reconstructions are produced within very reasonable time thanks to two key stages in our pipeline: a minimum s-t cut optimization over an adaptive domain that robustly and efficiently filters a quasidense point cloud from outliers and reconstructs an initial surface by integrating visibility constraints, followed by a mesh-based variational refinement that captures small details, smartly handling photo-consistency, regularization, and adaptive resolution. The pipeline has been tested over a wide range of scenes: from classic compact objects taken in a laboratory setting, to outdoor architectural scenes, landscapes, and cultural heritage sites. The accuracy of its reconstructions has also been measured on the dense multiview benchmark proposed by Strecha et al., showing the results to compare more than favorably with the current state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   
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