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The present research focused on wet process synthesis of visible light active carbon-modified (CM)-n-TiO2 nanoparticles and their photocatalytic activity. The CM-n-TiO2 was synthesized by hydrolysis of TiCl4 in the presence of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide and also in the presence of glucose and sodium hydroxide. UV–vis spectra, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and FT-IR were used to characterize these photocatalysts. It was found that the CM-n-TiO2 nanoparticles synthesized by hydrolysis with tetrabutylammonium hydroxide or with sodium hydroxide and glucose when subjected to extended aging and subsequent calcinations absorb well into the visible to near infrared region up to 800 nm and exhibit enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity on degradation of 4-chlorophenol. CM-n-TiO2 synthesized using glucose as the carbon source generated 13-fold increase in the initial rate of photodegradation of 4-chlorophenol compared to those by regular n-TiO2, whereas, it increased only eight-fold when tetrabutylammonium hydroxide was used as the carbon source.  相似文献   
Odourous emissions from sewer networks and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can significantly impact a local population. Sampling techniques such as wind tunnels and flux hood chambers are traditionally used to collect area source samples for subsequent quantification of odour emission rates using dilution olfactometry, however these methods are unsuitable for assessing liquid samples from point sources due to the large liquid volumes required. To overcome this limitation, a gas phase sample preparation method was developed for assessing the total Odour Emission Ability (OEA) from a liquid sample. The method was validated using two volatile organic sulphur compounds (VOSCs), dimethyl-trisulphide (DMTS) and bismethylthiomethane (BMTM) that are frequently detected from sewers and WWTPs and are relatively stable compared with common VOSCs like mercaptan or methyl mercaptan. The recovery rates of DMTS and BMTM were quantified by injecting a known volume of a standard liquid sample into Tedlar bags using a static injection and a dynamic injection methodology. It was confirmed that both dynamic and static injection methods at ambient condition achieved high recovery rates with no need to consider increasing evaporation by elevating the temperature. This method can also be used to assess odour removal effectiveness of liquids by comparing the OEA before and after the treatment tests. Two application examples were presented.  相似文献   
In the course of the past few years, sonography has become firmly established in clinical practice. The accuracy of the investigations does not only depend on the quality of the equipment used but also to a considerable degree on the standards of investigator training. To reduce the discrepancy between the number and quality of the investigations in the German Federal Republic, the "Kassen?rztliche Vereinigung" has released guidelines requiring the users of sonographic equipment to undergo theoretical and practical training. These guidelines are reviewed and commented.  相似文献   
We have developed and tested a portable device that analyzes the electroencephalogram (EEG) to determine if petit mal epilepsy waveforms are present. Clinicians should rimd it useful in diagnosing seizure activity of their patients. The micropower, battery-operated, portable device indicates a seizure has occurred if three criteria are satisfied: 1) frequencies of 2.5-7 Hz, 2) large amplitude waves, and 3) minimum number of waves per second. Levels and counts are adjustable, thus insuring high reliability against noise artifacts and permitting each subject to be individually fitted. The device has shown promise in giving the patient a possible mechanism of seizure control or suppression.  相似文献   
Bound states and scattering resonances for a 3He-vacancy system in crystalline 4He are shown to exist. For realistic physical parameters the theory yields binding energies of 0.1 K. It is found that the bound states and scattering resonances tend to enhance the diffusion coefficient of 3He. The experimental consequences of this enhanced diffusion are discussed.  相似文献   
The emergence of worldwide communications networks and powerful computer technologies has redefined the concept of distance learning and the delivery of engineering education content. This article discusses the Sloan Consortium's quest for quality, scale, and breadth in online learning, the impact on both continuing education of graduate engineers as well as degree‐seeking engineering students, and the future of engineering colleges and schools as worldwide providers of engineering education.  相似文献   
Book Review     
Consortia-based IT solutions can be found in many industries, but they pose special management challenges. This article describes an example from the public sector in which the outcomes include a decision support architecture that facilitates within-organization and cross-organization data analysis and reporting, as well as a Web-based knowledge management store for participants. the author argues that the governance model, processes, and key success factors from this project can be useful for those embarking on multi-organizational projects in which highly autonomous units have incentives to participate.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the state of the art in processing and extraction of ocean floor manganese nodules. It briefly reviews the mining sites where the abundant rich nodules occur and also discusses the metal distribution in nodules in view of economical processing and extraction of these metal values.

The paper discloses in a detailed manner the physical and chemical characteristics of nodules, including porosity, surface area, water content and the effect of temperature on crystal structure of major constituents of nodules.

In the extraction aspect of nodules, the paper reviews two different extraction schemes revealed in the literature, namely hydrometallurgical treatment and pyrometallurgical treatment. The hydrometallurgical treatments include acid leaching, ammonia leaching, leaching with reducing agents and leaching after high temperature pre-treatments such as in sulfating rousting, while the pyrometallurgical processes include smelting, chlorination-vaporization and segregation. The paper also covers metal recovery processes from leach liquor.

An economic survey of processing nodules has been made in terms of problems associated with metal-marketing, and impact of metal production from nodules on mineral industries.  相似文献   
Most current control strategies for storm water treatment utilize fixed or filter-bed media with specific gravity (ρs) greater than 1.0. In contrast to Part I, Part II focuses on such higher density (ρs > 1.0) manganese-oxide-coated media that can be used in combined unit operations and processes for in-situ treatment of storm water. Methods were developed to coat manganese oxides onto sand and cementitious media for storm water treatment. With respect to manganese, coatings of ramsdellite produced a point of zero charge (PZC) of 5.2, while mixtures of birnessite and cryptomelane produced a PZC of 2.6 Manganese oxide increased the specific surface area (SSA) of sand and cementitious media. Manganese-oxide-coated sand (MOCS) produced a larger SSA (2.48-m2∕g), as compared with birnessite-coated media (BCM) (1.51 m2∕g), while the two have a similar surface charge (PZC = 6.4). Manganese-oxide-coated cementitious media (MOCM) produced a significantly larger SSA (19.49 m2∕g), as compared with coated sand, and SEM analyses indicated the surface contained manganese oxide and calcite of thickness 10–30 μm. Based on the results, coated cementitious media provided surface characteristics that can significantly enhance filtration and adsorption of heavy metal in storm water, in comparison to sand.  相似文献   
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