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介绍面向工控网络最底层的AS-Interface现场总线的系统构成、物理介质、电源数据传输方式及其性能和特点.AS-Interface现场总线适用于由一个控制器连接多个二进制传感器和执行器的典型要求.应用AS-Interface现场总线能组成一个在空间上独立的由网络实现两部分逻辑运作的低压配电与电控系统.  相似文献   
The Raman and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy of lanthanum-doped SrBi4Ti4O15 (SBLT -x, x =0.00, 0. 05, 0. 10, 0. 25, 0.50, 0. 75 and 1.00) ferroelectric ceramics were investigated to explore the La substitution site and the influence of La-doping on the oxygen vacancy concentration. The results suggest that La3 ions behave pronounced site selectivity for the A site in the case of x ≤ 0.10, and they are incorporated into Bi2O2 layers at higher content. The oxygen vacancy concentration declines with La-doping, and the decrease seems saturated as La content is higher than 0.10.  相似文献   
In complex high-speed machining of consecutive small line blocks, the tool path segments can be so short that a machining center moving at a high feedrate cannot accelerate or decelerate fast enough to make direction changes accurately. Aiming at adjusting the feedrate automatically to achieve maximum productivity, this paper present a novel mathematical model considering the key and representative factors, and then based on it, propose an algorithm to seek the approximate optimal feedrate by evaluating the toolpath ahead. Simulation results demonstrate the machine using the proposed model and algorithm can go fast where possible and to slow down just enough where needed and the productivity can be improved dramatically.  相似文献   
不同用量底肥对果蔗产量和品质的影响研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验结果表明:300 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗出苗、株高、茎径、单株重、有效茎、多数商品性状和工艺性状具有正效应,对分蘖、蔗汁抽出率和抗螟性有轻微负效应,故其比不施底肥的增产24.52%,达极显著水平,是本试验中对果蔗效果最佳的底肥用量;600 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗株高、茎径、单株重、部份商品性状、工艺性状和抗螟性有正效应,对出苗无影响,对分蘖、有效茎、多数商品性状有轻微负效应,故其比对照增产20.87%,达极显著水平,是本试验中对果蔗综合性状效果最好的底肥用量;900 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗分蘖、株高、茎径、单株重、有效茎、少数商品性状、工艺性状和抗螟性具有正效应,对出苗、多数商品性状有负效应,故其增产显著,是本试验中对果蔗效果较好的底肥用量;1200 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗分蘖、株高、茎径、单株重、田问锤度有轻微正效应,对其他性状则为负效应,是本试验中效果最差、唯一减产的底肥用量.  相似文献   
以4A和13X分子筛为吸附材料,考察废水pH值和Cd2+初始浓度等对Cd2+去除率的影响,并研究了分子筛对Cd2+的吸附性能。结果表明,4A和13X分子筛投加量为0.16 g/L、废水pH值为5、Cd2+浓度为20 mg/L时,Cd2+去除率达到95%以上;分子筛对Cd2+的去除机理以离子交换吸附为主,交换出来的Na+与分子筛吸附的Cd2+摩尔浓度比为2;在吸附热力学和动力学方面,4A和13X分子筛均符合Langmuir吸附等温模型和Lagergren二级速率方程,计算的饱和吸附容量 Q0分别为150.15、163.67 mg/g ,二级反应速率常数K2分别为2.45×10-3、3.96×10-4 g/(mg · s)。该吸附反应是一种单分子层反应速度较快的化学吸附过程。  相似文献   
本文通过选项上课,增加了学生的学习兴趣,提高了身体素质和运动竞赛水平。是一种可以借鉴的好方法。  相似文献   
对听觉滤波器组模型进行了研究。比较分析了伽马通(Gammatone)听觉滤波器组模型和基于小波分析的高斯小波听觉滤波器组模型,分别给出了预测听阈曲线并且与标准听闻曲线进行了比较,结果表明高斯小波听觉滤波器组模型更接近实际人耳滤波效果。将高斯小波听觉滤波器组模型的预测特征响度与德国朗德(Head Acoustics)公司的Artemis软件计算出的特征响度进行分析比较,结果表明,每个特征频带的响度差值都小于0.6 sone。  相似文献   
To evaluate measurement uncertainty for small sample size and measurement data from an unknown distribution, we propose a grey evaluation method of measurement uncertainty based on the grey relation coefficient. The uncertainty of measurement is analyzed using grey system theory, and the defects of the grey evaluation model of measurement uncertainty (GEMU) are studied. We then establish an improved grey evaluation model of measurement uncertainty (IGEMU). Simulations show that the precision of IGEMU is greater than that of GEMU, and that sample size has only a small effect on the precision of IGEVU. In particular, IGEMU is applied to evaluating measurement uncertainty for small sample size and measurement data from an unknown distribution. The measurement uncertainty of total profile deviation, which is measured by the CNC gear measuring center, can be evaluated by a combination of IGEMU and the Monte Carlo method.  相似文献   
三相四线制供电方式中的零线断开事故,经常导致用户的进线电压异常升高,烧毁家用电器,阐述了在设计、施工及运行维护中应特别注意的问题,提出了各项预防措施.  相似文献   
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