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AIM: To study the effectiveness of acupuncture in combination with unload diet against hypertension. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 137 patients with mild hypertension have undergone unload diet therapy or therapeutic fasting in combination with acupuncture. Acupuncture therapy was carried out according to the physiological model. The unload diet therapy was performed according to the method of Iu. S. Nikolaev and consisted of voluntary fasting. RESULTS: The treatment resulted in a decrease of cholesterol levels and blood pressure, positive trend in ECG. For 3 years 20 patients with mild hypertension had normal blood pressure. They kept on diet, had short-term courses of fasting, exercised in free-choice regimen. CONCLUSION: Acupuncture in combination with diet therapy are recommended for treatment of blood hypertension. They can be used alone or in combination with drug therapy.  相似文献   
The authors studied antibodies to the nervous tissue in the blood (pair serum with an interval of 10 days) and in the CSF in 155 patients with epidemic parotitis and signs of neurotoxicosis, parotit meningitis and meningoencephalitis. Depending upon the intensivity of antibody elaboration 3 groups were distinguished. The first group (40 cases), with a high content of antibodies to the nervous tissue, was characterized by a prevalence of encephalitic forms (in 30 of the 40 cases). In the second group (32 cases) with a less antibody content there was a prevalence of meningitis, while meningoencephalitis was seen only in 3 cases. The third group (83 cases) with a low concentration or absence of antibodies was characterized by a mild course of the disease. This group included as well patients with neurotoxicosis. These data may indicate involvement of allergic mechanisms of a retarded type in the pathogenesis of remote lesions of the nervous system in epidemic parotitis.  相似文献   
The effect of nonachlazine, a new antianginal drug, on the rate and the amplitude of contractions of the isolated auricle was studied on guinea pigs and albino rats. Unlike the experiments conducted on intact animals, in the experiments on the isolated auricle nonachlazine proved to decrease the above-mentioned indices. This effect of the drug in the case of the isolated auricle is likely to be due to the ability of nonachlazine to cause a direct effect on the myocardium and the conductive heart system. No specific distinctions in the character of nonachlazine action were revealed.  相似文献   
Polyploid strains of Candida scottii differ by their susceptibility to the action of nistatin. Haploid strain is most resistant, diploid strain is less resistant than haploid strain, and triploid strain is more susceptible than diploid strain. UV-treatment resulted in mutants which were 1.5--2 times more resistant to the action of nistatin than parent forms. The frequency of nistatin-resistant mutants increases with the ploidity of the cultures and with the doses of UV-irradiation.  相似文献   
Data of contents of vitamins (B1 and B2, C, PP) in production from gidrobionts is given. Is established, that the process of sterilization of canned food from gidrobionts in to container provides significant (almost twofold) decrease (reduction) of vitamins B1 [symbol: see text] B2, smaller losses of vitamin C (less than 30%) and proves to be true sufficient stability (almost on 85-90%) to action of high temperatures (120 degrees C) of vitamin PP. The canned food from sea gidrobionts represent the certain interest basically as a source of vitamin PP, and canned food "Herring smoked in oil"--vitamin B2. The canned food "Skobljanka from cucumber and fish" can be considered as a source of vitamins B2, C, PP.  相似文献   
Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes, including p53 and retinoblastoma (Rb), are commonly found in all cancers, including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Alterations at either p53 or Rb, however, are only weakly associated with tumor aggressiveness. In many cancers loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at multiple loci is associated with decreased survival. The polymerase chain reaction and highly informative microsatellite markers were used to compare DNA from matched sets of 63 head and neck squamous cell cancers and normal tissue for LOH at the p53 and Rb loci. At p53, 50 were informative, with LOH occurring in 19 (38%). Of the 57 that were informative at Rb, LOH occurred in 21 (37%). Of the 46 that were informative at both p53 and Rb, LOH occurred in 10 (22%) at both loci. When LOH for p53 and Rb individually was compared to stage, differentiation, and survival, there was no correlation. However, the patients with LOH at both loci had a significantly poorer survival (P = .009). This strongly supports the contention that simultaneous alterations of these two tumor suppressor genes favor tumor aggressiveness and can be used as a prognostic indicator.  相似文献   
We have developed a method to quantitate ERCC-2 gene expression in tumor cell lines. A mutant ERCC-2 DNA fragment (1-bp mutation) is used as a competitive DNA template in a coamplification PCR reaction with cDNA obtained by reverse transcribing DNase-free total RNA from six human tumor cell lines. The PCR products are separated on agarose gel by virtue of their differential banding pattern upon restriction enzyme digestion. Densitometric readings of the PCR products from a negative film of the gel are used to establish a linear regression curve, which in turn is used to quantitate ERCC-2 levels. Beta-actin expression is similarly quantitated. Normalized ERCC-2 gene expression (either to beta-actin or to total RNA) correlates with cytotoxicity of 1,3-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea or (2-chloroethyl)-3-sarcosinamide-1-nitrosourea, suggesting that ERCC-2 may play an important role in drug resistance in these cell lines. This method is reliable and can be used to quantitate gene expression in clinical tumor specimens.  相似文献   
Sequence-specific assignments for the 1H and 15N backbone resonances of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein (CRABP), with and without the bound ligand, have been obtained. Most of the side-chain resonances of both apo- and holo-CRABP have also been assigned. The assignments have been obtained using two-dimensional homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR data, and three-dimensional 1H-15N TOCSY-HMQC and NOESY-HMQC experiments. The secondary structure, deduced from nuclear Overhauser effects, amide H/D exchange rates and H alpha chemical shifts, is analogous in both forms of the protein and is completely consistent with a model of CRABP that had been constructed by homology with the crystal structure of myelin P2 protein [Zhang et al. (1992) Protein Struct. Funct. Genet., 13, 87-99]. This model comprises two five-stranded beta-sheets that form a sandwich or beta-clam structure, and a short N-terminal helix-turn-helix motif that closes the binding cavity between the two sheets. Comparison of the data obtained for apo- and holo-CRABP indicates that a region around the C-terminus of the second helix is much more flexible in the apo-protein. Our data provide experimental evidence for the hypothesis that the ligand-binding mechanism of CRABP, and of other homologous proteins that bind hydrophobic ligands in the cytoplasm, involves opening of a portal to allow entry of the ligand into the cavity.  相似文献   
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