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1 Introduction 1.1 River ecosystem degradation Over the past century,almost throughout the whole world,streams and rivers have been heavily polluted and morphol...  相似文献   
Medical research is changing into direction of precision therapy, thus, sophisticated preclinical models are urgently needed. In human pathogenic virus research, the major technical hurdle is not only to translate discoveries from animals to treatments of humans, but also to overcome the problem of interspecies differences with regard to productive infections and comparable disease development. Transgenic mice provide a basis for research of disease pathogenesis after infection with human-specific viruses. Today, humanized mice can be found at the very heart of this forefront of medical research allowing for recapitulation of disease pathogenesis and drug mechanisms in humans. This review discusses progress in the development and use of transgenic mice for the study of virus-induced human diseases towards identification of new drug innovations to treat and control human pathogenic infectious diseases.  相似文献   
Glass is found at archeological excavations in a variety of conditions ranging from pristine—where no deterioration is visible—to very heavily degraded. Although the chemical processes of glass deterioration have been extensively studied, they are not yet entirely understood, due in part to the numerous factors that must be considered, from the composition of the glass paste and its manufacture to the type of soil in which the glass is buried. In this study, we analyze an assemblage of Late Roman glass from the catacombs of Saint Lucy in eastern Sicily, in order to study the effects of this particular hypogeal environment on glass. The study regards the correlation between the weathered glass surfaces and the compositional changes occurred in the samples. Close attention is paid to optical observations of the outer layers of the glasses as manifestations of chemical deterioration of the bulk. The chemical analysis of the fragments of glass was carried out nondestructively using PIXE-PIGE analyses without any sample preparation. Weathering was observed with an optical microscope.  相似文献   
2D hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites are valued in optoelectronic applications for their tunable bandgap and excellent moisture and irradiation stability. These properties stem from both the chemical composition and crystallinity of the layer formed. Defects in the lattice, impurities, and crystal grain boundaries generally introduce trap states and surface energy pinning, limiting the ultimate performance of the perovskite; hence, an in-depth understanding of the crystallization process is indispensable. Here, a kinetic and thermodynamic study of 2D perovskite layer crystallization on transparent conductive substrates are provided—fluorine-doped tin oxide and graphene. Due to markedly different surface structure and chemistry, the two substrates interact differently with the perovskite layer. A time-resolved grazing-incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering (GIWAXS) is used to monitor the crystallization on the two substrates. Molecular dynamics simulations are employed to explain the experimental data and to rationalize the perovskite layer formation. The findings assist substrate selection based on the required film morphology, revealing the structural dynamics during the crystallization process, thus helping to tackle the technological challenges of structure formation of 2D perovskites for optoelectronic devices.  相似文献   
Cooperative self-assembly (co-assembly) of diblock copolymers (DBCs) and inorganic precursors that takes inspiration from the rich phase separation behavior of DBCs can enable the realization of a broad spectrum of functional nanostructures with the desired sizes. In a DBC assisted sol–gel chemistry approach with polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) and ZnO, hybrid films are formed with slot-die coating. Pure DBC films are printed as control. In situ grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering measurements are performed to investigate the self-assembly and co-assembly process during the film formation. Combining complementary ex situ characterizations, several distinct regimes are differentiated to describe the morphological transformations from the initially solvent-dispersed to the ultimately solidified films. The comparison of the assembly pathway evidences that the key step in the establishment of the pure DBC film is the coalescence of spherical micelles toward cylindrical domains. Due to the presence of the phase-selective precursor, the formation of cylindrical aggregates in the solution is crucial for the structural development of the hybrid film. The pre-existing cylinders in the ink impede the domain growth of the hybrid film during the subsequent drying process. The precursor reduces the degree of order, prevents crystallization of the PEO block, and introduces additional length scales in the hybrid films.  相似文献   
In times where research focuses on the use of organic polymers as a base for complex organic electronic applications and improving device efficiencies, degradation is still less intensively addressed in fundamental studies. Hence, advanced neutron scattering methods are applied to investigate a model system for organic electronics composed of the widely used conductive polymer blend poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) together with nanocellulose as flexible reinforcing template material. In particular, the impact of relative humidity (RH) on the nanostructure evolution is studied in detail. The implications are discussed from a device performance point of view and the changing nanostructure is correlated with macroscale physical properties such as conductivity. The first humidification (95% RH) leads to an irreversible decrease of conductivity. After the first humidification cycle, however, the conductivity can be reversibly regained when returning to low humidity values (5% RH), which is important for device manufacturing. This finding can directly contribute to an improved usability of emerging organic electronics in daily live.  相似文献   
Native tissues feature unique hierarchical designs, in which fiber units are arranged from the bottom up in anisotropic patterns. The processing of biomaterials into fibers, followed by their textile-like assembly into complex patterns, is therefore a promising avenue to engineer native-like tissue replacements. Here it is shown for the first time the fabrication of meter-long hydrogel fibers prepared from engineered elastin using a microinjection system and exploiting the catalyst-free click chemistry. Given their similarity to native elastin, the fabricated elastin-like fibers achieved excellent stretching (500%) and recoiling performance. Moreover, the fabrication scheme is compatible with the implementation of a salt-leaching gas-foaming approach, resulting in highly porous elastin-like fibers (the first of their kind). From the translation perspective, the fibers can be autoclaved, which allows for sterilization and long-term storage. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells cultured on autoclaved fibers produced a confluent endothelial layer lining the fiber surface, in which the cells became aligned in response to physiological fiber stretching. It is also shown that these functional fibers can be assembled by weaving, braiding and knitting, with various spatial patterns. Overall, the elastin-like fibers can be used as building blocks for the reconstruction of functional tissues using the principles of textile technology.  相似文献   
This short communication reports on a radar approach for structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades. Therefore, a bistatic frequency‐modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar in the frequency range from 33.4 to 36.0 GHz has been developed and tested experimentally using a laboratory wind turbine demonstrator. A differential damage localization framework is presented here that exploits signal differences between measurements from the intact and the damaged structure for 3D imaging of the defect. We have achieved the localization of a 30‐mm cut in a glass fiber composite structure as well as the localization of a water pack at the backside of the specimen with a localization error of several centimeters.  相似文献   
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