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In the field of nanotechnology, quantum dot-cellular automata (QCA) is the promising archetype that can provide an alternative solution to conventional complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuit. QCA has high device density, high operating speed, and extremely low power consumption. Reversible logic has widespread applications in QCA. Researchers have explored several designs of QCA-based reversible logic circuits, but still not much work has been reported on QCA-based reversible binary subtractors. The low power dissipation and high circuit density of QCA pledge the energy-efficient design of logic circuit at a nano-scale level. However, the necessity of too many logic gates and detrimental garbage outputs may limit the functionality of a QCA-based logic circuit. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of a DG gate in QCA. The universal nature of the DG gate has been established. The QCA building block of the DG gate is used to achieve new reversible binary subtractors. The proposed reversible subtractors have low quantum cost and garbage outputs compared to the existing reversible subtractors. The proposed circuits are designed and simulated using QCA Designer-2.0.3.  相似文献   
Agile software development (ASD) is an emerging approach in software engineering, initially advocated by a group of 17 software professionals who practice a set of “lightweight” methods, and share a common set of values of software development. In this paper, we advance the state-of-the-art of the research in this area by conducting a survey-based ex-post-facto study for identifying factors from the perspective of the ASD practitioners that will influence the success of projects that adopt ASD practices. In this paper, we describe a hypothetical success factors framework we developed to address our research question, the hypotheses we conjectured, the research methodology, the data analysis techniques we used to validate the hypotheses, and the results we obtained from data analysis. The study was conducted using an unprecedentedly large-scale survey-based methodology, consisting of respondents who practice ASD and who had experience practicing plan-driven software development in the past. The study indicates that nine of the 14 hypothesized factors have statistically significant relationship with “Success”. The important success factors that were found are: customer satisfaction, customer collaboration, customer commitment, decision time, corporate culture, control, personal characteristics, societal culture, and training and learning.  相似文献   
The points-to analysis problem is to find the pointer relationships that could arise during program execution. Many points-to analysis algorithms exist, each making a particular trade off between cost of the analysis and precision of the results. In this paper, we show how points-to analysis algorithms can be defined as transformed versions of an exact algorithm. We present a set of program transformations over a general program model and use them to define some existing points-to analysis algorithms. Doing so makes explicit the approximations involved in these algorithms. We also show how the transformations can be used to define new points-to analysis algorithms. Our transformations are generic and may be useful in the design of other program analysis algorithms.  相似文献   
End-to-end delay, power consumption, and communication cost are some of the most important metrics in a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) when routing from a source to a destination. Recent approaches using the swarm intelligence (SI) technique proved that the local interaction of several simple agents to meet a global goal has a significant impact on MANET routing. In this work, a hybrid routing intelligent algorithm that has an ant colony optimisation (ACO) algorithm and particle swarm optimisation (PSO) is used to improve the various metrics in MANET routing. The ACO algorithm uses mobile agents as ants to identify the most feasible and best path in a network. Additionally, the ACO algorithm helps to locate paths between two nodes in a network and provides input to the PSO technique, which is a metaheuristic approach in SI. The PSO finds the best solution for a particle’s position and velocity and minimises cost, power, and end-to-end delay. This hybrid routing intelligent algorithm has an improved performance when compared with the simple ACO algorithm in terms of delay, power consumption, and communication cost.  相似文献   
In this work, the effect of some Hofmeister anions on the Krafft temperature (TK) and micelle formation of cetylpyridinium bromide (CPB) have been studied. The results show that more chaotropic anions increase, while the less chaotropic ones lower the TK of the surfactant. More chaotropic I? and SCN? form contact ion pairs with the cetylpyridinium ion and reduce the electrostatic repulsion between the CPB molecules. As a result, these ions show salting‐out behavior, with a consequent increase in the TK. In contrast, less chaotropic Cl? and NO3? increase the activity of free water molecules and enhance hydration of CPB molecules, showing a decrease in the TK. A rather unusual behavior was observed in the case of SO42? and F?. These strong kosmotropes shift from their usual position in the Hofmeister series and behave like moderate chaotropes, lowering the TK of the surfactant. Because of the high charge density and the strong tendency for hydration these ions preferentially remain in the bulk. Rather than forming contact ion pairs, these ions stay away from the CPB molecules, decreasing the TK of the surfactant. In term of decreasing the TK, the ions follow the order NO3? > SO42? > Cl? > F? > Br? > SCN? > I?. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the surfactant decreases significantly in the presence of these ions due to the screening of the micelle surface charge by the excess counterions. The decreasing trend of the CMC in the presence of the salts follows the order SCN? > I? > SO42? > NO3? > Br? > Cl? > F?.  相似文献   
Polycrystalline BiFeO3 (BFO) and Bi0.90Gd0.10Fe1?xZrxO3 (x = 0.0–0.10; BGFZx) ceramics were synthesized by solid‐state reaction method. Rietveld analysis of X‐ray diffraction patterns showed that BFO and BGFZx = 0.0 samples are stabilized in rhombohedral structure (space group R3c), whereas a small fraction of orthorhombic phase (space group Pn21a) is observed for BGFZx = 0.03–0.10 samples. Suppression and disappearance of some Raman modes indicated a structural phase transition with addition of Zr dopant at Fe site. Magnetic measurements exhibited weak ferromagnetic behavior of BGFZx samples with increasing Zr+4 concentrations. The insertion of Gd+3 ions at Bi+3 sites and nonmagnetic Zr+4 ions at Fe+3 sites in Fe–O–Fe network suppressed the spin cycloid structure of BFO which in turn enhanced the magnetization of these ceramics. Electron spin resonance spectra revealed the breaking of spin cycloid of BFO due to the development of free spins with addition of Zr+4 dopants at Fe sites. UV–Visible diffuse reflectance spectra showed one dd crystal field transition and two charge‐transfer (C–T) transitions along with a sharp absorption of light in visible region for all samples. Almost frequency‐independent dielectric constant and dielectric loss along with very low values of dielectric loss indicated greatly improved dielectric properties for BGFZx = 0.03–0.10 samples.  相似文献   
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is a serum protein whichunexpectedly folds to yield two stable tertiary structures withdifferent disulphide connectivities; native IGF-1 [18–61,6–48,47–52]and IGF-1 swap [18–61,6–47, 48–52]. Here we demonstratein detail the biological properties of recombinant human nativeIGF-1 and IGF-1 swap secreted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.IGF-1 swap had a ~30 fold loss in affinity for the IGF-1 receptoroverexpressed on BHK cells compared with native IGF-1.The parallelincrease in dose required to induce negative cooperativity togetherwith the parallel loss in mitogenicity in NIH 3T3 cells impliesthat disruption of the IGF-1 receptor binding interaction ratherthan restriction of a post-binding conformational change isresponsible for the reduction in biological activity of IGF-1swap. Interestingly, the affinity of IGF-1 swap for the insulinreceptor was ~200 fold lower than that of native IGF-1 indicatingthat the binding surface complementary to the insulin receptor(or the ability to attain it) is disturbed to a greater extentthan that to the IGF-1 receptor. A 1.0 ns high-temperature moleculardynamics study of the local energy landscape of IGF-1 swap resultedin uncoiling of the first A-region -helix and a rearrangementin the relative orientation of the A- and B-regions. The modelof IGF-1 swap is structurally homologous to the NMR structureof insulin swap and CD spectra consistent with the model arepresented. However, in the model of IGF-1 swap the C-regionhas filled the space where the first A-region -helix has uncoiledand this may be hindering interaction of Val44 with the secondinsulin receptor binding pocket.  相似文献   
Galectins show remarkable binding specificity towards ß-galactosides.A recently developed method for calculating binding free energiesbetween a protein and its substrates has been used to evaluatethe binding specificity of galectin-3. Five disaccharides anda tetrasaccharide were used as the substrates. The calculatedbinding free energies agree quite well with the experimentaldata and the ranking of binding affinities is well reproduced.For all the six protein–ligand complexes it was observedthat electrostatic interactions oppose binding whereas the non-polarcontributions drive complex formation. The observed bindingspecificity of galectin-3 for galactosides rather than glucosidesis discussed in light of our results.  相似文献   
A complete three-dimensional model (RCSB001169; PDB code 1qqz) for the Vibrio cholerae toxin coregulated pilus protein (TcpA),including residues 1–197, is presented. We have used thecrystal structure of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae pilin (PilE),available biochemical data about TcpA, variations in the primarysequences of TcpA among various Vibrio cholerae strains andsecondary structure prediction, hydrophilicity, surface probabilityand antigenicity plots for TcpA to build our model. In our TcpAmodel, the first 137 residues possess a structure similar tothe PilE, but the remainder is different. Though the ladle shapeis still preserved, TcpA possesses a larger ladle head or globulardomain compared to PilE. Using this model, it has been possibleto identify two kinds of conserved residues: (i) those formingthe core of the TcpA monomer and (ii) those involved in themonomer–monomer interactions leading to fibre formation.Residues on the fibre exterior, important in the mediation ofbacterium (pilus)–bacterium (pilus) and bacterium (pilus)–hostinteractions, show more variability in comparison to those of(i) and (ii).  相似文献   
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