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Extracellular amyloid beta-peptide (A beta) deposition is a pathological feature of Alzheimer's disease and the aging brain. Intracellular A beta accumulation is observed in the human muscle disease, inclusion body myositis. A beta has been reported to be toxic to neurons through disruption of normal calcium homeostasis. The pathogenic role of A beta in inclusion body myositis is not as clear. Elevation of intracellular calcium following application of calcium ionophore increases the generation of A beta from its precursor protein (betaAPP). A receptor-based mechanism for the increase in A beta production has not been reported to our knowledge. Here, we use caffeine to stimulate ryanodine receptor (RYR)-regulated intracellular calcium release channels and show that internal calcium stores also participate in the genesis of A beta. In cultured HEK293 cells transfected with betaAPP cDNA, caffeine (5-10 mM) significantly increased the release of A beta fourfold compared with control. These actions of caffeine were saturable, modulated by ryanodine, and inhibited by the RYR antagonists ruthenium red and procaine. The calcium reuptake inhibitors thapsigargin and cyclopiazonic acid potentiated caffeine-stimulated A beta release. NH4Cl and monensin, agents that alter acidic gradients in intracellular vesicles, abolished both the caffeine and ionophore effects. Immunocytochemical studies showed some correspondence between the distribution patterns of RYR and cellular betaAPP immunoreactivities. The relevance of these findings to Alzheimer's disease and inclusion body myositis is discussed.  相似文献   
We have screened 57 cases of primary, nonfunctional, pituitary adenomas for loss of heterozygosity of markers on chromosome 9p. Using a panel of 11 microsatellite markers, we found hemizygous deletion with at least one of the markers in 18 tumors (31.5%). The frequency of loss was similar in both noninvasive (8 of 26; 31%) and invasive tumors (10 of 31; 32%), suggesting that loss on this chromosome might be an early event in pituitary tumorigenesis. Two discrete areas of loss were punctuated by a region of retention of heterozygosity between the markers D9S171 and IFNA, indicative of homozygous deletion. However, multiplex PCR analysis (MTS1 and MTS2) and the presence of a 3' untranslated region polymorphism in MTS1 suggested that neither of these tumor suppressor genes was homozygously deleted. In 6 of the 18 tumors showing LOH, sufficient DNA was also available for Southern blot analysis and, in all cases, showed retention of MTS1. Cell mixing experiments of tumor cell DNA homozygously deleted for MTS1 with DNA in which neither copy of the gene was deleted only gave rise to a signal at contamination levels greater than 30% and could discriminate homozygous and hemizygous loss. These studies support the recent findings that mechanisms other than hemi- and homozygous deletion are most likely responsible for the loss of MTS1 gene product in pituitary tumors (M. Woloschak et al., Cancer Res., 56: 2493-2486, 1996.). These data show that losses on either side of 9p21-22, both or either of which may be deleted, are involved in pituitary tumorigenesis and provide evidence for distinct suppressor gene loci, in addition to MTS1, on chromosome 9p.  相似文献   
Previous in vitro analyses have shown that the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase uses either manganese or magnesium to assemble as a stable complex on the donor substrate and to catalyze strand transfer. We now demonstrate that subsequent to assembly, catalysis of both 3' end processing and strand transfer requires a divalent cation cofactor and that the divalent cation requirements for assembly and catalysis can be functionally distinguished based on the ability to utilize calcium and cobalt, respectively. The different divalent cation requirements manifest by these processes are exploited to uncouple assembly and catalysis, thus staging the reaction. Staged 3' end processing and strand transfer assays are then used in conjunction with exonuclease III protection analysis to investigate the effects of integrase inhibitors on each step in the reaction. Analysis of a series of related inhibitors demonstrates that these types of compounds affect assembly and not either catalytic process, therefore reconciling the apparent disparate results obtained for such inhibitors in assays using isolated preintegration complexes. These studies provide evidence for a distinct role of the divalent cation cofactor in assembly and catalysis and have implications for both the identification and characterization of integrase inhibitors.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To analyse the effect of hospital experience on mortality after subtotal pancreaticoduodenectomy in the Netherlands. DESIGN: Retrospective evaluation. METHOD: Information on hospital mortality and pancreatic resection in 1994 and 1995 in the Netherlands was obtained from the National Medical Register. Subanalysis was carried out of surgical mortality by age and hospital experience. RESULTS: Approximately 50% of the pancreaticoduodenectomies in the Netherlands were performed in hospitals with limited experience (< 5 procedures per year). Hospital mortality was higher in small-volume hospitals than in hospitals with experience (> 25 procedures per year): in 1994 17.2 and 0% and in 1995 14.6 and 2.9%, respectively (p < 0.05). Mortality was higher in patients older than 70 years compared with patients younger than 55 (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: There was a correlation between mortality after pancreaticoduodenectomy and hospital experience. Therefore these procedures should be performed in centres with experience.  相似文献   
In the preceding paper (Latham, G. J., Bacheller, D. J., Pietroni, P. , and von Hippel, P. H. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 31677-31684), we demonstrated that the T4 gp44/62-ATP clamp loader binds to the C-terminal face of the gp45 sliding clamp. Here we extend these results by exploring the structural relationship between the gp43 polymerase and the gp45 sliding clamp. Using fluorescence intensity and polarization techniques, as well as photo-cross-linking methods, we present evidence that gp43, like gp44/62, binds to the C-terminal face of gp45. In addition, we show that g43 binds to the gp45 clamp in two distinct interaction modes, depending on the presence or absence of template-primer DNA. When template-primer DNA is present, gp43 binds tightly to gp45 to form the highly processive DNA polymerase holoenzyme. Gp43 also binds to gp45 in the absence of template-primer DNA, but this interaction is more than 100 times weaker than gp43-gp45 binding on DNA. Specific interactions between gp43 and the C-terminal face of gp45 are maintained in both modes of binding. These results underscore the pivotal role of template-primer DNA in modulating the strength of protein-protein interactions during DNA synthesis and provide additional insight into the structural requirements of the replication process.  相似文献   
The periplasmic nucleotide pyrophosphatase from Haemophilus parasuis was purified 750-fold to electrophoretic homogeneity through salt fractionation and ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. The purified enzyme was monomeric with an apparent M(r) of 70,000 and catalyzed the hydrolysis of the pyrophosphate bond of NAD to yield NMN and AMP as products. The enzyme exhibited negative cooperativity in the hydrolysis of a number of pyridine dinucleotides and structurally-related pyrophosphate compounds as indicated by biphasic double-reciprocal plots and Hill coefficients of 0.5. The kinetic parameters, K(m) and Vm, determined titrimetrically and analyzed through computer programs, were used to compare the relative effectiveness of dinucleotides containing nitrogen bases other than nicotinamide or adenine to that of NAD. Effective substrate-competitive inhibition of the pyrophosphatase was observed with purine and pyrimidine nucleoside diphosphates in the low micromolar concentration range. Although less effective, N1-alkylnicotinamide chlorides also inhibited competitively with respect to the substrate, NAD. In addition to being an effective inhibitor of the purified enzyme, adenosine diphosphate also inhibited growth of H. parasuis at a low micromolar concentration. This inhibition of growth correlates well with inhibition of the periplasmic pyrophosphatase which is supported by the fact that adenosine diphosphate does not effectively inhibit growth when the pyrophosphatase is by-passed by growth on nicotinamide mononucleotide. These observations are all consistent with the periplasmic nucleotide pyrophosphatase being essential for the growth of the organism on NAD and therefore, a very important enzyme with respect to the pathogenesis of the organism. 3-Aminopyridine mononucleotide, which also inhibited growth of H. parasuis at a low micromolar concentration, did not effectively inhibit the purified pyrophosphatase and a different target enzyme needs to be considered to explain growth inhibition by this derivative.  相似文献   
Hemifacial spasm (HFS), generally a disease of the elderly, is caused by vascular compression of the seventh nerve. Vascular compression is thought to result from atherosclerotic changes within the vessels of the posterior fossa, and therefore rarely presents in childhood. Here we describe our experience with 12 patients with onset of HFS during childhood (age 18 or less) and who had surgical exploration of the cerebellopontine angle. These patients represent less than 1.2% of the patient population with HFS operated upon at this institution during the study period. Nine patients had follow-up data extending over 83 months. All 12 patients were found to have microvascular compression of the seventh nerve at the time of surgery. The most common operative finding was compression of the seventh nerve by a vein, alone or in combination with a branch of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery. At the time of discharge and after a mean follow-up period of 125 months, microvascular decompression resulted in complete relief of spasm in 67% of the patients.  相似文献   
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The authors evaluated a method for obtaining reproducible, reliable measurements from standard lumbar spine radiographs for determining the degree of spondylolisthesis, vertebral body height, intervertebral disk space height, disk space angle, and degree of vertebral body wedging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four to six easily defined points were identified on each vertebral body on anteroposterior and lateral plain radiographs of the lumbosacral spine of patients. From these points, the degree of spondylolisthesis, the vertebral body height, the intervertebral disk space height, the disk space angle, and the degree of vertebral body wedging were easily calculated by using well-known geometric relationships. This method requires the use of a personal computer and a standard spreadsheet program but does not require the use of any other specialized radiographic equipment, computer hardware, or custom software. RESULTS: Calculations of intra- and interobserver variability for the measurement of spondylolisthesis, disk space height, disk space angle, and vertebral body height measurement showed that the technique is extremely reproducible. CONCLUSION: This technique may prove useful in the prospective evaluation of potential candidates for lumbar spinal stenosis surgery.  相似文献   
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